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Welcome!. All Periods: Sign In next to your name at the door. Teacher: Mrs. Hepner Classroom: P-12 Period 1: Floriculture II Period 2: Floriculture I Period 3: Floriculture I Period 5: Floriculture I Period 6: Floriculture I. 8/15/11 Agenda.

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  1. Welcome! All Periods: Sign In next to your name at the door. Teacher: Mrs. Hepner Classroom: P-12 Period 1: Floriculture II Period 2: Floriculture I Period 3: Floriculture I Period 5: Floriculture I Period 6: Floriculture I

  2. 8/15/11 Agenda • Student Sign In , Find Seat Number & Announcements • Teacher Introduction • Name Card: Due 8-17-11 at the beginning of class Side A: Name & Period Address & Phone Number Photo Side B: 1 Year Goal 2 Year Goal 5 Cool Things About Yourself include hobbies or interests • Locations: Paper Towels, Cleaning Tools • Recycling: Paper and Beverage Containers • Bathroom Pass and Sign Out • College & Scholarship Information • Tomorrow Bring a Tie – Extra Credit • Hand Shake: Eyes, Smiles, Web, Firm, 2-3 Shake • Find Someone; 3 siblings, 18, has dog, has horse, vacation out of state. • Floral II: Arrange Room

  3. Floral II-Shop Day 1 & 2 • Lay out desks in 3 rows x 4 Deep, 3 Chairs each table • With Tape - Number Tables & student number • Place Chairs at tables (3), extras go against the wall • Clean Fridge (old flowers) & Scrub Buckets • Hang Posters • Print out new signs for Recycling boxes & Fridge • Change Out Bulletin Board (outside) • Select Buddy and Cabinet for Inventory Presentation • Check list on the door & compare what is in the cabinet & correct list as needed • Find all items to go into your cabinet from donation pile. • Present your cabinet with 3 samples in your hand 6. Return all items to the cabinet. • Cabinet Inventory Presentation and Quiz tomorrow.

  4. 8/16/11 Agenda • All – Name Card, Assignment Calendar, Syllabus • All - Turn in name card & Syllabus tomorrow,8-17-11 • Floral I - Tie A Tie for Points • Name Page & Quiz due 8-22-11 • Floral II – Name Card & Assignment Calendar • Name Card – What I hope to accomplish in Floral 2 • Floral Inventory presentation with New Signs Printed • Check list on the door & compare what is in the cabinet & correct list as needed • Find all items to go into your cabinet from donation pile. • Present your cabinet with 3 samples in your hand 6. Return all items to the cabinet. • Cabinet Inventory Presentation and Quiz.

  5. Assignment Calendar • Calendar Must Have - Dates, Holidays, Daily Assignments, Name, & Period • August - 31 days (start today) • FFA Meeting – 24 @ 3:15 in P-12 for 10% of Grade • Announce Kid In A Box Donation Drive • September – 30 days (start on backside of sheet) • Back to School Night – 8th • Labor Day – 5th - Monday No School • FFA Meeting –14 @ 3:15 in P-12 for 10% of Grade • Assignment Calendar: Due 09-30-11 (35 pnts.) • Kid In a Box Sleep Over at St. Bernard's – Sept. 30

  6. 8/17/11 Agenda • All - Name Card Due Today - Turn in to Overhead • All - Syllabus Due today – Friday Turn into Basket • WHS Student Hand Book- turn in signature page tomorrow for points • Floral I - Bring ID and Cover ? to Check Out Books • Introduction Presentation (find a Buddy to Introduce) • Name ( First & Last) • Favorite Color • Favorite Ice Cream • Best Summer Activity • Family Description • Dream College and Why • Name Practice & Tie Points • FFA meeting 8-24-11 – Unison Part • Floral II –Office Field Trip; Fax, Recycle Totes, Mrs. Loredo Office, Attendance, • Meet Midway Floral; Glenda and Carla, Process Flowers, Clean Up

