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Website Administration System (WAS) (fields: username/password). Settings. Subscriber List. Blog Manager. Home Page Image Manager. Call to Action Manager. Subscriber List. Resource Manager. Languages. Products. Case Studies Manager. Customers. CMS. Resource List. Languages List.
Website Administration System (WAS)(fields: username/password) Settings Subscriber List Blog Manager Home Page Image Manager Call to Action Manager Subscriber List Resource Manager Languages Products Case Studies Manager Customers CMS Resource List Languages List Category List Case Studies List Navigation Customer List Product List Pages Customer Profile Navigation Resources Manager Navigation List Add Resource Category List Add & Edit Navigation Category List Edit Resource Remove Resource Delete Navigation Add & Edit Category Delete Category Case Studies Manager Add & Edit Case Study Product List Gallery Manager Delete Case Study Add Image Product List Edit Image Add & Edit Products Case Studies Gallery Manager Delete Products Add Image Edit Image
Administrator | Language Front end Back end Language List Language URL Name Actions English en edit | delete Totally done 100% even though totally superfluous as the EU has total control over the URI… 2
Administrator | Add, Edit Language Front end Back end Language * Language: (English) * URL Name: (text box) Totally done 100% even though totally superfluous as the EU has total control over the URI… Save 3
Administrator | Image Manager Front end Back end Home Page Header Image Manager Name delete | move up | move down Name delete | move up | move down Name delete | move up | move down Add Image Image Name: (text box) Upload Image: (.jpg file format only. Exact size to be provided to Client.) Note: Max. of 10 images. Only 1 displayed on the home page at a time. Displayed images will move from right to left.. This is complete both front and backend though in the backend there is no limit to how many images a user can add which shouldn’t be a problem. Save 4
Administrator | Image Manager Front end Back end Home Page Call To Action Manager Note: Visitor to click next and back to see other Call to Action images. Name delete | move up | move down Name delete | move up | move down This complete both front / backend though there is no limit to how many images can be uploaded nor how many will be displayed on the frontend – the style allows 4 at a time with left/right arrows so that’s good enough… delete | move up | move down Name Add Image Image Name: (text box) Landing URL: (absolute path) Upload Image: (.jpg file format only. Exact size to be provided to Client.) Note: Max. of 10 images. Display 4 on home page. Assuming that first 4 in order will be the first to be displayed. Save 5
Administrator | Add, Edit Category Front end Back end Product Category List Language Primary Navigation Secondary Navigation Title URL Name Hide Navigation Actions + English Name Secondary Name Title /page-name Hidden/Displays Edit | delete | move up | move down + English Name Secondary Name Title /page-name Hidden/Displays Edit | delete | move up | move down + English Name Secondary Name Title /page-name Hidden/Displays Edit | delete | move up | move down This view is complete. See following edit page for more info. 6
Administrator | Add, Edit Category Front end Back end Product Category * Language: English Category selection allows the user to create a new category on the fly or select one from an ajax request – required : when the input box is clicked display all categories of whatever box they select (primary or secondary). When the user begins to type display the filtered results. Everything else here is fine. * Primary Category Navigation: Dynamically displays navigation * Secondary Category - Product Type - Navigation: Dynamically displays navigation * Title: (text box) Category Image: (image manager to display options) * Meta keywords: (text box) * Meta description: (text box) * URL Name: (text box) * Hide from Navigation: Save 7
Administrator | Add, Edit Category Front end Back end Product List * Primary Category Navigation: Dynamically displays navigation * Secondary Category - Product Type - Navigation: Dynamically displays navigation Note: Must select product category and sub-category before product list is displayed. This is to allow movement of up/down of products within each allocated sub-category product is attached to independently of another sub-category. Language Primary Navigation Secondary Navigation Product Title URL Content Status Actions + English Name Secondary Name Title /page-name Hidden/Displays Edit | move up | move down| delete + English Name Secondary Name Title /page-name Hidden/Displays Edit | move up | move down | delete + English Name Secondary Name Title /page-name Hidden/Displays Edit | move up | move down | delete There is no primary / secondary filter as the table has a nice filter and sorting built-in. Otherwise this is complete in the backend. 8
