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BELLWORK 9/13/16 Name, Period Number, Date!

Returning home to find the front door open, lights on, and a sword stuck in the ceiling, along with holes in the backyard. What could be the explanation behind these bizarre occurrences?

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BELLWORK 9/13/16 Name, Period Number, Date!

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  1. BELLWORK 9/13/16Name, Period Number, Date! After a long, hard day of work, you return home—the only problem is, your front door is wide open, all your lights are on and there's a sword stuck in the ceiling. The rest of your house looks normal, but you also notice several holes dug in your backyard. What's going on? 10 minutes to write – I would like at least 8 sentences…

  2. THE GREAT AWAKENING On your SOAPStone graphic organizer, write the following information: Sermon – a speech given from a pulpit in a house of worship. Sermons usually have the following elements: • They are persuasive and meant to encourage listeners to take action. • They address the needs and concerns of the listeners. • They appeal to emotions. • They include expressive and rhythmic language. Note: Ministers often include archetypes in their sermons which are images, patterns, or stories from the Bible, myth, or classical literature.

  3. THE GREAT AWAKENING WITH YOUR GROUP OF THREE. . . • Read and complete the “Before Reading Pages” section on the Three Level Study Guide. • Read about Jonathan Edwards on p. 85. • Read the excerpt from the sermon on pp. 86-91. • Complete the “During and After Reading” section on the Three Level Study Guide. WHOLE CLASS DISCUSSION. . .

  4. Exit Ticket 9/13/16: • Last week, we focused on WRITING, and we covered important topics like your introduction, your thesis statement, finding textual evidence to support claims, and synthesizing your ideas in a strong concluding paragraph. • Tell me what you learned from this writing assignment and the skills we worked on last week…

  5. BELLWORK 9/14/16Name, Period Number, Date! The doorbell rings. You check the alarm clock and notice it’s way too early for someone to be visiting. You crawl out of the warm bed and scuffle across the house to the front door. You crack it open and no one is there. Upon opening the door, you notice an unmarked package on... 10 minutes to write – I would like at least 8 sentences…

  6. THE GREAT AWAKENING WITH YOUR GROUP OF THREE. . . Complete your SOAPStone graphic organizer for the sermon, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” by Jonathan Edwards. (30 minutes) WHOLE CLASS DISCUSSION. . .

  7. EXIT TICKET 9/14/16: • Is Jonathan Edward’s sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” effective? Why or why not?

  8. BELLWORK 9/16/16Name, Period Number, Date! What annoys you? You have 10 minutes to write – I would like at least 8-10 sentences… After I stamp you work, submit to basket: You should have three assignments this week.

  9. Video: The salem witch trials… • Please read the questions on the Salem Witch Trials Video Guide. • This guide will be a class quiz. As long as someone has the correct answer on their paper at the end of the DVD, everyone will obtain credit for that question. This will be a group effort, so please pay attention and answer as many of the questions as you are able to. Your classmates are depending on you! 

  10. Closure 9/15/16: • Confer with people in your small group and complete as much of the guide as you are able to with your trio.

  11. BELLWORK 9/16/16:Name, Period Number, Date! Have you ever posted, Texted, emailed, or said something that you wish you could take back? Explain…. You have 10 minutes to write – I would like at least 8-10 sentences…

  12. Grade Salem witch trials video guide together… • I will keep track of the correct answers as they are given. Your job is to participate and make sure you write down the accurate responses.

  13. Ssr: • Please use the remainder of class time today to read your Independent Reading Book. • Be thinking about which project you will complete for this book from your grid of options.

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