  7. 8/18/11 Agenda • Agenda Log: Where and What For? • All – Seating Chart • Turn in Handbook Form ( 2nd Period) 8-20-11 • Turn in late work (Syllabus and Name Card) • Introductions • Name Practice (Quiz on Monday, The 22nd) • ESLRs /Character– Create Mini Poster • Unison part practice – fill in and present for EC • Exit Ticket – What you know about the FFA (25 word minimum) • Floral II – Inventory Cabinet Labels Typed • Hang Roses to Dry • Put Away Donations • Bereavement Arrangement

  8. 1.ESLRs – Mini Poster • ESLRS/ Character Presentation - Select Item as a table -Define ESLRS/Character/Mission/Vision Belief - Create Mini Poster - Poster should be Colorful - Paraphrase or summarize Words to Explain - Present Mini Poster to class - Posters will be displayed @ Back to School Night (September 1st)

  9. 8/19/11 Agenda • Name Practice • Right Brain Vs. Left foot • Unison Part Practice; Gavel Tap Practice – 3=up, 1= Sit • Monday Name Quiz –Name Page Due - Bring SSR Book, Lined Paper and Writing Tool • ESLRs /Character Presentation • Extra Credit Quiz; cleaning/recycling, bathroom, ESLER, Character • How much is High School Worth? • Show Me the Money Notes • Floral II: Name List, Introductions, Inventory Presentations • Record Book Scavenger Hunt • Record Book Calendars; July to December • Inventory Quiz

  10. Right Brain or Right Foot?? • How Smart is Your Right Foot? • While sitting at your desk , lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles • Now, while doing this, draw the number 6 in the air with your right hand. 3. What did your foot do???? This request confuses your mind. Keep trying over and over again to see if you can outsmart your foot.

  11. How Much is High School Worth? Average Lifetime Earnings Elementary School Graduates: $1,000,000 High School Graduates: $1,200,000 College Graduates: $2,100,000 Difference Between High School & 8th Grade $1,200,000 - $1,000,000 = $ 200,000 Divided by 4= number of years in high school You make $ 50,000 a year in high school Divided by 180 days a year in high school = $277 Divided by 6 periods a day in high school = $46 What do you do to earn that amount of money??? Sit in a temperature controlled room, wear whatever you want, eat and drink during your 6 minuet breaks every hour and talk with your friends

  12. 8/22/11 Agenda • All– Minimum Day on Monday 8-29 (12:16) • Name Quiz– You have 2 minutes to Study • Name Quiz – Clear Table, Writing Tools Out • SSR Book + Reading = 2 Points • Finish Show Me the Money Notes • Floral II – Name Quiz Practice • Inventory Relabeled of All Cabinets – Same font • Actual Quiz on Monday • Finish Introductions

  13. Floral I Extra Credit • List 1 ESLRS. • List 1 Character Pillar. • When is the first FFA Meeting? • List 1 item that can get recycled in Mrs. Hepner’s classroom. • That do I expect you to do when you need to use the restroom? • What is the Agenda Binder for?

  14. Inventory Quiz • 1. Which cabinet has Holiday stuff? • 2. Which cabinet has cardets? • 3. Which cabinet has record books (new)? • 4. Which cabinet has ribbon & office supplies? • 5. Which cabinet has spray paint? • 6. Cleaning supplies can be found where? • 7. Large vases can be found where? • 8. Curling ribbon & kitty litter is where? • 9. FSS catalogs are in what cabinet? • What is in cabinet # 3? Give 2 examples. • What is in cabinet # 4? Give 2 examples.

  15. 8/23/11 Agenda • All - Get out ID & go to library to check out books • Turn in Handbook Form (2nd Period) • Floral I – Career Unit • Reference Text Book Unit 21 – pg 401-407 Bold Terms • Define all terms listed below. • Full Service, Specialty, Limited-Service, Flower Merchandiser, Free-Standing, Strip-Center, Shopping Mall, Business Complex, Downtown, Floral Dept. • Floral II – Record Book – Fill in Calendars July – Dec. • Job Application rough draft • Work Interest Inventory Quiz • Fill in Worksheet and calculate

  16. 8/24/11 Agenda • All – FFA Meeting Today @ 3:15 in P-12 • Floral I - Career Notes Off PowerPoint - Show Me The Money! • Careers in Floral Industry • Floral I – Text Book; Unit 1, Page 1-10 • Define all jobs. (bold terms) • Include Fig. 1-2 • Floral II – Record Book Finish Calendars • Work Interest • Fill in Worksheet and calculate • Presentation tomorrow; top two areas, 3 career choices, did it turn out like you thought?