Administrator | Add, Edit Product Seating Front end Back end Product Product Sub-Category: (Dynamically displays navigation. Product is only connected to a sub-category. Allow products to be displayed in multiple sub-categories.) * Product Category: (Dynamically displays navigation.) * Language: English * Product Title: (text box) Product Number: (alpha –numeric box) URL Name: (text box) Product Thumbnail Image: (Image manager to display options) Meta keywords: (text box) Product Description: (text box with easy-edit-toolbar) Meta description: (text box) Gallery Image File 1: (Upload) Delete + Add Images(will add more image fields) Multi selecting related products is incomplete. This also requires QA for input validation, the only other thing pending on this page is the dropdown category thing I described above. Note: Utilize image gallery module. Image to enlarge from visitor mouses-over. Ability to zoom in/out. List Price Starting At: (text box, numeric) Your Price Starting At: (text box, numeric) Product Resources (resources will be displayed in both product details page and Resources section) Brochure Image (jpg file) Brochure File: (Upload PDF) Delete Price List Image (jpg file) Price List File: (Upload PDF) Delete Specs Sheet File: (Upload PDF) Delete Specs Sheet Image (jpg file) Environmental Sheet File: (Upload PDF) Delete Environmental Sheet Image (jpg file) Product Tab Title: 1 (text box) Product Tab Title: 2 (text box) Product Tab Title: 3 (text box) Product Tab Title: 4 (text box) Product Description: (text box with easy-edit-toolbar) Product Description: (text box with easy-edit-toolbar) Product Description: (text box with easy-edit-toolbar) Product Description: (text box with easy-edit-toolbar) * Content Status: Publish Not Published Hide from Navigation: Related products: (Dynamically displays product titles. Ctrl + click for multiple selections to a maximum of 4 products) On Sale & display on Specials page: Save
Administrator | Add, Edit , Delete Surface Materials Categories Front end Back end Surface Materials Categories Language Category Name Actions + English Name Edit | delete + English Name Edit | delete + English Name Edit | delete Note: Cannot delete a Category if a Filter is attached to it. This is not done whatsoever, use the package creation utility after creating the schema to prepare the module – see gmeloche. Save
Administrator | Add, Edit Surface Materials Category Front end Back end Surface Material Category Filters Not done at all. * Language: English * Surface Material Categories (Dynamically displays navigation.) * Title: (text box) Category Image: (image manager to display options) Meta keywords: (text box) Meta description: (text box) * URL Name: (text box) * Hide from Navigation: Filter Option Name: (title of selected Filter option) Filter Group: Type Application Style Color Grade* Product Series Sustainability Special Attributes + Add more Filter Options(will add more Filter Option Names) Save 11
Administrator | Add, Edit Surface Materials Front end Back end Surface Materials Connect Filter Options Filter Group: (Dynamically displays Filter Group Names.) * Surface Material Categories (Dynamically displays navigation.) * Language: English Surface Material Description: (text box with easy-edit-toolbar) * Title: (text box) Meta keywords: (text box) Meta description: (text box) Delete Surface Material Thumbnail Image: (Image manager to display options) Colour Filter Option Name: (dynamically display available options) Colour Image: (Upload. Ability to enlarge) Delete + Add Colour Name & Image(will add more image fields) PDF: (upload PDF file) Related Icons: 1 Flame Resistance 2 Colorfastness to Wet & Dry Crocking 3 General Contract Upholstery 4 Heavy Duty Upholstery 5 Physical Properties 6 Colorfastness to Light 7 Environmentally Friendly (Ctrl + click for multiple selections ) Related products: (Dynamically displays product titles. Ctrl + click for multiple selections ) This one’s not done either but it’s very similar to the product catalogue so shouldn’t be too complicated to replicate. Filter Group: Type Filter Option Name: (dynamically display available options) Filter Group: Application Filter Option Name: (dynamically display available options) Filter Group: Style Filter Option Name: (dynamically display available options) Filter Option Name: (dynamically display available options) Filter Group: Grade Filter Option Name: (dynamically display available options) Filter Group: Product Series Filter Option Name: (dynamically display available options) Filter Group: Sustainability Filter Group: Special Attributes Filter Option Name: (dynamically display available options) Save
Visitor Visitor, Product Catalogue Front end Back end Product My Account: sign in 0 item(s) cart (text box for product search) Search checkout Note: Product categories access from drop-down menu There is no search functionality at all, the search box at the top should probably be ajax-ified, create a new controller method in modules/frontend/controllers/app.php to call the search function.
