-----------------Cheese--------------- Why I like cheese
It tastes good its yellow{I like yellow} it can be big or small it can be different shapes I like france because thhey like cheese too You can play with cheese it smells good the moon is made out of it it comes from cows(I like cows az well} yum yum Reesons that ! Like cheese----
Cheeese around the wurld • AS YIUO KAN SEEE all four qurters of tEh world like cheese • they like it over 100000!!!!!!!!! • Teihs prooves • that the hole wurld loves cheese
-a closar look at cheese………. • iFf we use our super magik speccial magkneeflying glas we kan see tAht hour faverit fuud packs many seekrits.did u kno cheese has wholes • inn?ETS TROO!!!!1111 and did u know mice like it
!tEH stoury of jiim brusdfsdf! • Jiim brusdfsdf was only 4 when hee maid hiss thirst cheese!it wozz green and aint taste goood att al!he called it lettuce.lettuce gives cheese a bad name. • Click to continue
He tEhn made white chheese but it tasted crap and cut guys throtes.he called it paper but papper iss good coz we rite with it • he threw it at his friends,killing them • click too continyou
The endd of the sotry of jiim brusdfsdf • Tehn he hadd plazztick surgerie and wore hates.he made one out of cheese.it tasted grate.so he used it to build the first REEL cheese!!all hail jiim brusdfsdf!!!!1!
In Overral,cheese roks!becoz • It tastes good • it smells good • it is good • yum • jim brusdfsdf made it • I lik it • so do you
You hav reeched the secret!!! The sekret is:there is a red cheese!they usee it inn fooball gaems click to end the journey