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E x ESS Listed Substances Detection for Substances, Mixtures and Articles

E x ESS Listed Substances Detection for Substances, Mixtures and Articles. What is E x ESS. What is E x ESS. E x ESS is an IT tool to collect Substances, Mixtures and Articles to support Regulatory and business related reporting, calculation and compliancy checks for Chemicals, called

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E x ESS Listed Substances Detection for Substances, Mixtures and Articles

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  1. ExESSListed Substances Detection forSubstances, Mixtures and Articles ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  2. What is ExESS ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  3. What is ExESS ExESS is an IT tool to collect Substances, Mixtures and Articles to support Regulatory and business related reporting, calculation and compliancy checks for Chemicals, called “ CHEMICALS MANAGEMENT “ As the ExESS database can collect information on Substances, Mixture compositions and Article BOM structures, it is possible to detect listed substances from any inventory or regulatory database based on unique identifiers as : CAS nr, EC numbers, categories or chemical characteristics ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  4. ExESS, modular approach ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  5. Basic concept to detect listed substances 1 Step 1 : Collect Substance Inventory lists in ExESS Step 2 : Collect Substances, Mixtures or BOM of Articles in the ExESS operational database Step 3 : Recognize Substances in the collected Inventories Step 4 : Identify Mixtures with recognized listed Substances If required, calculate the %ww of the present listed substances or other parameters important for mandatory reporting Step 5 : Identify Articles with recognized listed Substances If required, calculate the %ww of the present listed substances or other parameters important for mandatory reporting Step 6 : Reporting/presentation/communication 2 3 4 5 6 ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  6. Concept Volume Tracking for SVHC in Articles 1 Step 1 : For each article with BOM in ExESS? The trade volumes must be entered. Step 2 : For each Substance and particularly black listed or SVHC should be reported in the total Tonnage band Step 3 : Agreements on presentation/Pivot table flexibility etc…should be defined 2 3 % ww for substances in BOMS for all related LE (manufactoring or Importing ) IMPLEMENTED ALWAYS BASED ON SPECIFICATIONS AGREED WITH THE EXESS CUSTOMER ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  7. Inventories with Listed Substances 1 Inventory lists of substances can be added in ExESS Inventory lists can be linked with ExESS (Qualisys, LOLI, LISAM libraries, other …) Specific lists of Substances can be added and/or created in ExESS by the user Presence of specific substance types can be flagged INPUT BY INDIVIDUAL LIST SUMMARIES, LIBRARIES, EXT DATABASE OR WEBLINK ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  8. Screenshots ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  9. Screenshots Available Inventory databases Link with regulatory databases ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  10. Screenshots Inventories made by the client ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  11. Substance, Mixture and Article list 2 ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  12. Substance, Mixture and Article list 2 ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  13. Substance, Mixture and Article list 2 ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  14. Entering article composition information in ExESSby suppliers via internet COMPANY ARTICLE LIST Enter articlecomposition, ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  15. Recognize listed Substances 3 Listed Substances in the operational database can be detected and activate a boolean flag e.g. based on CAS number ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  16. Identify Mixtures with listed Substances 4 Listed Substances in Mixtures are detected and a flag is set on Mixture level ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  17. Identify Mixtures with listed Substances 4 Listed Substances in Mixtures are detected and detection flags are set with additional logic/rules if needed ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  18. Identify Articles with listed Substances 5 Listed Substances in Articles, with calculated % ww ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  19. Different types of reporting 6 Regulatory status reporting SDS section 15 Confirmation letter for article and mixture , containing listed Substances (REACH SVHC, Food Contact, RoHS, WEEE, other, …. REPORTING BASED ON WORD TEMPLATES OR EXCEL EXPORTS ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  20. Report examples ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  21. Extra for SVHC management , ExESS includes Article and Product composition REACH candidate list Detection of Candidate SVHC’s in Articles and Products SVHC declaration letter Communication link with PUBLICHEM ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  22. What is PUBLICHEM ? PUBLICHEM is a web solution to distribute documents through the worldwide net : (M)SDS distribution ES and e-SDS communication SVHC declaration management All other documents … for SVHC management , PUBLICHEM includes Link with ExESS and tracking in/out information Distribution of SVHC declaration to customers/clients Downloading SVHC information letters ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  23. The SVHC management concept Actors Suppliers Internalactors COMPANY SVHC Letters to clients REACH SVHC SCC PUBLICHEM (web application) Communication tool ExESS database Article/product Database ExESS couldbelinkedwithlogisticsystems to synchronise info on sites, suppliers, article codes, etc ExESS consists of : Articles, Products, SVHC lists, other Chemical lists, REACH rules, Calculation w/w percentage of SVHC in articles, compositions, … ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  24. PUBLICHEM :more via WEB Communicatie web tool ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  25. Legislation : communication SCC cfr. art 33 - communicatieplicht indien een voorwerp een stof bevat uit de kandidaatlijst in een concentratie > 0.1% SVHC detection and communication