Visitor Visitor, Product Catalogue Front end Back end Product Catalogue (text box for product search) Search Product Category Name >Product Sub-category Name Note: Product sub-categories access from drop-down menu This looks like the breadcrumb thing, take a look in application/helpers/navigation_helper.php for the breadcrumb function – it should just take some multi-dimensional array and build the hierarchy.
Visitor Visitor, Product Catalogue Front end Back end Product Name (text box for product search) Search This one’s a doozey. Image thumbnails must swap the full size image. Full size image requires lightbox or something for the zoom button. Tabs are broken, the original partial by greysi works but I broke it somehow – I’ll see if I can find it in SVN. Related products must be multi-selected in the product module backend – see that page. Product Category Name >Product Sub-category Name Continue with columns of image more images (open gallery in new window) Product Name Product Description List Price Starting At $ price Your Price Starting At $ price View Surface Materials View Typicals View CADs View Assembly Instructions Product Category image zoom in/out Product Downloads: File Etc. Sec. image Sec. image Tab 4 Tab 1 Tab 2 Tab 3 Tab details (multiple lines) Add to Quote Related Products Product Name Product Name Product Category image Product Category image Product Name Product Name Product Category image Product Category image Note: Clicking “Add to Cart” will add the item to cart and keep the visitor on the same product page.
Visitor Visitor, Surface Materials Front end Back end Surface Materials Select your preferred Surface Material category All the styling is ready to go but this depends on Surface Material backend module completion. Surface Material Category image Surface Material Category image Surface Material Category image Surface Material Category image Surface Material Category image Surface Material Category image Surface Material Category image
Visitor Visitor, Surface Material Specifications Page Front end Back end Pattern Name Enlarge (display max of 20 images in columns on page) +/- view more images (expand/collapse on page Surface Material Name Surface Material Description Download PDF Specifications: (dynamically display Surface Material Option Name description) Pattern image Dependent an surface material backend module, incomplete. icons image ? Sec. image Sec. image
Visitor Visitor, Checkout - Step 1 | Front end Back end Which List Checkout - Step 1 Product Name Qty # $ Price Product Name Qty # $ Price Product Name Qty # $ Price Etc. $ ------------------------- Total: $ Frontend for this is incomplete. Note: Prices shown are starting list prices. Select Request a Quote and a representative will contact you. Request a Quote Note: No credit card or shipping processing.
Visitor Visitor, Checkout Step 2 | Front end Back end Checkout - Step 2 Note: To be promoted when either Add To Wish List or Add to Favourites selected. Frontend for this is incomplete. Are you a: new customer existing customer Please enter your username and password. Forgot username or password. * Username: (alpha &/or numeric) * Password: (alpha &/or numeric) Please enter your email address you registered with and we will email you your username and password. * Email: Next
Visitor Visitor, Step 3 | Administrator Front end Back end Step 3 Note: If non-member, fields will be blank, if existing member, fields to be pre-populated based on last saved data. Information: Backend for this is complete (meaning module functionality) however frontend is incomplete. This is part of the auth/user module. * First name: * Last name: Company: * Email: * Telephone (work): Telephone (cell): Job Title: Designer Dealer Buyer Sales Rep Other * Username: (alpha &/or numeric) * Password: (alpha &/or numeric) * Confirm Password: (alpha &/or numeric) I would like to receive the newsletter. * Do you accept our Terms & Conditions? Yes No. (default to no) Note: No payment processing order will be emailed to administrator (email@domain.com) and saved for custom future logins and saved in WAS. Back Save
Visitor Visitor, confirmation | Administrator Back end Front end Thank you New Account Notice Email Message to Admin A new order has been made. Notes: • Email notice sent to website administrator (email@domain.com) to indicate a new whish list inquiry • Data recorded in WAS Backend for this is complete (meaning module functionality) however frontend is incomplete. This is part of the auth/user module.
