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Texas Nodal CRR API Update Compiled By Shawna R. Jirasek July 23, 2007

Texas Nodal CRR API Update Compiled By Shawna R. Jirasek July 23, 2007. CRR API History. October 2006 CRR Requirements reviewed with TPTF where API was initially brought up as a concern.

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Texas Nodal CRR API Update Compiled By Shawna R. Jirasek July 23, 2007

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  1. Texas NodalCRR API UpdateCompiled By Shawna R. JirasekJuly 23, 2007 http://nodal.ercot.com 1

  2. CRR API History • October 2006 • CRR Requirements reviewed with TPTF where API was initially brought up as a concern. • CRR Project Budget was already baselined, so program approval required for additional API functionality and funding required for development, integration, and testing. • November 2006 • CRR CSD reviewed with TPTF where API functionality concerns were clarified. • December 2006 • Motion passed directing the CRR Project Team to submit Change Request to add API capability to CRR System. API capability is not explicitly described in the Nodal Protocols or TPTF’s Transition Plan document, but MPs have made clear their desire for ERCOT to provide the capability for all market systems. • Change Request drafted and submitted to Nodal Change Control Board (CCB). • March 2007 • Change Request initially rejected by Nodal CCB as it was thought to affect Nodal program critical path, considered additional scope, and is not “must-have” for Nodal Go-Live. • MPs appealed Nodal CCB decision and requested review with ERCOT BOD. • May 2007 • ERCOT determined that API could be adopted without affecting Nodal critical path. Request would be for funding only. • CRR API Change Request was reviewed and rejected by ERCOT BOD. Details presented included: • Cost Impact: Total = $500K - $1M (CRR, EIP, and INT) • Schedule Impact: CRR - 2 month development and EIP - 4 months development • This effort will not be allowed to impact the critical path of the program. If necessary, release of this functionality will be deferred beyond Nodal Go-Live. • June 2007 • MPs requested CRR API Change Request details to ask BOD to reconsider their decision. http://nodal.ercot.com 2

  3. Other ISO CRR API Use • New York ISO • No API currently in use. • Only the awards part of the TCC system is currently automated and does not provide an API. • Planning to provide web-based UI for submittal of TCC bids and offers in a future phase. • Expect development of an upload/download interface at that time similar to functionality MPs use in energy market for accessing bids and schedules via market information system. • California ISO • No API currently in use. • Enhancement under consideration to put one into place to assist clients in automated interaction with all systems.  • MPs request implementation as a "highly desirable" feature. • Midwest ISO • No API currently in use. • Received some MP requests but no significant value yet established to justify cost to develop. • ISO New England • Awaiting official response indicating use/not used. • Received informal information indicating no API currently in use. • PJM • No response received. http://nodal.ercot.com 3

  4. Things to Consider • Cost to develop during Nodal timeline will minimize cost impact. • CRR, EIP, and INT Project Teams in place through ITEST. Thus, additional internal costs for this support would be minimal. • Development could occur following CRR FAT. API functionality could be available by or shortly after Nodal Go-Live. • If developed after June 2008 cost impact will significantly increase. • If added to 2009 PPL, there is risk that API project might not be prioritized above cut-line. http://nodal.ercot.com 4

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