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KEYPOINTSTOBE CONSIDEREDWHILE FORMULATING PRODUCTSFOR SPORTSNUTRITION AnAcademicpresentationby Dr.NancyAgnes,Head,TechnicalOperations,FoodResearchLab Group: www.foodresearchlab.com Email:info@foodresearchlab.com
Today'sDiscussion OUTLINE Introduction Nutritional Basics Meal timings Hydration Supplementation in sports nutrition Strength vs. Endurance SpecializedNutrition
Introduction Sports nutritionis a dynamic clinical field of study, which is unique to each individual and planned accordingto theirgoals. Sports nutrition is a well-designed nutrition plan thatallowsactiveadultsandathletestoperform attheir best. Sportsnutritiondevelopmentsuppliestheright food type, with an adequate amount of energy, nutrientsandfluidstosustainthebody functioningatthe optimumlevels. Contd...
Scientificstudieshavereportedthatthe sports nutrition has laid the foundation for competitiveathletesandoverallathletic success. For active adults who exercise 3 to 4 times aweek,anormalhealthymealwould suffice.Moderatetoeliteathleteswho perform 5 to 6 times will need significantly morenutrientstosupportenergy requirements.
NUTRITIONALBASICS Thehumanbodyrequirescarbohydrates and fats as the main energy source and the amount depends on the exercise intensity anddurationduringfoodproduct development. Inappropriatecaloricintakecanobstruct athleticperformance. Macronutrientsfromthefoodsupplythe essentialenergyforoptimalbodyfunctions. Contd...
CARBOHYDRATES Carbohydrates are complex and an important sourceofenergyforthehumanbody. Carbscanbesimplesuchasfromfruits, vegetables and milk or complexes such as from wholegrainbread,oatsandothercereals. Digestiveenzymesbreakdownthese carbohydratesintoglucoseandfeedenergy (AdenosinetriphosphateATP)tothecells, tissuesand organs. Contd...
Basedonthebodysizeandtraining requirements, carbohydrates are composed of 45to65%of thetotalfoodintake. PROTEINS A minimum of 1.2 to 1.7 g/kg of body weight should be consumed every day by an athlete forstrengthandendurancetraining. However,dependingontheoverallcaloric requirements sourced from foods alone, the needsforproteinsupplementationcouldbe dictated. Contd...
A recent study suggests that individuals engaging in vigorous activity can consume a high protein andcarbohydraterichfoodsoonafterthetraining. Pre-workoutconsumptionshavedemonstratedto have a greater effect on the protein synthesis compared to skeletal post muscle exercise consumptions. FATS Generally,dietaryfathasbeenmisunderstood and blamed for many health problems but is an essentialnutrientforoptimal health. Contd...
Storedbodyfatinadiposetissuesprovides insulation to internal organs and protest nerves aregainedbyconsumingadditionalcalories thanwecanburnandiscompletelydifferent fromdietary fat. Anoptimallevelofbodyfatisrequiredfor healthyathletic activity. One gram of dietary fat provides 9 calories and onepoundofstoredfatprovides3600calories ofenergy. Contd...
Fat reserves are less accessible to athletes whoneedtoperformquickandintense workouts. However,fatisessentialforlonger,and endurancebasedexercises. Researchfindingsrecommendathletes consumeatleast30%oftheirtotaldaily caloricintakeas ahealthyfat. Omega 3 and 6 are essential fatty acids that areakeytoasportsnutritiondiet. Contd...
MEALTIMING Arecentstudysuggeststhatathleteswho perform moderate to high intensity activity for at least 40 min are improved by consuming a high carbohydrate, low protein, low fat meal, 3 hours priorto theexercise. This study disproves the common misconception that athletes need to starve before competition or trainingsessions. Some athletes compete for hours at a time, for whichappropriatesnacksandliquid supplementationshouldbeconsumed. Contd...
Meal timing has also been reported to have an effectonthesynthesisofmuscleproteins(MPS). Impaired MPS may allow the downstream creating oflean bodymass. Postexercisesupplementationisproventobe beneficialforaerobic exercise. Post exercise carbohydrate intake does not affect MPS,butessentialaminoacidsareresponsible forMPS. Contd...
HYDRATION Agoodamount of hydration and electrolytes are essentialforhealthyathleticperformance. Active adults and athletes lost body water and sodium during sweating and if this exceeds 2 per cent of body weightthisleadstodehydration(hypohydration). Sports drinks and rehydration with water and sodium areoftenconsumedtorestorethelostamountofwater. Lack of sufficient hydration may lead to hypohydration, hypovolemia(decreasedbloodvolume)and hyponatremia(lowsodium level). Contd...
SUPPLEMENTATIONINSPORTS NUTRITION AccordingtoSportsMedicine,onlyafewlimited supplementsarebackedbyclinicalresearch. The Australian Institute of Sports provides a general guideforsportsperformancesupplements. Sports bars, drinks, gels, electrolyte supplements, andproteinsupplementsfallundersportsfoods. Micronutrientssuchasiron,calcium,vitamin-D, multi-vitamin, omega 3 fatty acids fall under medical supplements.Creatine,caffeine,nitrateandbeta alaninefallunderperformancesupplements. Contd...
STRENGTHVS.ENDURANCE Resistance designed for muscle. strength training programs are building the strength of skeletal High intensity work requires a sufficient amount of macronutrientsformuscle building. Protein consumption is vital for increasing lean bodymass,atleast1.2to3.1g/kgofbody weight. However, for endurance programs, one to three hours per day, require high energy intake in theformofthecarbohydratesisessential. Contd...
Based on research, consumption ranges from target 6 to carbohydrate 10 grams per kilogramperday. Moreover,fatisasecondarysourceofenergyfor longdurationtraining sessions. Replacing fluids and electrolytes which are lost throughrespirationisimportantforperformance. Contd...
SPECIALIZEDNUTRITION Specialized nutritionis built for athletes training at veryhighaltitude,inveryhotandcoldconditions, andforastronautswhorequireaslightlydifferent mealplan. Atveryhighaltitudes,moreoxygensupplyis essential; therefore iron rich foods are increased in theplan. Foods rich in antioxidants, proteins are essential to avoidanydeficiencies.Fluidsareconstantly replenishedtokeeptheathleteswellhydrated. Contd...
Athletescompetinginextremehotorcoldconditions areathigher riskand proneto illness. Athletes in hotter condition need to balance their fluid and electrolyte balance to stay competitive and utilize theiroptimal performance. However, athletes in colder environments need to keep up their body temperature. Leaner athletes are usually ata riskof hypothermia. Therefore, temperature foods and fluids to withstand will encourage achieving colder optimal performance.
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