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IRS Form 2290 is used to file the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT). Electronic filing for Form 2290 is required when you report 25 or more vehicles in a tax return
2290Taxexemptions Heavy highway vehicles must report to the IRS bytheendofthe2290deadline.Butsome heavy vehicles are exempt from the tax payment report on Form 2290. The 2290 tax exemptions happenwhenthevehiclesmeetcertain requirements.Iftheheavyvehiclesaresubject to the below criteria, then they are eligible for IRSForm2290 Exemption. • TheFederalGovernment; • TheAmerican National Red Cross; • Astate or local government; • TheDistrictofColumbia; • Anonprofitvolunteerfiredepartment, rescuesquad,orambulanceassociation, • An Indian tribal government but only if the vehiclesinvolvedintheexerciseofan essentialtribalgovernmentfunction;or
A mass transportation authority is created under a statute that gives it certain powers normally exercisedbythestate.Also,therearesome reasons for IRS 2290 Tax Form Exemption that theheavyvehiclesneednotreportonForm 2290.They are • Qualified blood collector vehicles are used byqualifiedbloodcollectororganizations, and • Mobile machinery (at certain specifications suchasachassisasdescribedunder speciallydesignedmobilemachineryfor non-transportationfunctions) • Qualifiedbloodcollectorvehicle • Aqualifiedbloodcollectorvehiclethoseare used for qualified blood collector organizations to collect, store, or transportation of blood. The Qualifiedbloodcollectorvehiclesmustwork underqualifiedbloodcollectororganizations
80% throughout the tax period. When a heavy vehicle comes to service in a tax year and the qualifiedbloodcollectororganization certifies thatthevehicle80%serviceisonlyfor collection,storage,andtransportationofthe blood, then that vehicle is exempted from 2290 TaxPayment. Vehiclesnotconsidered Highway Motor Vehicles The below type of vehicles are not treated as heavyvehicles. 1.The vehicles that are specially designed for mobilemachineryfornon-transportation functions.Themobilemachineryvehicles performoperationsonmanufacturing, construction, drilling, timbering, processing, mining,farming,orsimilaroperationsand
thosearenotperformoperationsonthe publichighways. 2.Whenthechassishasbeenspecially designedtoserveformobile carriage and mount. Vehiclesspeciallydesignedfor off-highwaytransportation Ifanyvehiclespeciallydesignedfor transporting a particular type of load other than over the public highway is not imposed to 2290 Tax.Asthesevehiclesarespecially designed they travel with a particular load that is other thanthe publichighway. Thesetypesofvehiclescantransportaload morethanthepublichighway.Checkout whetherthevehicleissubjecttosafety, licensing,orotherrequirements,andalsothe
vehiclerunsataspeedofatleast25milesper hour. ContactAddress Form2290OnlineFiling 1749NorthRooseveltCt, WichitaKS,67208. Call:(316)869-0948 Email: support@form2290filing. com Website: www.form2290filing.com