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Developing OR in Africa: initiatives of IFORS and EURO

Developing OR in Africa: initiatives of IFORS and EURO. Graham K. Rand Alexis Tsoukias IFORS Vice-President, 1998-2000 Secretary, EURO http://www.ifors.org http://www.euro-online.org Department of Management Science, LAMSADE-CNRS, Lancaster University Université Paris Dauphine.

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Developing OR in Africa: initiatives of IFORS and EURO

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  1. Developing OR in Africa:initiatives of IFORS and EURO Graham K. Rand Alexis Tsoukias IFORS Vice-President, 1998-2000 Secretary, EURO http://www.ifors.orghttp://www.euro-online.org Department of Management Science, LAMSADE-CNRS, Lancaster University Université Paris Dauphine

  2. IFORS International Federation of Operational Research Societies founded in 1959 by UK, USA and France

  3. IFORS 45 national Operational Research Societies, in four regional groupings

  4. IFORS EURO NORAM APORS ALIO Austria Hungary Spain Canada Australia Argentina Belarus Iceland Sweden INFORMS China Brazil Belgium Ireland Switzerland Hong Kong Chile Bulgaria Israel Turkey India Mexico Croatia Italy United Kingdom Japan Czech Netherlands Yugoslavia Korea Denmark Norway Malaysia Finland Poland New Zealand France Portugal The Philippines Germany Slovakia Singapore Greece South Africa

  5. IFORS Triennial Conferences 1957 Oxford 1972 Dublin 1987 Buenos Aires 1960 Aix-en-Provence 1975 Tokyo 1990 Athens 1963 Oslo 1978 Toronto 1993 Lisbon 1966 Boston 1981 Hamburg 1996 Vancouver 1969 Venice 1984 Washington 1999 Beijing 2002 in Edinburgh

  6. IFORS Triennial Conferences and 2005 in USA Aloha

  7. IFORS PUBLICATIONS • International Transactions in Operational Research • International Abstracts in Operations Research • Newsletter • OR in Developing Countries Newsletter

  8. Developing Countries • form a subset of the IFORS national members • particularly in APORS and ALIO regions • though many DCs have no OR Society

  9. IFORS and DCs - a brief history • Japan 1975 • Washington 1984 • First Teachers’ Workshop, Ahmedabad 1986 • First ICORD conference, Ahmedabad 1992 • OR for Development Prize

  10. Africa • The only African OR Societies affiliated to IFORS are in Egypt and South Africa • a society has recently begun in Tunisia and another was created in Algeria

  11. IFORS African Initiatives • Creation of a network • Support of conferences • Co-operation with EURO initiatives

  12. Africa OR Network Why? Because only African OR Societies are Egypt and South Africa yet many Africans have been educated in OR

  13. Africa OR Network - current membership 62 in total Nigeria 18 Zambia 3 Kenya 10 Mozambique 3 Zimbabwe 6 Ghana 2 Algeria 5 Tanzania 2 Tunisia 4 Namibia 2 Morocco 3 (Lesotho, Uganda, Botswana, Congo 1 each)

  14. Africa OR Network - main conclusions • All wish for contact and the development of a network • All are happy about ORSSA involvement in developing a network • All but four want regional groupings

  15. Africa OR Network- Key issues • what should be supplied to the network members • ways to contact others

  16. ICORD Conferences International Conferences on OR for Development • Purpose • Four held so far • Ahmedabad 1992 • Rio de Janeiro 1996 • Manila 1997 • South Africa 2001 • And one planned • India 2002

  17. EURO African initiatives • EURO considers the creation of permanent OR structures within the African continent to be of strategic importance. • EURO objective: create in the near future as many as possible OR societies (not necessarily national) in Africa.

  18. What EURO does? • EURO Africa project: 15000€ during 2002 in order to support projects which aim to establish OR structures (details in http://www.euro-online.org)

  19. Actions • Before Summer 2001 a call for bids circulated widely (more than 100 addresses). • More than 10 projects have been received. • 2 projects have been accepted.

  20. Projects in progress • Conference in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), 5-7 January 2003, organised through the RAMAD (Réseau Africain Mathématiques de la Décision: universities from more than 10 West African countries). chair of the PC: Jacques Teghem (teghem@mathro.fpms.ac.be) chair of the OC: Blaise Somé (some@univ-ouaga.bf)

  21. Projects in Progress • Conference in Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania), June 2003, organised by Universities in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda (with the support of ORSSA). • Establishment of ORSEA (Operational Research Society of East Africa) Organiser: Joe Kakeneno joekakeneno@hotmail.com

  22. Further Projects • Re-conduct the Africa project budget for 2003. • Further fund raising with International Organisations in order to support OR in Africa. • Insert the Africa project within the EU FP6

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