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Anti-Doping Policies The Athletic Trainer’s Role

This comprehensive guide explores the world of anti-doping policies, including the roles of governing bodies, the responsibilities of athletes and staff, and the nuances of testing procedures. Delve into the complexities of doping control processes and the compliance monitoring codes set by organizations like the World Anti-Doping Agency. Learn about prohibited substances, testing terminologies, and the legal implications of doping in various sports. Discover how anti-doping organizations ensure a level playing field for all athletes.

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Anti-Doping Policies The Athletic Trainer’s Role

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  1. Anti-Doping PoliciesThe Athletic Trainer’s Role Are they really CHEATERS? Nadine Waeghe, ATC, PT

  2. Objectives • Overview of Doping Control Process: • Governing Bodies • Anti-Doping Organizations • Legal Implications • Work Place Drug Policies • Terminology • Testing Procedures • Staff / Officials Responsibility • Athlete/Employee Responsibility • Athletic Trainer Role

  3. What do you THINK you KNOW?

  4. What do you THINK you KNOW? Barry Bonds ALEX RODRIGUEZ MARION JONES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXoRdSTrR-4 Maria Sharapova LANCE ARMSTRONG Michael Phelps RUSSIAN OLYMPIC TEAM

  5. LAYERS Implication LAYERS Regulation Event / Venue Team / Organization League / Level Sport National International World

  6. World Anti-Doping Agency The World Anti-Doping Agency was founded with the aim of bringing consistency to anti-doping policies and regulations within sport organizations and governments across the world. • Code Compliance Monitoring • Education • Scientific Research • Laboratory Accreditations • Therapeutic Use Exemptions • Athlete Biological Passport • Anti-Doping Administration & Management System (ADAMS) • Regional Anti-Doping Organization program • Athlete Outreach • Cooperation with Law Enforcement (all levels) • Independent Observer Missions (undercover data collection) A world where ALL athletes can compete in a doping-free sporting environment.

  7. Multi-Sport Organizations and Events International Organizations Members of the IPC Organizations for Athletes with an Impairment Other International Federations ARISF Members National Anti-Doping Organizations Regional Anti-Doping Organizations Other OIC Recognized Organizations AIMS National Paralympic Committees International Sports Federations for Athletes with an Impairment ASOIF Members AIOWF Members • IBU • FIBT • WCF • IIHF • FIL • ISU • FIS • IFCPF • WA • IAAF • BWF • FIBA • AIBA • ICF • UCI • FEI • FIE • IGF • FIG • IHF • FIH • IJF • UIPM • FISA • WORLD RUGBY • ISAF • ISSF • FINA • ITTF • WTF • ITF • ITU • FIVB • IWF • UWWFF • FAI • IFAF • FIA • FIB • WBSC • IBAF • WCBS • CMSB • FIQ • WBF • ICU • FIDE • ICC • IDSF • IFF • WFDF • WKF • IKF • ILSF • FIM • UIAA • IFNA • IOF • FIPV • FIP • UIM • IRF • FIRS • ISMF • IFSC • WSF • IFS • ISA • TWIF • CMAS • IWWF • IWUF • CACSO • CIFJ • CGF • CIJM • CISM • IMGA • IOC • FISU • IWGA • ODEBO • POCOG • GAISF Index of All National Anti-Doping Organizations* • RADO Africa Zone I • RADO Africa Zone II-III • RADO Africa Zone V • RADO Africa Zone VI • RADO Central Africa • RADO Caribbean • RADO Central America • RADO Central Asia • RADO Eastern Europe • RADO Indian Ocean • RADO Gulf States and Yemen • RADO Oceania • RADO South America • RADO South Asia • RADO South East Asia • RADO West Asia • EOC • OCA • ODESUR • PASO/ODEPA • GAISF • IAF • IFBB • ICSF • WDF • IDBF • FMJD • IFA • IGF • IFI • JJIF • FIK • WAKO • FILx • WMF • IFMA • IPF • FIAS • FIS • ISTAF • IFSS • ISTF • CIPS • BIFED • CPISRA • IBSA • INAS • IWAS • IWBF • IWRF • WPV • APC • CISS/ICSD • IPC • WAF • World Bowls Ltd. • IFC • WDC • IeSF • WKO • KIF • IKA • IFMP • IPSF • RLIF • ITF • WTC • UEFA

