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Explore definitions of hazard and risk, learn how probabilistic models are used to predict landslides in the North Island of New Zealand, and delve into the methodologies behind hazard mapping. Discover key data sets, inventory information, and terrain considerations used in generating hazard models.
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (1) Probabilistic landslide hazard, North Island, New Zealand G.D. Dellow GNS Science (Lower Hutt, New Zealand) e-mail: g.dellow@gns.cri.nz
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (2) Outline • Definitions • “All landslides” probabilistic landslide hazard model • Probabilistic hazard model for rainstorm-induced landslides
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (3) Definitions • Hazard and risk are terms often used inter-changeably. Both terms are derived from the same source – originally a card game, Hazard in English and Risk in French. • In scientific terms they each have a very specific meaning. Although hazard has dual use.
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (4) Definitions • Hazard “event” – in the context of this course a physical landslide. • Hazard “probability” – the likelihood of a landslide event. • (Some literature refers to this as “risk” and hence the confusion that can sometimes arise) • Risk – a product of the hazard and the consequences of a hazard event • What is the probability of incurring a specified loss within a specified time through the occurrence of a hazard event?
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (5) Definitions • Hazard = Probability of a landslide occurring • “All landslide” context (i.e. all landslides) • A probabilistic landslide hazard model for the North Island of New Zealand is presented as an example • Probability can also be driven by the probability of the triggering event (e.g. rainstorm or earthquake). • A rainstorm-induced probabilistic landslide hazard model is presented as an example
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (6) Probabilistic Landslide Hazard Model for the North Island • Considers all landslides • Combines all landslide types • Data includes both pre-existing landslides and first-time landslides • All movement rates considered
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (7) Probabilistic Landslide Hazard Model for the North Island The process: • The landslide data sets are described • Terrains are selected to reflect common geology, topography and landslide density • Magnitude-frequency curves are determined from the data sets and calibrated with respect to time for a uniform area • Relative landslide hazard maps are derived for various return periods and landslide sizes
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (8) The New Zealand Landslide Database • Inventory: holds geographic (area) locations of landslides • (for the North Island there are 5773 mapped landslides) • Catalogue: includes time of movement as well as geographic location • August 1996 – present (continuous record) • Pre-historic to July 1996 (incomplete) • 150-yr earthquake induced landslide record
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (9) The Landslide Inventory Prepared from air photo interpretation Transferred to topographic maps Then digitised
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (10) Inventory data magnitude/frequency curve • Data (5773 landslides) • Probability density distribution by landslide area
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (11) Inventory data magnitude/frequency curve • Data (5773 landslides) • Curve fitting • Binary bins (provides uniform fit across a logarithmic scale)
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (12) Inventory data magnitude/frequency curve • Data (5773 landslides) • Curve fitting • Binary bins • Inverse-gamma • Double pareto • Β=2.52±0.03 using binary bins (comparable to magnitude/frequency relationships given for landslides in international literature)
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (13) Catalogue data magnitude/frequency curve • Data (53 landslides) • The Catalogue data contains information about time of occurrence
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (14) Catalogue data magnitude/frequency curve • Data (53 landslides) • Curve fitting • Binary bins • 2.37±0.07 (c.f inventory at 2.52±0.03 - equivalent at 95% confidence) • Key assumption is that magnitude/frequency relationships for inventory and catalogue are equivalent (not significantly different)
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (15) 11 Terrains based on • Geology • Topography • Landslide density
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (16) Examples – Terrain I • Orongorongo River Valley, Wellington, 2005: intense rainfall trigger
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (17) Examples – Terrain I • Hutt River, Wellington, 2004: intense rainfall trigger
