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San Petronio, Bologna

San Petronio, Bologna. Jacope della Quercia Porta Magna, S. Petronio, Bologna 1425-38. Jacopo della Quercia Porta Magna: detail of lunette statues (Madonna and Child and S. Petronio on the right by Quercia) and lintel reliefs 1425-38. Quercia Porta Magna: detail Of left pilaster reliefs

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San Petronio, Bologna

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Presentation Transcript

  1. San Petronio, Bologna

  2. Jacope della Quercia Porta Magna, S. Petronio, Bologna 1425-38

  3. Jacopo della Quercia Porta Magna: detail of lunette statues (Madonna and Child and S. Petronio on the right by Quercia) and lintel reliefs 1425-38

  4. Quercia Porta Magna: detail Of left pilaster reliefs 1425-38

  5. Quercia Porta Magna: detail of right pilaster reliefs 1425-38

  6. Quercia Madonna and Child 1425-38 Quercia San Petronio 1425-38 Domenico Aimo St. Ambroise 1510

  7. ARNOLFO DI CAMBIOMadonna and Child1296-1302Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Florence Quercia Madonna and Child 1425-38 Porta Magna, S. Petronio, Bologna

  8. Quercia San Petronio 1425-38 Porta Magna, S. Petronio, Bologna

  9. Quercia Detail of Lintel Reliefs (New Testament): Nativity 1425-38 Porta Magna, S. Petronio, Bologna

  10. Quercia Detail of Lintel Reliefs (New Testament): Adoration of the Magi 1425-38 Porta Magna, S. Petronio, Bologna

  11. Quercia Detail of Lintel Reliefs (New Testament): Presentation in the Temple 1425-38 Porta Magna, S. Petronio, Bologna

  12. Quercia Detail of Lintel Reliefs (New Testament): Massacre of the Innocents 1425-38 Porta Magna, S. Petronio, Bologna

  13. Quercia Detail of Lintel Reliefs (New Testament): Flight into Egypt 1425-38 Porta Magna, S. Petronio, Bologna

  14. Quercia Detail of Pilaster Reliefs (Old Testament): Creation of Adam 1425-38 Porta Magna, S. Petronio, Bologna

  15. Michelangelo Sistine Ceiling: detail of Creation of Adam 1508-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican

  16. Quercia Detail of Pilaster Reliefs (Old Testament): Creation of Eve 1425-38 Porta Magna, S. Petronio, Bologna

  17. Michelangelo Sistine Ceiling: detail of Creation of Eve 1508-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican

  18. Quercia Detail of Pilaster Reliefs (Old Testament): Fall of Man 1425-38 Porta Magna, S. Petronio, Bologna

  19. Michelangelo Sistine Ceiling: detail of Fall of Man 1508-12FrescoCappella Sistina, Vatican

  20. Quercia Detail of Pilaster Reliefs (Old Testament): Expulsion from Paradise 1425-38 Porta Magna, S. Petronio, Bologna

  21. Masaccio Brancacci Chapel: Expulsion from Paradise 1426-82FrescoSanta Maria del Carmine, Florence

  22. Quercia Detail of Pilaster Reliefs (Old Testament): Cain and Abel’s offering 1425-38 Porta Magna, S. Petronio, Bologna

  23. Quercia Detail of Pilaster Reliefs (Old Testament): Cain Kills Abel 1425-38 Porta Magna, S. Petronio, Bologna

  24. Quercia Detail of Pilaster Reliefs (Old Testament): Noah leaving the Ark 1425-38 Porta Magna, S. Petronio, Bologna

  25. Quercia Detail of Pilaster Reliefs (Old Testament): Drunkenness of Noah 1425-38 Porta Magna, S. Petronio, Bologna

  26. Drunkenness of Noah: detail

  27. Quercia Detail of Pilaster Reliefs (Old Testament): Sacrifice of Isaac 1425-38 Porta Magna, S. Petronio, Bologna

  28. Quercia Detail of Pilaster Reliefs: Prophets 1425-38 Porta Magna, S. Petronio, Bologna

  29. Quercia Detail of Pilaster Reliefs: Prophets 1425-38 Porta Magna, S. Petronio, Bologna

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