  8. Organizations with AD Rules • Pro Sports: NFL, MLB, NHL, NBA, PGA, WTA / ATP, MLS, Boxing, Horse Racing, FIFA, NASCAR, UFC • Olympic / International Sports: USADA governs official US Teams – Athletics, Ski/Snowboard, Swimming, Gymnastics, Wrestling, Boxing, Fencing… X-Games, Paralympics • Collegiate Sports: NCAA, NAIA, NJCAA • Youth / HS Sports: California Interscholastic Federation (CIF), Club Sports, Junior Olympic Competition • Military • Corporations • Particular Jobs: heavy equipment operators, transportation…

  9. Anti-Doping Enforcement • What legal contract was signed and between what parties? • What consequences were stated in writing for violation of contract? • What are specific policies for collection and testing? • What are stated policies for enforcement of violation? • Who actually signed the contract of agreement? (Esp if Minor) • Who determines if act was a violation? • Who carries out enforcement of violation? • What is policy for contesting or appealing violation allegations? • Who determines extent of consequences? • How are consequences served?

  10. Anti-Doping Terminology • Prohibited at ALL Times • Non-Approved Substances: any pharmacological substance not addressed by the List with no current approval by any government regulatory health agency. • Prohibited Methods • Exceptions • Prohibited in Particular Sports • Monitoring Program • In / Out of Competition • In-Season vs Off-Season • Injured Reserve • At Event vs Between Events vs Multi-Events • Whereabouts Program • Registered Testing Pool • Filing Failure • Missed Test • Doping Control Process / Testing • Doping Control Station • Doping Control Officer (DCO) • Athlete Selection • Sample Collection • Sample Analysis • Results management • Athlete Sample A & B • Adverse Analytical Finding • Sanction • Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) • Calendar Year vs 12 Months • Anti-Corruption Policies • Covered Persons / Related Persons

  11. Testing Procedures • Athlete Selection • Random • Competition Results • Targeted • In or Out of Competition • Athlete Notification • Sample Collection • Urine or Blood • A & B Sample • Athlete does all handling • Sample Analysis • Results Management https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWhudwnE3Fg

  12. Staff & Officials Responsibilities Athlete Support Team • Coach • Parent / Spouse / Family • Agent / Manager • Private PT / AT/ MT Sport Admin / Management • Athletic Director • Board/ CEO / Commissioner • Marketing / Communications • Event Supervisor • Compliance Officer Medical Team • Medical Director • Sports Sciences Team • Ancillary HCP Doping Control Reps • DCO / Chaperone • AD Testing Supervisor • Testing Lab Personnel • Review Committee/Board Governing AD Agency • Rules Committee • Sanctioning Board Legal Team • Athlete • Sport Organization • WADA • Law Enforcement

  13. Athlete Responsibilities • Read & Understand Athlete / Participation Contract. • Review WADA & Sport Doping Policy 6 weeks before season begins and share with Support Team to ensure understanding. • Carry Prohibited List at all times. • Complete TUE ASAP & keep approval readily available to show if/when tested. • Discuss with medical team prior to taking ANY substance, complete TUE in advance if possible. • Check ALL Dietary Supplements (supplement411.org). • Read EACH Entry Form / Registration Form. • Ask / Inquire / Educate self throughout year. • Know his/her Testing Pool & Whereabouts status. • Know timing of testing procedures & filings. • Know athlete RIGHTS during doping control process. • Determine which agency has notified / is testing him/her. • Ask for DCO credentials & understand his/her role. • Comply with sample collection procedure. • Prepare to show ID & have representative present if needed. • Ask to document any irregularities in writing. • Ensure Sample Code is correctly documented & all documentation is accurate, complete & signed. • Athletes must ensure that all substances prohibited in competition have “cleared” from his/her body prior to participation in an event period.