  17. Floral 2 Work Interest Quiz • List 2 careers from the Service area. • What equipment might be Operated? • A receptionist or secretary is in what area? • Farmer or Rancher is in what area? • What area requires use of hand tools? • Truck Drivers are in what area? • Landscaper or Florist are in what area? • List 3 careers in the Caring/Helping area.

  18. 8/25/11 Agenda All – Greenhouse visit Floral I - Career Notes Off PowerPoint - Show Me The Money! • Careers in Floral Industry • Floral I – Text Book; Unit 1, Page 1-10 • Define all jobs. (bold terms) & draw Fig. 1-2 in notes • Presentations (individual) - Description - Education - What can you do now to prepare for this career? • Floral II – Record Book Placement Agreement • Review Job Applications

  19. Record Book Placement Agreement • #5 Students Will; Clean Shop, Process Flowers, Design Arrangements, Deliver Arrangements, Complete Advertising & Sales for Flowers by the Month. • #6 Teacher Will; Train Students, Provide Materials, Arrange Sales, Consultation Presentations, Career Experience, & 2 Arrangements Per year. • #7 Students Will Be; Punctual, Follow Directions, Practice Skills, & Create A Portfolio of Work.

  20. 8/26/11 Agenda • All – Minimum Day Monday (12:16) • Floral I - Career Presentations (individual); • Presenters; Pick Poster, Read Information & Summarize • Description • Education • What can you do now to prepare for this career? • EC - New Horizon - Article Report • Floral II – Record Book - Journal Pages • Review Job Applications • Flowers by the Month Posters - Design • Work Interest - Review • Presentation tomorrow; top two areas, 3 career choices, did it turn out like you thought?

  21. Flowers of the Month • $ 75.00 per year • $ 40.00 per Semester • Contactmhepner@tusd.net to order today Tentative Delivery Dates September 13 October 18 November 8 December 6 January 10 February 7 March 13 April 17 May 22 *Delivered To West High Class Rooms on same day. *Secret Pal options available.

  22. 8/29/11 Agenda • All – Minimum Day Today (12:16) • Career Unit – My Flower Shop • Reminder: Hand Book and Syllabus signature pages are way past due. • Floral II – FBTM Flyers on Computers

  23. Full-service – All services; events, gifts, plants & flowers Specialty– Just Weddings or Parties (Large Events) Limited-Service /Carriage Trade Shop – Elite clientele Flower Merchandisers: Stem Shops Free-Standing Flower Shop: Mass Market Shop Strip-Center Flower Shop: Franchise Shop Shopping Mall: ? Business Complex: Studio Operation Downtown Location: ? Floral Department: Wholesale Florists Floral Shops

  24. Description Juliettes' Jewels of Flowers, is my full service flower shop. We specialize in arranging flowers, planning weddings, and other party events. In addition, we sell party balloons, gifts, gift cards, cakes, and more. We sell flowers from around the world, such as; Tiares from Tahiti, Hibiscus from the Pacific islands associated with the Hawaiian islands, Mexican hat flower garden plant, locations to serve you; Stockton, San Francisco, and our main shop in Fremont, 1821 BeshininOnem drive, 94539. We have 18 considerate employees that will help you with your needs. Staff is on the floor in every area to assist you; with cards, candy, balloons, gifts, flowers, designing, and wedding planning. We take orders, walk-ins, and for large events, consultation appointments. The shop is open from 10 AM. - 7PM. Monday - Friday and 10 AM. - 4PM. on Saturdays closed on Sundays. So come to Juliettes’ Jewels of Flowers and we will make you shine!

