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  1. Terrorism

  2. Terrorism has had a huge impact in the Middle East. By Osama Bin Laden funding the terrorists for 9/11, America were at war with terrorists in the Middle East for over 10 years. As of today, the majority of our troops are out of the Middle East, with a select few in Embassy’s throughout.

  3. United Nations impact on Terrorism The UN has taken many steps forward in fighting and preventing terrorism. For example, they’re constantly getting better at tracking and stopping a terrorist attack from happening while the terrorists are still planning it. Since most terrorists use the internet for communication, the UN has taken many steps in noticing a terrorist threat or plan.

  4. The UN has also taken many steps to prevent terrorists from traveling. By blocking off their ability to travel, the terrorists cannot fulfill their plan.

  5. Future terrorism in the Middle East As for the future of terrorism in the Middle East, I predict little if any enormous terrorist plots actually happening. With security getting better each year, it becomes more and more harder for a terrorist to be able to complete a plan.

  6. Issues being resolved A big issue that has been resolved in the Middle East involving terrorism was having Osama Bin Laden killed by the US Government on behalf of President Obama. By having Bin Laden killed, most terrorist funds have been cut off because he was the main source. This is a huge issue that has been resolved involving terrorism within the Middle East.

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