  14. Athletic Trainer Role • Join the Team / Process • Educate Pre Season • Athletes • Coaches • Family • Medical Community • PPE – Review Physicals • Meet with Individual Athletes • Ensure TUEs completed & on file • Provide Accessible Resources • Handouts • Posters • Online / Links • Collaborate with Dietitian • Communicate with Private Medical & Healthcare Practitioners • Be a Representative for athlete • Document everything! Venus struggled to breathe. Could the tournament physician administer a Beta-2 Agonist inhaler on court during the match?

  15. How are YOU supporting your athlete in regard to Anti-Doping Regulation?

  16. Primary References • WADA- https://www.wada-ama.org/en/content/what-is-prohibited • USADA- https://www.usada.org/substances/prohibited-list/ • Refers to this site: https://www.globaldro.com/Home as a place to check whether a substance you wish to take is banned in a variety of places and sports • Changes: https://www.usada.org/wp-content/uploads/wada_2019_english_summary_of_modifications.pdf • NCAA- http://www.ncaa.org/sites/default/files/2018-19NCAA_Banned_Drugs_20180608.pdf • NAIA- http://www.naia.org/fls/27900/wellness-center/pdf/NAIA_Banned_Substances_List.pdf • IAAF- https://www.iaaf.org/about-iaaf/documents/anti-doping • IOC- List for 2018 Olympics- https://www.olympic.org/~/media/Document%20Library/OlympicOrg/IOC/What-We-Do/Protecting-Clean-Athletes/Fight-against-doping/EN-Anti-Doping-Rules-PyeongChang2018.pdf?la=en • US Track & Field- https://www.usatf.org/about/legal/antidoping/prohibitedSubstances.asp • US Ski & Snowboard- https://my.ussa.org/alpine-programs/athletes/high-performance/sports-medicine/anti-doping • Other Useful info- https://www.fis-ski.com/en/inside-fis/governance/fis-anti-doping • FIS- https://res.cloudinary.com/fis-production/image/upload/v1537429916/fis-prod/assets/FISanti-dopingrules2016updatejuly2016_English.pdf • US Swimming- https://www.usaswimming.org/utility/landing-pages/doping-control-group/doping-control • FINA- http://www.fina.org/content/prohibited-list • US Gymnastics- https://www.teamusa.org/Home/Team%20USA%20Athlete%20Services/Anti-Doping • US Wrestling- https://www.teamusa.org/Home/Team%20USA%20Athlete%20Services/Anti-Doping • California High School Sports- http://www.cifstate.org/sports-medicine/performance_enhancement • Boxing- • US Boxing List: https://www.teamusa.org/Home/Team%20USA%20Athlete%20Services/Anti-Doping • AIBA List: https://d152tffy3gbaeg.cloudfront.net/2018/08/AIBA-Anti-Doping-Rules-August-1-2018.pdf • PGA-https://www.usga.org/content/dam/usga/pdf/2018/2017-2018_Anti_Doping_Manual.PDF

  17. Primary References • MLB- http://mlb.mlb.com/pa/pdf/prohibited-substances.pdf • NFL- https://www.nflpa.com/active-players/drug-policieshttps://nflpaweb.blob.core.windows.net/media/Default/PDFs/2018%20NFL%20PES%20Policy%20Prohibited%20Substances%20List.pdf • NHL- Follows WADA rules • NBA- Vague: https://www.nba.com/media/CBA101_9.12.pdf • MLS- Adopted WADA policy according to the New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/29/sports/soccer/contract-has-strict-drug-policy.html • Horse racing- Follows USADA rules within USA • Tennis- Follows WADA rules • FIFA- https://resources.fifa.com/image/upload/fifa-anti-doping-regulations.pdf?cloudid=ujtnvke2uqscz2pgs4ct • X-Games - Follows WADA rules • Special Olympics- Follows USADA rules within USA • Paralympics- Follows USADA rules • UFC- https://ufc.usada.org/wp-content/uploads/UFC-anti-doping-policy-EN.pdf • NATA Position Statements- • http://natajournals.org/doi/pdf/10.4085/1062-6050-47.5.08 • https://www.nata.org/news-publications/pressroom/statements/position

