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Understanding Multiplication and Division

Engage in activities to understand multiplication and division, practice sharing coins, and grasp the concept of equal division. Explore money problems and develop problem-solving skills. Learn to use the correct number operations and vocabulary effectively.

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Understanding Multiplication and Division

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Understanding Multiplication and Division Year 2 Summer Term Week 11 Lesson 2

  2. Today we will be learning to: • use division and multiplication • use multiplication and division vocabulary • understand the idea of something left over • use the correct number operation • solve money problems.

  3. Mental Activity What’s my number operation?

  4. One pupil wears a headband with a number operation written on it. This pupil says a number to the class. The class multiplies that number by the number operation on the headband.

  5. The class call out the answer. The pupil wearing the headband guesses the number operation that is written on the headband.

  6. Main Activity Today we are going to share out coins between different numbers of children and work out how much they each get.

  7. I will take a handful of 1p coins. How many coins are there? How much money is that?

  8. I want to share this money equally between two children. How much will they each get? How did you work it out?

  9. How can we check?

  10. What does ‘share equally’ mean? Making sure that everyone gets the same amount.

  11. Share equally How could we do this? What should be done with any leftovers?

  12. If I share the same handful of coins between three children will they each get more or less than the two children did? Why?

  13. You can share out 1p coins using 2 lines.

  14. 6 coins between 2.

  15. 6 coins between 2.

  16. 6 coins between 2.

  17. 6 coins between 2.

  18. 6 coins between 2. Three 1p coins each. • What is the number sentence for this?

  19. You can share out 1p coins using 3 lines.

  20. 13 coins between 3

  21. 13 coins between 3

  22. 13 coins between 3

  23. 13 coins between 3

  24. 13 coins between 3

  25. 13 coins between 3 Four 1p coins each and one 1p left over. What is the number sentence for this?

  26. Now we are going to do the same with 2p coins.

  27. I will take a handful of 2p coins. How many coins are there? How much money is that?

  28. I want to share this money equally between two children. How much will they each get? How did you work it out?

  29. How can we check?

  30. If I share the same handful of coins between three children will they each get more or less than the two children did? Why?

  31. You can share out 2p coins using 2 lines.

  32. 6 coins between 2.

  33. 6 coins between 2.

  34. 6 coins between 2.

  35. 6 coins between 2.

  36. Three 2p coins each. How much money is this? • What is the number sentence for this?

  37. You can share out 2p coins using 3 lines.

  38. 13 coins between 3

  39. 13 coins between 3

  40. 13 coins between 3

  41. 13 coins between 3

  42. 13 coins between 3

  43. Four 2p coins each and one left over. How much money is this? What is the number sentence for this?

  44. Share out a handful of 1p coins equally and work out how much each child gets. Share out a handful of 2p coins equally and work out how much each child gets. Share out a mixture of 2p and 1p coins equally and work out how much each child gets. Group Work

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