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (18) Power law curves for individual terrains • Terrain I • Indurated Mesozoic sandstones and siltstones • Number of landslides • 964 • Slope of the magnitude/frequency curve • 2.64 ± 0.05 • Percentage of total landslide population • 16.7%
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (19) Examples – Terrain III • Waingake, East Cape, 2002: intense rainfall trigger
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (20) Examples – Terrain IVb • Tangitu Road, King Country, 1998: prolonged rainfall trigger
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (21) Examples – Terrain IVa • Wangaehu Valley, Wanganui: inventory example
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (22) Power law curves for individual terrains • Terrain III • Tertiary sandstones, siltstones and limestones • Number of landslides • 1583 • Slope of the magnitude/frequency curve • 2.38 ± 0.12 • Percentage of total landslide population • 27.1%
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (23) Examples – Terrain VI Oaonui Stream, Mt Taranaki, 1998: intense rainfall triggered debris flow
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (24) Power law curves for individual terrains • Terrain VI • Active andesitic volcanoes • Number of landslides • 116 • Slope of the magnitude/frequency curve • 1.30 ± 0.07 • Percentage of total landslide population • 2.0%
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (25) Hazard curvesAbsolute hazard • Terrain hazard curve • Take the number of landslides >1000 m2 in 7 years for each terrain • Derive an annual rate for each terrain (point) • Plot the terrain magnitude/frequency relationship (slope of line) through the annual rate point
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (26) Absolute hazard map • Size of largest landslide expected on an annual basis High: 1000-10,000 m2 Moderate: 100-1000 m2 Low: 0-100 m2
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (27) Hazard curvesRelative hazard • Annual rate • Normalise for area (10,000 km2) • Plot
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (28) Relative Hazard Maps • Largest landslide expected in 1year High: 1000-10,000 m2 Moderate: 100-1000 m2
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (29) Relative Hazard Maps • Largest landslide expected in 100 years High: 109-1010 m2 Moderate: 10,000-100,000 m2 Low: 1000-10,000 m2
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (30) Relative Hazard Maps • Return period for landslides with an area greater than 1000 m2 High: 0-1 years Moderate: 1-10 years Low: 10-100 years
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (31) Relative Hazard Maps • Return period for landslides with an area greater than 1,000,000 m2 High: 1-10 years Moderate: 1000-10,000 years Low: 10,000-100,000 years Very low: 100,000-1,000,000 years
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (32) Results • Landslide area distributions for the North Island, New Zealand have a power-law magnitude/frequency relationship. • Selecting areas delineated on the basis of similar geology, topography and landslide density yields a range of magnitude/frequency relationships for landslide area distributions. • Landslide magnitude/frequency curves can be temporally calibrated using historical landslide data. • Five distinct landslide magnitude/frequency curves are recognised in the North Island, New Zealand.
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (33) Rainstorm-induced probabilistic landslide hazard model • Trigger is limited to rainstorm-induced landslides • Probability is determined by the probability of 24-hr rainfall occurring • Only considers first-time landslides • Only considers fast landslides
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (34) Premise • There is a relationship between rainfall intensity and landslide density • i.e. the greater the amount of rainfall, the greater the density of landslides • However landslide occurrence is also controlled by other factors such as slope angle, geology, vegetation
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (35) Premise • The basic premise of the model is that it: • takes rainfall data, • processes the data to produce a landslide forecast and then • distributes landslides in the landscape, either on a scenario basis or a probabilistic basis. • This model therefore has three components: • INPUT DATA • LANDSLIDE FORECAST MODEL • OUTPUT DATA
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (36) Input data • The input data into the model is the rainfall index (RI), expressed in mm of rainfall per 24 hours. • Ideally takes: • Antecedent rainfall (or the amount of water already in the ground at the time a rainfall forecast is made) and converts this to the mm-rainfall required to reach this pre-existing moisture state (RA); • A spatially constrained (nominally 10 km x 10 km) rainfall forecast (RF) (assumed to be for the next 24 hours) in mm per 24 hours; • These two values are added together to produce a rainfall index (effectively the total amount of water in the ground in 24 hours time). RA + RF = RI • The rainfall index is the required dynamic input into the landslide forecasting model.