  18. *National Anti-Doping Organizations Index A-K • Albania - Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports • Algeria - Commission Nationale Anti-Dopage • Andorra - Commission d’Étatantidopaged’Andorre (AGAD) • Angola - National Olympic Committee of Angola • Argentina - ComisiónAntidopajeInterina - ComitéOlímpicoArgentino • Armenia - National Anti-Doping Organization of Armenia • Aruba - National Olympic Committee of Aruba • Australia - Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA) • Austria - Nationale Anti-Doping Agentur Austria (NADA) • Azerbaijan - Azerbaijan National Anti-doping Agency (ANADA) • Bahamas - Bahamas Olympic Committee • Bahrain - Bahrain Olympic Committee • Bangladesh - Bangladesh Olympic Association • Barbados - National Anti-Doping Commission of Barbados • Belarus - Belarus National Anti-Doping Agency (BNADA) • Belgium - (Flanders) NADO Flanders • Belgium - (French Community) French Community of Belgium NADO • Belgium - National Anti-Doping Organization of the Common Community Commission (COCOM) (Brussels) NADO • Belgium (German Community) - Ministerium der DeutschsprachigenGemeinschaftBelgiens NADO-DG • Belize - National Anti-Doping Organization of Belize • Benin - Organization béninoiseantidopage • Bermuda - Bermuda Council for Drug Free Sports (BCDS) • Bhutan - Bhutan Olympic Committee • Bolivia - National Olympic Committee of Bolivia • Bosnia & Herzegovina - Agency for Anti-doping Control of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ADABH) • Botswana - Botswana National Olympic Committee • Brazil - AutoridadeBrasileira de Controle de Dopagem (ABCD) • British Virgin Islands - British Virgin Islands Olympic Committee • Brunei Darussalam - Brunei Darussalam Anti-Doping Committee • Bulgaria - National Anti-Doping Commission Republic of Bulgaria • Burkina Faso - Comité national de luttecontre le dopage ONAD-CNLD • Burundi - ONAD du Burundi • Cambodia - Anti-Doping Agency (CADA) • Cameroons - OrganisationCamerounaise de Luttecontre le Dopage en Sport (OCALUDS) • Canada - Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sports (CCES) • Cape Verde - National Olympic Committee of Cape Verde • Cayman Islands - Cayman Islands Olympic Committee • Central Africa - Comité National Olympique et SportifCentrafricain • Chad - Commission nationale de luttecontre le dopagedans le sport (CNLDS) • Chile - ComisiónNacional de Control de Dopaje de Chile • China - China Anti-Doping Agency (CHINADA) • Chinese Taipei - Anti-Doping Commission, Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee • Colombia - COLDEPORTES • Comoros - ComitéOlympique et Sportif des îlesComores • Congo, Dem. Rep - Comité national antidopagecongolais • Cook Islands - Cook Islands Sports and National Olympic Committee • Costa Rica - ComisiónNacionalAntidopaje en el Deporte • Côte d'Ivoire - Comité National Olympique de Côte d'Ivoire • Croatia - Croatia Institute of Public Health • Cuba - National Anti-Doping Body for the republic of Cuba • Cyprus - Cyprus Anti-doping Authority (CyADA) • Czech Republic - Czech Anti-Doping Committee (CADC) • Denmark - Anti Doping Denmark (ADD) • Djibouti - Comité National OlympiqueDjiboutien • Dominica - National Anti-Doping Organization, Inc. • Dominican Republic - Dominican Republic NADO • Ecuador     - OrganizaciónNacionalAntidopaje de Ecuador (ONADE) • Egypt - Egyptian NADO • Equatorial Guinea - National Olympic Committee of Equatorial Guinea • Eritea - Eritea NADO • Estonia - Estonian Anti-Doping Agency (EADA) • Ethiopia - Ethiopia NADO • Fiji Islands - Drug Free Sport Fiji (DFSF) • Finland - Finnish Antidoping Agency (FINADA) • France - AgenceFrancaise de Luttecontre le Dopage (AFLD-NADO) • French Polynesia - Cellule AntidopagePolynesieFrancaise • Gabon - Comité National de Lutte et de Prévention du DopageGabonais • Gambia - Gambia National Olympic Committee • Georgia - Georgian Anti-Doping Agency • Germany - Nationale Anti Doping Agentur (NADA) • Ghana - Ghana Olympic Committee • Guine Bissau - National Olympic Committee of Guinea Bissau • Guinea - National Fight against Doping Committee • Great Britain - UKAD • Greece - Hellenic National Council for Combating Doping (ESKAN) • Grenada - Grenada Anti-Doping Organization  • Guam - Guam National Olympic Committee • Guatemala - AgenciaNacionalAntidoping Agency • Guyana - Guyana Olympic Association • Haiti - ComitéOlympiqueHaïtien • Honduras - National Olympic Committee of Honduras • Hong Kong - Hong Kong Anti-Doping Committee • Hungary - Magyar AntidoppingCsoport (HUNADO) • Iceland - National Olympic and Sports Association of Iceland (ISINOC) • India - India National Anti-Doping Agency (INADA) • Indonesia - Indonesia Anti-Doping Agency (LADI) • Iran - Iran National Anti Doping Organization  • Iraq - National Olympic Committee of Iraq • Ireland - Irish Sports Council (ISC) • Israel - Anti-Doping Committee of Israel (ISR-NADO) • Italy - ComitatoOlimpicoNazionaleItaliano (CONI) • Jamaica - Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission (JADCO) • Japan - Japan Anti-Doping Agency (JADA) • Jordan - Jordan Anti-doping Organization (JADO) • Kazakhstan - The Kazakhstan Anti-Doping Organization • Kenya - Anti-Doping Agency of Kenya (KNOC) • Kiribati - Kiribati National Olympic Committee • Korea - Korea Anti-Doping Agency (KADA) • Korea DPR - Korea Anti-Doping Agency (DPR) • Kuwait - Kuwait Anti-Doping Committee • Kyrgyzstan - National Olympic Committee of the Republic of KGZ