Administrator | View Customers Back end Front end Customer List My Account Profile | My Wish List | My Favourites # First, Last Name Registration Date 1. Name yyyy/mm/dd Edit | delete My Wish List # Item Name 2. Name yyyy/mm/dd Edit | delete 3. Name yyyy/mm/dd Edit | delete 1. Name view | delete 2. Name view | delete Export to CSV 3. Name view | delete Note: Clicking on the list title will change the listing order from either ascending or descending. My Favorites # Item Name 1. Name view | delete Backend for this is complete (meaning module functionality) however frontend is incomplete. This is part of the auth/user module. 2. Name view | delete 3. Name view | delete
Administrator | Edit Customer Profile Front end Back end Customers Customer Profile Contact Information Backend for this is complete (meaning module functionality) however frontend is incomplete. This is part of the auth/user module. * First name: (text field) * Last name: (text field) * Address: (text field) * City: (text field) * Postal/Zip Code: (text field) * Province/State: (text field) (standard list) * Telephone: (numeric field) * Email/Username: *Username: (no min. character limit. Alpha & numeric allowed.) * Password: # Wish List Items Date 1. #### yyyy/mm/dd view | delete 2. #### yyyy/mm/dd view | delete Save
Administrator | CMS Navigation, List View Front end Back end CMS Navigation Add Navigation LanguagePrimary NavigationParent Secondary NavigationTitleURL NameHide From NavigationActions +English Company None Overview company Displayed edit | delete | up | down +English Company None Overview company Displayed edit | delete | up | down +English Company None Overview company Displayed edit | delete | up | down Requires QA otherwise complete.
Administrator | CMS Navigation, Add/Edit Navigation Front end Back end CMS Navigation * Language: (data pulled from WAS CMS Language section) * Primary Navigation: (data pulled from WAS CMS Navigation section) Requires QA, otherwise complete. Secondary Navigation: (data pulled from WAS CMS Navigation section) * Title: (text field) * URL Name: (text field) Hide From Navigation: (check box) Note: Selection of Primary Navigation and/or Secondary Navigation drop-downs will indicate were the new navigational link will be added. Save
Administrator | CMS Pages, List View Front end Back end CMS Pages Add Page View Archive LanguagePrimary NavigationSecondary NavigationPage NameContent StatusDate Updated +English Company None Overview Published 2010-02-10 22:40:22 pm edit | delete +English Company None Overview Published 2010-02-10 22:40:22 pm edit | delete +English Company None Overview Published 2010-02-10 22:40:22 pm edit | delete There is no archive functionality however DB has a BOOL field for ‘active’ and ‘display’ so it’s pretty easy to sort. Requires QA, otherwise complete.
Administrator | CMS Pages, Add/Edit Page Front end Back end Requires QA, otherwise complete. Add Page View Archive * Language: (data pulled from WAS CMS Language section) * Primary Navigation: (data pulled from WAS CMS Navigation section) Secondary Navigation: (data pulled from WAS CMS Navigation section) * Page Name: (text field) Meta Keywords: (text field) Meta Description: (text box) * Content: (text box with Easy-Edit-Toolbar) Product List: (Available for Industries Primary Navigation item only. Dynamically displays all Products. Allow multiple selection.) Content Status: Not Published Published Save
Administrator | CMS Pages, View Archive Front end Back end See above note about archiving. Requires QA, otherwise complete. View Archive PagePage URLWhat has changedDate Updated view Company company content 2010-02-10 22:40:22 pm view Company company content 2010-02-10 22:44:22 pm view Team employees URL 2010-02-10 22:40:22 pm
Administrator | Blog Manager Front end Back end Requires admin link in navigation. Blog Manager Link to Blog application (based on WordPress standard install) Save
Visitor Visitor | Resources List Front end Back end Resources List Name Name Edit | delete Edit | delete Name Name Edit | delete Requires QA otherwise complete.