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (37) Landslide forecast model • Observations • Data requirements • Putting it all together
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (38) Slope angle and vegetation
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (39) Slope angle and geology
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (40) Landslide frequency by slope angle and rainfall input
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (41) Landslide size distribution
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (42) Data sources • The basic spatial unit on which a landslide forecast is made is a digital elevation model (DEM) pixel. • The New Zealand Map Series NZMS260 derived DEM has a nominal pixel size of 30 m x 30 m. • The NZMS DEM is modified to produce 10 m x 10 m pixel sizes because this allows landslides with an area down to 100 m2 to be modelled (c.f. size distribution graph)
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (43) Data sources • Each pixel is to be attributed with the following data: • Geology (from the NZ Q-Map) [ROCKTYPE]; • Vegetation (e.g. from LCDB2) [WOODY or NON-WOODY]; • Elevation of the DEM pixel centre point (metres above mean sea level); • Presence or absence of a water-course or water-body (a NZ national dataset) [WATER_YES or WATER_NO]; • Landslide frequency by slope angle and rainfall graph – there is a unique graph for every combination of geology and vegetation.
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (44) Landslide frequency by slope angle and rainfall input
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (45) Data sources • Using the pixel elevation three further attributes are determined: • Actual slope angle (θ); • Slope-angle band (in 5° increments; e.g. 15° =< θ < 20°); • Slope direction (up-slope and down-slope in terms of an eight-rayed quadrant) by selecting adjacent pixels with the lowest elevation (down-slope) and highest elevation (up-slope);
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (46) Data sources • The final piece of data required is the total area with the same geology and vegetation class within each slope band. • Total area within a slope band, x m2 (or x / 100 = y pixels) where [ROCKTYPE = (e.g. Greywacke) and VEGETATION = (e.g. Woody) and SLOPE BAND = (e.g. 15° =< θ < 20°) and pixel size = 10 m x 10 m)]. • Landslide density is expressed as the number of landslides per square kilometre
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (47) The model • To generate the probabilistic landslide hazard map (this will vary depending on the rainfall) two probabilities need to be determined for each pixel in the DTM. These are: • The probability that a landslide initiates or is sourced in a given pixel P(S); • The probability a landslide will move through the pixel P(M); • Thus the probability of a pixel being affected by a landslide P(L) is: P(L) = P(S) + P(M)
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (48) The model – probability of initiation • P(S) can be calculated for an particular RI value when the following data is available • Number of landslides expected per km2 • Number of pixels in each 5º slope band • P(S) = number of landslides (per km2) x (y pixels in slope band / 10,000 pixels per km2) • (where 10,000 is number of 10 m x 10 m pixels per 1 km2). • So P(S) = percentage of pixels in the total population of pixels within a slope band that act as initiation points for landslides. • Therefore for a given rainfall (index) in an area, a probabilistic map of the likelihood of a given pixel acting as an initiation source can be produced.
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (49) The model – probability of travel distance • To fully model the landslide hazard, the probability of a landslide moving beyond its initiation pixel needs to be determined. • The first step is to identify all the potential travel paths that a landslide can take. • A landslide travel path originates in every pixel in the DEM. • The travel path is determined by the convention that a landslide will travel down-slope (i.e. to whichever of the eight adjacent pixels has the lowest elevation). • The travel path continues until it encounters a pixel that is able to satisfy the WATER_YES rule.
ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 1.064-1.3 (50) The model – probability of travel distance • A travel path T consists of a sequence of adjacent pixels: T = p1, p2, p3, …, pz-1, pz, • A P(S) has been calculated for pixel p1 • Pixel p2 has the lowest elevation of the eight pixels surrounding pixel p1,and • Pixel p3 has the lowest elevation of the eight pixels surrounding pixel p2, etc … • until pixel pz has the lowest elevation of the eight pixels surrounding pixel pz-1, and • Pixel pz satisfies the WATER = YES rule. • Travel paths are all pre-defined and will only change if the DEM changes. • Some pixels will have multiple travel paths contributing to the calculation of P(M).