  19. *National Anti-Doping Organizations Index L-Z • Latvia - Anti-Doping department of Sport medicine State Agency • Lebanon - Lebanese Olympic Committee • Lesotho - Lesotho National Olympic Committee • Liberia - Liberia National Olympic Committee • Lithuania - Anti-Doping Agency of Lithuania • Stat of Libya - Libyan National Anti-Doping Committee (NADC) • Lithuania - Lithuanian Anti-Doping Agency • Luxembourg - AgenceLuxembourgeoiseantidopage (ALAD) • Macedonia - National Anti-Doping Commission • Madagascar - ComitéOlympiqueMalgache • Malawi - Malawi Anti-Doping Organization • Malaysia     - Anti-Doping Agency of Malaysia (ADAMAS) •    Maldives - Maldives National Anti-Doping Association (MANADA) • Mali - Commission Nationale de Luttecontre le Dopage • Malta - Malta Sport Council • Marshall Islands - National Olympic Committee • Mauritania - ComitéOlympiqueMauritanien • Mauritius - Anti-Doping Unit, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Mauritius • Mexico - ComitéNacionalAntidopaje de Mexico • Micronesia - Federated States of Micronesia National Olympic Committee • Moldova - National Antidoping Agency of Republic of Moldova  • Monaco - ComitéMonégasqueAntidopage • Mongolia - Mongolian National Anti Doping Organization • Montenegro - Montenegro Antidoping Commission • Morocco - Comité National OlympiqueMarocain • Mozambique - National Olympic Committee of Mozambique • Myanmar - Myanmar Anti-Doping Organization (MADO) • Namibia - Namibia National Olympic Committee • Nauru - Nauru Olympic Committee • Nepal - Nepal Olympic Committee • Netherlands - Anti-Doping Authority Netherlands • New Caledonia - Anti-Doping Organization New Caledonia • New Zealand - Dug Free Sport New Zealand (DFSNZ) • Nicaragua - InstitutoNicaragüense de Deportes (I.N.D.) • Niger - Comitéolympique et sportif national du Niger • Nigeria - Nigerian National Anti-Doping Committee • Norway - Anti-Doping Norway (AND) • Oman - Oman Anti Doping Committee (OADC) • Pakistan - Anti-doping Organization of Pakistan (ADOP) • Palau - Palau Anti-Doping Organization (PNOC) • Palestine - Palestinian Olympic Committee • Panama - InstitutoPanameño de Deportes • Papua New Guinea - Papua New Guinea Sports Anti-Doping Organization • Paraguay - National Anti-Doping Agency of Paraguay (NOC) • Peru -Commission Anti-Doping Peu NOC • Philippine - Philippines Sports Commission (PSC) • Poland - Polish Commission against Doping in Sport • Portugal - AutoridadeAntidopagem de Portugal (ADoP) • Puerto Rico - Puerto Rico Anti-doping Organization • Qatar - Qatar National Anti-Doping Commission • Romania - National Anti-Doping Agency of Romania • Russia - National Anti-Doping Organization (RUSADA) • Rwanda - Comité National Olympique et Sportif du Rwanda • Samoa - Samoa Association of Sport and