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Pasta, Noodles, Macaroni, Spaghetti, the very names themselves, gives a mouth-watering feeling. It reminds one of all the tasty sauces and spices like oregano and rosemary, and cheese that go into making them. It is considered a staple food in a lot of countries around the world. <br>Food Research Lab can help you solve these problems. FRL is for food and nutraceutical manufacturers as well as those companies involved in NPD and developing spec without manufacturing.<br><br>Website: https://www.foodresearchlab.com/
NowHealthierandTastier Pasta, Noodles, Vermicelli,Macaroniand Spaghetti New Product Formulation–Balancing NutritionandSensory Properties AnAcademicpresentationby Dr.NancyAgnes,Head,TechnicalOperations,FoodResearchLab Group:www.foodresearchlab.com Email:info@foodresearchlab.com
02 TODAY'SDISCUSSION Introduction Marketing Strategies Nutritional Composition Recent Research Trends Conclusion
INTRODUCTION Pasta, Noodles, Macaroni, Spaghetti, the very namesthemselves,gives amouth-watering feeling. It remindsoneofallthetastysaucesand spices like oregano and rosemary, and cheese thatgo into making them. Itis consideredastaplefoodin alotof countriesaround the world. Contd...
Due to the current pandemic situation, it is expected to riseintheupcoming yearsdueto changing lifestyles and people turning to more home cooking andbuying less from the outside. The extruded food market in Asia-Pacific, mainly in India and China, is expected to see growth, though not somuchofdevelopmentinNorthAmerica comparedto other regions.
MARKETINGSTRATEGIES ThemajorplayersaresomeofthebignameslikeNestle’, NissinFoods and Unilever. Extrudedproductsmadefromwholewheatflourorall- purpose whole wheatflour alongwith fat, sugar and salt. In short, they are a great source of carbohydrates. Butatthesametime,itdoesnotincludemanyproteinsand dietary fibre making it lesshealthyiftoo much is consumed.
NUTRITIONALCOMPOSITION Excessiveconsumptionoftheseproductsisleading tohealth problems, mainly obesity. Whilethenutritionalrequirementneedstobe fulfilled in them, it is also necessary t to be appealing andtasty enough for people to consume. Therehastobeabalancebetweenboththe nutritionalandsensoryproperties. Thisisoften achallengebecausethereisa possibilityofnotgettingthe samesensory parameters as the ordinarily available pasta.
Thenutritionalcompositionofsomeoftheseextrudedproductsisgivenin thefiguregivenbelow.
RECENTRESEARCHTRENDS In astudyconductedbytheDepartmentofPlant FoodTechnologyandGastronomy,Divisionof Engineering and Cereals Technology, University of Life Sciences, Poland, the addition of (1,3)(1,4)-β-D- glucans led to an increase in the water solubility index (WSI), water absorption index (WAI) and viscosity of products. Also, an increase in fat, ash, and dietary fibre content wasnoted. Contd...
Thecookingqualityofthepastawasalsoaffected,theminimumcookingtime wasextended,andthere wasanincrease in lossofdrymatter. Further,thisexperimentcouldinfluencehighcookingandsensoryquality. Anotherstudywherespaghettiwasmadeusingsemolinashowedthelowest levelof stickiness andmaximumhardness. Theoverallqualitywasthebest,andtheglycemicresponsewasrecordedtobe thelowest. Contd...
Hence, formulation of pasta with durum wheat with agoodbalancebetweennutritionaland cooking qualitycould be obtained from semolina. Another project was the production of pea- and oat rich fractions to develop an entirely new range of extrudedsnacks using extrusion technology. The study s held a range of (146–175 °C) as the die temperatureand moisturecontentbetween(11.2 and16.8%drybasis) seekingtomaximise expansionwhileobtaining agoodtextureand pleasantsensory parameters. Contd...
Theproductwithanetmoisturecontentof11.2%anddie temperature of 160°C gave the best response. Theresultingsnackscontained3.5gofβ-glucanper portion. Itwasobservedtolowercholesterolandreduces postprandialglucose response. Theuseofhigh-amylosecorngrits(HACG)inextruded productswas also examined. Theregularcorngritswerekeptasthecontroltoseethe variation interms ofthephysical and chemical composition. Contd...
ItwasfoundthattheHACGextrudatehadhigherprotein, fibre, lipid, ash, resistant starch, zein, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinccontentsand16of17typesofaminoacids compared to the normalcorn gritsextrudate. Also,itwasfoundthatthe sensoryparameterswereway betterthan the controlsample. The HACG extrudates had higher frangibility, cohesiveness, chewinessandoveralltastewith alower coarsenessand adhesiveness. Contd...
Another study that focused on showedextrudedproductsusing manufacturing soybean,rice, kernelflourin actualproteins fingermillets,andmangoseed different overthe compositionsincreased commonly manufacturedproductsby 35.15%. The physical, functional, biochemical and sensory propertieswere seentoimprovealongwithan increaseinthenutritional valueoftheextruded productfor acceptance of customer.
CONCLUSION Theuseoffoodindustryby-products suchasfruitand vegetablepomaceandbagasse,oilseed cakes,oregano, carrotleaf,einkorn,tritordeumbrewers spentgrains,black mulberryextract-enrichedpasta,finger milletpasta,fava- bean, green-pea, yellow pea, olive oil, grape marc powder in fettuccini pasta, amaranth leaves flour, Quinoa, quinoa flour, elderberry juice concentrate, green banana pulp, peel flour, buckwheat, cerealbransandwheyis seenas apotential source of nutritionally enhancing andeco-friendly pasta. The intention of using the by-products is to form more eco- friendly,diet-friendlyandenvironment-friendlyextruded snacks with lesser oil sugar and saltconsumption Contd...
The quest for the best version, both nutritionally and palatability-wise,is still ongoing. FoodResearchLabcanhelp yousolvethese problems. FRL is for food and nutraceutical manufacturers as wellasthose companiesinvolvedinNPDand developingspec without manufacturing. FRL gives you the ability to improve all phases and aspectsofnewproductdevelopment,suchas originalspecification, ideation, shelf-life. Additionally, you can get them out to market quicker thanever before.
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