  25. Juliettes Jewels Of Flowers We’ll make you shine at our Full Service Shop located in Stockton, San Francisco, main shop at 1821 Beshinin Onem Fremont CA. 94539 Stockton – (209) 346-7832 San Francisco – (415) 640-4867 Fremont – (510) 760-6594

  26. The Shop is 40 x 30 Legend Doors Balloons Area Break Room Swinging doors Gift Shop Front Office/ Desk Windows Cards Area Womens Bathroom Window Display Designing Area Mens Bathroom Planning Area Fridge Working table Water Area Worker Area Cash register Flower Area

  27. 8/30/11 Agenda • Floral I – My Flower Shop • Hand Out Rubric • Shop Description and Sign rough draft • Floral II - Advertisement – Reference book Page 430, # 6 -9 Write question and answer • Advertisement/Promotion Packet, Restate Q in the A. • Use your new skills to fix/change/update your poster.

  28. 8/31/11 Agenda • All – Grades • Floral I – Flower Shop Project • Business Card/Letter Head • Shop Description - Final - Today • Shop Sign – Colorful Final – Today • Shop Floor Plan – Rough • Floral II – FBTM Flyer vote • Resume Info Rough Draft • Do draft on binder paper • Change Objective; a sales position at a floral shop where my talents will be used.

  29. Merrill F. West Agriculture DepartmentMerrill F. West High School1775 Lowell AvenueTracy, CA 95376(209) 831-5430 Ext.3412Fax: (209) 831-5433mhepner@tusd.net

  30. Flower Shop Floor Plan These are the must have items in the shop. • Fridge • Sink • Draw an edge of Shop/not Edge of paper • Drawing to Scale and/or Legend • Client Area • Employ Station or Work Areas - Balloons - Gift Wrap and Delivery - Plants - Cashier - Window Displays

  31. 8//10 Agenda • Floral I – Career Unit – • Flowers by the Month – Poster – Sales Pg 401-417 • Marketing, Advertisement, Promotions, Salesman options • Floral II – Advertisement – Reference book Page 430, # 6 -9 Write question and answer • Advertisement/Promotion Packet, Restate Q in the A.

  32. Flower Production from Field to YouProduction Steps (2% of all Ag.) • Prepare land/soil • Plant seed • Irrigate (overhead) & Fertilizer • Cultivate (remove weeds) • Harvest • Package/Process • Ship to San Francisco Flower Market • Sell to Wholesale Florist • Sell to Retail Florist who makes it into arrangement • Sell to Consumer (tax is charged)

  33. 8/30/10 Agenda • Floral I & II –Back to School Night on Wednesday • Flower Production from Field to You - Take Notes • Floral II – Resume due • Rough Draft – Cover letter • Job Application - Due Tomorrow • No Abbreviations, Blue/Black Pen • Sales at Flower Pavillion • Review Cover Letter & Resume • Carol Cauller, owner of the Flower Pavillion • 98 W. 10th Street, Tracy, CA 95376

  34. 8/31/10 Agenda Floral I – Flower Shop Project Due Staple & turn in • Rubric on Top • Description • Business Card/Letter Head • Shop Sign • Floor Plan • Present Flower Shop Projects for extra points • World Demographics • FFA Unison part • Review Steps of Wholesale Floral Market • Organize Notes for Fridays Quiz • Power Point Notes (show me the money) • Presentation Worksheet • Floral Career Textbook Notes • Highlight Notes & Practice questions • Floral 2 – Finish Resume/Cover Letter Drafts/ Job Application

  35. Extra Credit Quiz Questions • Floral II- List the cabinet numbers that have the following items; • Western Garden Books -baskets • Paper cups -Magazine • Balloons -St. Patty’s Stuff • Christmas Stuff -Name an FFA Officer Floral I – Answer the following questions. • Where are your text books kept? • Where are the paper towels located? • Where is the recycling bin for white paper? • What is the procedure for going to the bathroom? • List one ESLR and one Pillar of Character.

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