National Olympic Committee Inc. • Saint Kitts & Nevis - St Kitts & Nevis Olympic Association • Saint Lucia - St Lucia Olympic Committee • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines National Olympic Committee • Samoa - Samoa Association of Sport and National Olympic Committee Inc. (SASNOC) • San Marino - NADO San Marino • Sao Tome and Principe - National Olympic Committee of Sao Tome and Principe • Saudi Arabia - Saudi Arabian Anti-Doping Committee (SAADC) • Senegal - Organisationnationaleantidopage du Sénégal • Serbia - Anti-Doping Agency of Serbia (ADAS) • Seychelles - Seychelles Anti-Doping Commission (SADC) • Sierra Leone - National Olympic Committee of Sierra Leone • Singapore - Anti-Doping Singapore • Slovakia - Slovak Anti-Doping Agency • Slovenia - National Antidoping Commission • Solomon Islands - National Olympic Committee of Solomon Islands • Somalia - Somali Olympic Committee • South Africa - South African Institute for Drug-free Sport (SAIDS) • Spain - Comisión de Control y Seguimientopara la Salud y el Dopaje • Sri Lanka - National Anti-Doping Organisation - Sri Lanka • Sudan - Sudanese Anti-Doping Agency • Suriname - Suriname Anti-Doping Autoriteit (SADA) • Sweden - Swedish Sports Confederation (RF) • Switzerland - Antidoping Switzerland • Syria - Syrian Olympic Committee • Tajikistan - National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan • Tanzania - Tanzania Olympic Committee • Thailand - Sports Authority of Thailand (SAT) • Timor Leste - National Olympic Committee of Timor Leste • Togo - Comité National OlympiqueTogolais • Tonga - Tonga Sports Association and National Olympic Committee • Trinidad & Tobago - Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee • Tunisia - AgenceNationaleAntidopageTunisie • Turkmenistan - National Anti-Doping Agency of Turkmenistan (NADAT) • Turkey - Turkish Anti-Doping Commission • Turkmenistan - National Olympic Committee of Turkmenistan (NOCTKM) • Tuvalu - Tuvalu Association of Sports and National Olympic Committee • Uganda - Uganda Olympic Committee • Ukraine - National Anti-Doping Center of Ukraine • United Arab Emirates - United Arab Emirates Anti Doping Committee (UAE NADO) • Uruguay - DireccionNacional de Deporte – Ministerio de Turismo y Deporte • United States of America - US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) • Uzbekistan - National Antidoping Agency of Uzbekistan (UzNADA) • Vanuatu - Vanuatu National Olympic Committee (VASANOC) • Venezuela - Comisionantidopaje de la RepublicaBolivariana de Venezuela • Vietnam - Vietnam Anti-Doping & Sports Medicine Agency • Virgin Islands (U.S.) - Virgin Islands National Olympic Committee • Yemen - Yemen Olympic Committee • Zambia - National Olympic Committee of Zambia • Zimbabwe - Zimbabwe Olympic Committee

