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COUNTRY CAADP IMPLEMENTATION: Country Specific status report. Ousmane Djibo NEPAD Agency. Socio-economic growth and improved standard of living and clean environment. Wealth creation and support to industrialization. Food Security and Income Generation (Poverty Alleviation).
COUNTRY CAADP IMPLEMENTATION:Country Specific status report Ousmane Djibo NEPAD Agency
Socio-economic growth and improved standard of living and clean environment Wealth creation and support to industrialization Food Security and Income Generation (Poverty Alleviation) High and sustainable Agriculture Performance 10% Public Expenditure allocation to Agriculture Target goal of 6% annual growth rate in agriculture productivity Organizational development and Institutional reforms Policy reforms and policy review structures Partnerships and coalitions and collective responsibility Capacity development and alignment/harnessing Knowledge; analysis and evidence based planning
CAADP implementation • Pillar 1: Extending the area under sustainable land management and reliable water control systems • Pillar 2: Improving rural infrastructure and trade related capacities for market access • Pillar 3: Increasing food supply, reducing hunger and improving responses to food emergency crises; and • Pillar 4: Improving agriculture research, technology dissemination and adoption.
CAADP Stakeholders Continental level Regional level National level
CAADP implementation status GTZ: Bewässerung GTZ: Fischerei Pillar II: CMOA GTZ: Landwirtschaftliche Entwicklung Pillar III: CILLSS Pillar IV: FARA GTZ: Marktorientierte Landwirtschaft GTZ: Waldprogramm GTZ:ländliche Wirschaftsentwicklung
Share of countries meeting the 10% target • There are 2 components to MDG1: hunger and poverty • Great progress has been made in many countries that are meeting one or the other, but only one – Ghana – is currently meeting both • In 2003, only 5.9% of African countries were spending at least 10% of their total budget allocations on agriculture • This figure increased to 15.2% in 2007 and to 35.7% in 2008 Burkina Faso Cameroon C. African Rep. Egypt Ethiopia Guinea Kenya Lesotho Mali Senegal Swaziland Tanzania Algeria Angola Benin Botswana Burundi Gambia Guinea Bissau Mauritania Namibia Sao Tome & Principe Sources: Based on ReSAKSS data collected from various national government sources and IMF 2009. Ghana Countries on track towards halving poverty by 2015 Countries on track towards achieving MDG1 Countries on track towards halving hunger by 2015
Agriculture GDP growth and CAADP • The CAADP agriculture GDP growth rate target is 6% • In 2008, ten countries met the CAADP’s 6% target: • Angola, Ethiopia, Mali, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, and Uganda. • Nineteen other countries attained moderate agricultural GDP growth rates of between 3 and 6 percent. • In the same year, eight countries experienced negative growth in their agriculture sectors. Source: ReSAKSS calculations based on World Bank 2009.
Impact of CAADP – The Case of Rwanda (1) • 2007 - Rwanda signed the CAADP Compact • What has been the Impact ? • Improved planning, M&E – the strategic plan for transformation of agriculture (PSTA) was reviewed • CAADP team integrated in the ASWG • Harmonised action with DPs – from project to programme approach through the SWAp • Improved allocation of resources – both human and financial resources • Improved inter- ministerial collaboration • Business meeting – have since mobilised 75-80% of the required funds
Impact of CAADP – The Case of Rwanda (2) • Leveraging private investments - moving towards public – Private – Sector Partnerships e.g. horticulture, aquaculture, whole sale markets • Policy reforms, strengthened decentralisation– Land Consolidation, crop prioritization and zoning, input supply – achieved food security for the first time in 2009 & annual sector growth of 15%