  26. Legislation : notification SVHC detection and communication

  27. Legislation : authorization SVHC detection and communication

  28. Stepwise approach in ExESS (1) Collection of articles and preparations Collection of composition Create in ExESS and PUBLICHEM the article/preparation relation with the customer/client ExESS includes the REACH Candidate list 15 products today, soon enlarged with 15 and 7 are candidate for Annex XIV Stepwise database analysis Search for SVHC from the list Presentation of Articles and Preparations (trade products) Filter on 0,1% ww or other Reporting/filtering/other ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  29. Stepwise approach in ExESS (2) Activate for the selected article or mixture the SVHC confirmation letter and link with PUBLICHEM When the article/preparation – customer link exists in PUBLICHEM, the customer receives an email with the letter. On request, the customer can download the SVHC confirmation letter For notification : Also volume calculation (> 1 t/yr) ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  30. SVHC in ExESS (2) % ww Article/product SVHC component ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  31. SVHC in ExESS (3) Generation of the article SVHC confirmation letter ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  32. PUBLICHEM : add/download SVHC information ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  33. Implementation cost aspects 1 Step 1 : Define the required users, licenses and Inventory lists in ExESS (can be related with Regions) Step 2 : Collect Substances, Mixtures or BOM of Articles in the ExESS operational database (ERP interfacing or other links) Step 3 : Recognize Substances in the collected Inventories Step 4 : Identify Mixtures with recognized listed Substances If required, calculate the %ww of the present listed substances or other parameters important for mandatory reporting = Rather standard Step 5 : Identify Articles with recognized listed Substances If required, calculate the %ww of the present listed substances or other parameters important for mandatory reporting = ExESS customization or parametrisation Step 6 : Reporting/presentation/communication Creation of reports and potentially web based services 2 3 4 5 6 ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  34. Implementation cost aspects Software cost (users, licenses, regions, databases) Interface cost or import templates (data input, data output, result distribution ) Parameterization cost (BOM structure, reports, communication) Training Maintenance/renting ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  35. Volume Tracking of SVHC in Articles % ww for substances in BOMS for all related LE (manufactoring or Importing ) IMPLEMENTED ALWAYS BASED ON SPECIFICATIONS AGREED WITH THE EXESS CUSTOMER ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

  36. ExESS, more with less Americas – Asia - Europe LisamAmerica, Inc. 3131 E. 29th Street, Ste. E Bryan, Texas 77802 +1 979.595.1444 LISAM SYSTEMS | HEMMIS Office Belgium| Vlaanderenstraat 3A - B-8501 Heule | www.lisam.com email : FransL@lisam.com Office +32 (0)56 372637 | Fax +32 (0)56 372324 | Mobile +32 (0)477 292519 Although the information in this presentation has been presented in good faith and is believed to be correct at the time of compilation, LISAM SYSTEMS GROUP cannot assure this presentation to be free of errors or omissions and will not be responsible assuring the completeness or accuracy of the information in this presentation ExESS for Listed Substance Detection

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