  20. Resources Independent Labs Administering Drug Testing:  • WADA list of accredited labs around the world: https://www.wada-ama.org/en/what-we-do/science-medical/laboratories/accredited-laboratories#region-americas • UCLA Olympic Analytical Lab: http://pathology.ucla.edu/olympic-lab • IDTM: http://idtm.se/ • SMRTL: https://www.smrtl.org/ Videos & Movies about Doping: • WADA- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWhudwnE3Fg • USADA- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQiRPnHYN00 • Icarus- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXoRdSTrR-4 • Bigger Stronger Faster- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KzGfuFFSxA • The Armstrong Lie- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukOJ_1b-8lQ • Lance Armstrong: Stop at Nothing- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVs1SUolp6o • Pantani: The Accidental Death of a Cyclist - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfN3uxk-vRs • Maria Sharapova: The Point - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVJOV4xnt4s • Len Bias: 30 for 30: Without Bias”- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kE3Bg28Bi3A

  21. Resources Articles about Anti-Doping Scandals: • Lance Armstrong • https://www.cnn.com/2013/01/17/us/lance-armstrong-fast-facts/index.html • https://www.cnn.com/2013/01/15/health/armstrong-ped-explainer/index.html • https://www.cnn.com/2012/10/10/sport/armstrong-report-highlights/index.html • Barry Bonds • https://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/23/books/barry-bonds-and-baseballs-steroids-scandal.html • http://www.espn.com/mlb/news/story?id=3113127 • https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fancy-stats/wp/2017/01/17/if-barry-bonds-ended-his-career-before-steroid-use-hed-be-a-clear-hall-of-famer/?utm_term=.8b4ce755d978 • Mark McGwire • https://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/12/sports/baseball/12mcgwire.html • https://www.si.com/mlb/strike-zone/2013/08/22/steve-wilstein-mark-mcgwire-1998-steroid-era • Marion Jones • https://ukad.org.uk/videos/detail/the-marion-jones-story • http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/01/11/jones.doping/ • Len Bias • http://articles.latimes.com/1986-06-25/sports/sp-20106_1_len-bias • https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/early-lead/wp/2016/06/19/remembering-len-bias-30-years-after-his-death-he-was-it/?utm_term=.8eed6c85009d • Michael Phelps • https://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/06/sports/othersports/06phelps.html • Ben Johnson • https://www.cnn.com/2012/07/23/sport/olympics-2012-ben-johnson-seoul-1988-dirtiest-race/index.html • https://ukad.org.uk/videos/detail/the-ben-johnson-story • Maria Sharapova • https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2016/03/maria-sharapova-drug-scandal-may-be-darker-than-you-think • https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2016/jun/10/how-serious-was-tennis-player-maria-sharapova-doping • Alex Rodriguez • https://www.cnn.com/2014/11/05/us/alex-rodriguez-steroids/index.html • https://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/06/sports/baseball/alex-rodriguez-admits-to-doping-in-bosch-case.html • https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/mlb/2017/10/14/alex-rodriguez-says-peds-cost-him-40-million-hall-fame-and-more/764757001/ • Russian Team • https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/25/sports/olympics/rio-russia-ban-doping.html • https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/09/sports/russia-doping-mclaren-report.html • https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/13/sports/russia-doping-sochi-olympics-2014.html • USADA posts all of their sanctions of athletes on this website: • https://www.usada.org/category/sanction/

  22. Questions? nadine@elevate-performance.com 650-346-8779 408-888-1641 Elevate Performance & PT Redwood City, CA

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