Administrator | CMS Pages, Add/Edit Resources - Typicals Front end Back end Resources Typicals Product Category Name(managed from Administrator) Product Sub-category Name Product Sub-category Name Etc Product Sub-category image This can be found in the product resources section – there is no differentiating between resource types – it’s a simple “name” => “path” where path is the resource file path. Works pretty good. Product Sub-category image Product Sub-category image
Administrator | CMS Pages, Add/Edit Resources - Typicals Front end Back end Resources Typicals Product page displays all resources, I’m not quite sure how this part works but the resource functionality in the backend works 100%. I think this just requires iterating over resources for given product in the product view page, maybe. Product Category Name >Product Sub-category Name Product Sub-Category Name(managed from Administrator) Product Name Product Name Etc Product image Product image Product image Save
Administrator | CMS Pages, Add/Edit Resources - Typicals Front end Back end Resources Typicals Add Resources - Typicals * Language: (data pulled from WAS CMS Language section) Product Category Name >Product Sub-category Name * Product Category: (Dynamically displays navigation.) Title Description Download 2D Download 3D PDF (if applicable) Enlarge Typical thumbnail image *Product Sub-Category: (Dynamically displays navigation. Product is only connected to a sub-category. Multiple drop-down menu. Allow products to be displayed in multiple sub-categories.) Add to Favourites *Product List: (Dynamically displays Products based on Sub-Category selected.. Multiple drop-down menu. Allow products to be displayed in multiple sub-categories.) Title Description Download 2D Download 3D PDF (if applicable) Enlarge Typical thumbnail image Add to Favourites * Typical Title: (text box) Typical Description: (text box) Title Description Download 2D Download 3D PDF (if applicable) Enlarge Typical thumbnail image Add to Favourites Delete Thumbnail Image (jpg file) Copy the product module for this, they are the same thing – only have to change a few fields. This is currently incomplete. DWG 2D Image (jpg file) DWG 2D File: (Upload DWG) Delete DWG 3D Image (jpg file) DWG 3D File: (Upload DWG) Delete and/or PDF File: (Upload PDF) Delete PDF Image (jpg file) Save
Administrator | CMS Pages, Add/Edit Resources -CADs Front end Back end Resources CADs Add Resources - CADs Note: follow same navigation flow as Typicals. * Language: (data pulled from WAS CMS Language section) Product Category Name >Product Sub-category Name * Product Category: (Dynamically displays navigation.) thumbnail image Title Description Download 2D Download 3D PDF (if applicable) Enlarge *Product Sub-Category: (Dynamically displays navigation. Product is only connected to a sub-category. Multiple drop-down menu. Allow products to be displayed in multiple sub-categories.) Add to Favourites *Product List: (Dynamically displays Products based on Sub-Category selected.. Multiple drop-down menu. Allow products to be displayed in multiple sub-categories.) thumbnail image Title Description Download 2D Download 3D PDF (if applicable) Enlarge Add to Favourites * CAD Title: (text box) CAD Description: (text box) thumbnail image Title Description Download 2D Download 3D PDF (if applicable) Enlarge Delete Thumbnail Image (jpg file) Add to Favourites DWG 2D Image (jpg file) DWG 2D File: (Upload DWG) Delete DWG 3D Image (jpg file) DWG 3D File: (Upload DWG) Delete Copy the product module for this, they are the same thing – only have to change a few fields. This is currently incomplete. Populated frontend for this is also incomplete however styling is there. and/or PDF File: (Upload PDF) Delete PDF Image (jpg file) Save
Administrator | CMS Pages, Add/Edit Resources – Image Gallery Front end Back end Resources Note: follow same navigation flow as Typicals. Note: Images to play as a slide show in previous sub-cateogry section prior to image selection selected below. Image Gallery Add Resources – Image Gallery * Language: (data pulled from WAS CMS Language section) thumbnail image Title Description Download Low Res Download High Res Enlarge * Product Category: (Dynamically displays navigation.) Add to Favourites *Product Sub-Category: (Dynamically displays navigation. Product is only connected to a sub-category. Multiple drop-down menu. Allow products to be displayed in multiple sub-categories.) thumbnail