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How to use Enoki Mushrooms as a functional ingredient in the formulation of healthier meat productsFoodresearchlab (weco

Mushrooms are rich in high-quality proteins, vitamins, minerals, fibers, and phenolic compounds are considered to be healthy ingredients in a lot of cuisines. Enoki (Flammulina velutipes) mushrooms are also popularly known as velvet stem, golden needle, and winter mushrooms are very much recognized for their distinct flavor and nutritional profile.<br>TO KNOW MORE: https://bit.ly/2WhMsqu<br><br>Contact us: <br><br>Website: https://www.foodresearchlab.com/<br>Contact No: 91 9566299022<br>Email: info@foodresearchlab.com<br>

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How to use Enoki Mushrooms as a functional ingredient in the formulation of healthier meat productsFoodresearchlab (weco

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  1. HOWTOUSE ENOKIMUSHROOMS ASAFUNCTIONAL INGREDIENTINMEAT APPLICATIONS AnAcademicpresentationby Dr. Nancy Agnes, Head, Technical Operations, FoodResearchLab Group: www.foodresearchlab.com Email:info@foodresearchlab.com

  2. Today'sDiscussion OUTLINE Introduction Experimental Findings of Making Goat/Lamb NuggetswithMSW InSum

  3. Introduction Mushrooms vitamins, compounds are rich in high minerals, fibers are considered quality and to be proteins, phenolic healthy ingredientinalotofcuisines. Enoki mushrooms are also popularly known as velvetstem,goldenneedle,andwinter mushrooms are very much recognized for their distinctflavourandnutritionalprofile. Contd...

  4. Enokimushroomshaveapurewhitebean sprouton avelvety stem. Moreover, cultivated varieties have a little white capandthewildvarietyhavealargerbrown shinycap. Generally,thestemsareremovedduring mushroomharvestandareusedforcomposting. In recent times, there is demand for plant based materialswithfunctionalpropertiestobeused as alternativeingredients. Contd...

  5. OnesuchapplicationistheEnokimushrooms stemsincorporationinmeatproductstoadda sourceoffibersandnutrientssuchas polyphenols, vitamins andminerals. These combinations of antioxidant dietary fivers (ADF) are consumed to improve gastro intestinal health and to inhibit lipid oxidation in foods, to extendtheir shelflife. Enokimushroomsextracthavenumerous nutritionalattributes. Contd...

  6. For instance, low calorie density, high lipid profile enhancesproteinandphenoliccontents. These mushroom extracts have been reported to haveastrongantioxidantpotentialwithahuge 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl(DPPH)radical scavengingaswellasmetalchelatingability. Thedietaryfiberextractisproventoreduce triacylglycerol, low-density lipoprotein levels in the bloodand totalcholesterol. Contd...

  7. Previously Enoki mushroom extracts have been used to fortify foods such as biscuits, cookies andcakes. Very limited studies have been carried out on meatproducts. Oystermushroomsforexamplehavebeen usinginporkmeattoprovideglutinous fermentedsausage. Contd...

  8. Dried Portobello mushroom has been used on spicysausagestoenhancethefinaltextureof meatemulsions. Physiochemical and sensory properties, such as colour, texture and cooking characteristics of beef pattieswasimprovedwithoystermushroom extracts. 2.5% of mushroom flour from Agaricus bisporus andPleurotusostreatuswasusedtoobtaina feasiblealternativetoenhancethenutritional profileof beefpatties. Contd...

  9. The fiber content and reduced fat with accepted saltlevelsand sensoryprofile. However,increasedpercentagesofmushroom streamwasteextractwerefoundtoseverely impact the sensory properties of final product to intensifythe umamiflavor. Contd...

  10. Thisinclusionofmushroomextractinmeat productshasbeenproventorepresentan opportunitytoaddvaluetofinalfoodproduct. In addition, Enoki mushroom has been used as a potentialsubstituteforantibioticsinrearing organicchickenforeggsproduction.

  11. ExperimentalFindingsofMaking Goat/LambNuggetswithMSW Mushroom stem waste (MSW) was collected from the harvesting Enoki mushrooms facility and were driedand powderedfinely. Goat meat was procured from a local supermarket andstoredinthefreezeruntilfurtherprocessing. Goatmeatwasmincedfinelyuponthawingand mixedwithmushroomstemwasteatdifferentratios. Contd...

  12. Enokimushroomstemwastewasanalyzedand testedinthreedifferentformulations;T2(2%),T4 (4%)andT6(6%)andcomparedwithsimplecontrol. The total phenolic content of the MSW was found to be6.36mgGAE/gdryweightbasedontheGallic acidstandard. Theantioxidantpotentialwasfoundtobe84.2% DPPHscavenging,41.3%ferrouschelatingability and60.1% reducingpower. Contd...

  13. Overall, we can understand that the enoki mushroom stemwastesareanexcellentsourceofnatural antioxidants. The pH of the goat meat was around 6.3, but the addition of 6% MW significantly increased the pH to 6.44. However, the incorporation of Enoki mushroom stem waste did not have a significant impact on moisture, fatcontentandproteinlevelsofthemeatproducts. Contd...

  14. The impact of including enoki mushroom stem waste onthetexturalparameters,suchasspringiness, cohesiveness, hardness and gumminess were found tobeslightlyreducedcomparedtothecontrol samplesand notsignificant. The myofibrillar proteins from meat are related to the gelation are formed by the dietary fibers from the plants. ThepowderedMSWhadoxidativestabilitywas measuredbylipidoxidationproducts,suchasprimary (PV)and secondary(TBARS). Contd...

  15. Fortified products (T2, T4, and T6) had significantly lowerlevels ofperoxide values. Hydro peroxides are the main output from lipid oxidationreaction. Apart from supplementing mushroom stem waste was the dietary found to retard fiber, lipid peroxidationduringrefrigerationtimeofstorage. The secondary products were found to rise as a functionof storage. Contd...

  16. This impact of mushroom stem waste is related to the highphenoliccontent,vitaminC,ergothioneine, dietaryfiber,vitaminiron bindingability. Enoki mushroom stem waste extracts have also been showntopreventlipidoxidationanddiscolourationin fishproducts.

  17. InSum ThemushroomstemwastefromEnokiwas found to exhibit significant antioxidant potential andisattributedtofreeradicalscavenging activity,metalchelatingabilityandferric reducingpower. The application of mushroom stem waste in meatproducts,suchasgoatmeatminceto makenuggetswasfoundtoincreasethe overall nutritional content such as dietary fiber andash content. Contd...

  18. Moreover,themushroomstemwasteextract was found to improve the cooking yield and did not change the appearance, colour and external textureofthefinalproductcomparedtothe controlsample. Tofinish,themushroomextractsignificantly improvedtheshelf-lifeofthegoatmeat nuggets,whichisattributedtoitsabilityto inhibitlipidoxidationduringstorage. Enokimushroomstemwastewasfoundto improvetheshelf-life,physiochemicalproperties and nutritional profile by 4% when compared to thecontrol samples.

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