image Title Description Download Low Res Download High Res Enlarge Add to Favourites *Product List: (Dynamically displays Products based on Sub-Category selected.. Multiple drop-down menu. Allow products to be displayed in multiple sub-categories.) * Image Title: (text box) Image Description: (text box) thumbnail image Title Description Download Low Res Download High Res Enlarge Add to Favourites Image File 1: (upload PDF) Delete Thumbnail Image (jpg file) High Res Image (jpg file) High Res File: (upload jpg) Delete Low Res File: (upload jpg) Delete Product -> Resources handles this nicely however it must be extended to support description, and categories. Frontend styling is complete, backend is not. Save
Administrator | CMS Pages, Add/Edit Resources – Assembly Instructions Front end Back end Resources Assembly Instructions Add Resources – Assembly Instructions (text box for Assembly Instruction only search) Search * Language: (data pulled from WAS CMS Language section) Note: follow same navigation flow as Typicals. * Product Category: (Dynamically displays navigation.) Product Category Name >Product Sub-category Name *Product Sub-Category: (Dynamically displays navigation. Product is only connected to a sub-category. Multiple drop-down menu. Allow products to be displayed in multiple sub-categories.) thumbnail image Title Description Download PDF Add to Favourites *Product List: (Dynamically displays Products based on Sub-Category selected.Multiple drop-down menu. Allow products to be displayed in multiple sub-categories.) thumbnail image Title Description Download PDF * Instructions Title: (text box) Assembly Instructions Description: (text box) Add to Favourites Image File 1: (Upload PDF) Delete Thumbnail Image (jpg file) thumbnail image Title Description Download PDF See previous page – same thing. Add to Favourites Save
Administrator | CMS Pages, Add/Edit Resources - Other Front end Back end Add Resources - Other Note: Hidden from Resources section, but displayed within Product Catalogue Downloads section. * Language: (data pulled from WAS CMS Language section) See previous page, same thing. * Product Category: (Dynamically displays navigation.) *Product Sub-Category: (Dynamically displays navigation. Product is only connected to a sub-category. Multiple drop-down menu. Allow products to be displayed in multiple sub-categories.) *Product List: (Dynamically displays Products based on Sub-Category selected.Multiple drop-down menu. Allow products to be displayed in multiple sub-categories.) * Title: (text box) Description: (text box) File 1: (Upload file) Delete Save
Administrator Visitor | Case Study List Front end Back end Case Study List This requires QA, otherwise complete. Name Name Edit | delete Edit | delete Name Name Edit | delete
Administrator | CMS Pages, Add/Edit Case Studies Front end Back end Case Studies Add Case Studies Title Description thumbnail image * Case Study Title: (text box) Description: (text box) Thumbnail Image (jpg file) Delete Title Description thumbnail image Image Name: (text file) File: (Upload jpg) Delete + Add more Images (will add more fields to add images) PDF File: (Upload PDF) Delete PDF Image (jpg file) thumbnail image Title Description This requires QA, otherwise complete. Save
Visitor Case Studies Detailed View| Front end Back end Case Studies Title Description Enlarge PDF thumbnail image Frontend is 50%, there currently no way to view the gallery however viewing the thumbs works good. Sec. image Sec. image Save
Visitor Visitor | Subscriber List Front end Back end Subscription Subscriber List Please enter your email address . Name Email Registration Date * Name: * Email: Name name@domain.com mm/dd/yyyy Edit | delete Edit | delete I accept the terms and conditions. Name name@domain.com mm/dd/yyyy subscribe unsubscribe Name name@domain.com mm/dd/yyyy Edit | delete Export to CSV Note: When visitor selects “subscribe” email confirmation sent. When unsubscribe selected email sent to administrator (email@domain.com ?). Backend works good but does not export CSV, should be trivial to do. Frontend submits form and saves however does not display the terms checkbox nor does it offer a message that the user was subscribed successfully. Next
Administrator | Settings Front end Back end Settings Currency: (display: CAD & USD) Shipping API: (N/A) Payment methods: (N/A) Settings module is functional but has no affect on the rest of the site – the vars are not used anywhere.