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Unit 9.1. HER/HES. From the Latin verb haerare, this root means “to stick” or “to get stuck”. Unit 9.1. Related Words. Adherent (n): 1. Someone who follows a leader, party, or profession; 2. One who believes in a particular philosophy or religion. Unit 9.1. Related Words.

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  1. Unit 9.1 HER/HES From the Latin verb haerare, this root means “to stick” or “to get stuck”

  2. Unit 9.1 Related Words • Adherent (n): 1. Someone who follows a leader, party, or profession; 2. One who believes in a particular philosophy or religion.

  3. Unit 9.1 Related Words • Cohesion (n): The act or state of sticking together.

  4. Unit 9.1 Related Words • Incoherent (adj): 1. Unclear or difficult to understand; 2. Loosely organized or inconsistent. • Inherent (adj): Part of some-thing by nature or habit.

  5. Unit 9.1 Notes This root has produced words with two kinds of meaning. A word such as adhesive means “sticking,” whereas a word such as hesitate means, more or less, “stuck in one place.”

  6. Unit 9.2 FUG From the Latin verb fugere, this root means “to flee or escape”

  7. Unit 9.2 Related Words • Centrifugal (adj): Moving outward from a center or central focus. • Fugitive (n): A person who flees or tries to escape.

  8. Unit 9.2 Related Words • Fugue (n): A musical form in which a theme is echoed and imitated by voices or instruments that enter one another and interweave as the piece proceeds.

  9. Unit 9.2 Related Words • Subterfuge (n): 1. A trick designed to help conceal; 2. A deceptive trick.

  10. Unit 9.2 Notes A refugee flees from some threat or danger to a refuge, which is a place that provides shelter and safety.

  11. Unit 9.3 COSM From Greek, this word means both “ornament” and “order.”

  12. Unit 9.3 Related Words • Cosmetic (adj): Done or made for the sake of beauty or appearance.

  13. Unit 9.3 Related Words • Cosmology (n): 1. A theory that describes the nature of the universe. 2. A branch of astronomy that deals with the origin & structure of the universe.

  14. Unit 9.3 Related Words • Cosmopolitan (adj):1. Having international sophistication and experience. 2. Made up of persons, elements, or influences from many diff. parts of the world.

  15. Unit 9.3 Related Words • Cosmos (n): 1. The universe, esp. when it’s viewed as orderly & systematic. 2. Any orderly system that is complete in itself.

  16. Unit 9.3 Notes The “order” meaning combines with the Greek belief that the universe was an orderly place, so words in this group relate to the universe and the worlds within it. A Cosmonaut, for instance, is a space traveler from the former Soviet Union.

  17. Unit 9.4 SCI From the Latin verb scire, this root means “to know” or “to understand.”

  18. Unit 9.4 Related Words • Conscientious (adj): 1. Governed by morality; scrupulous. 2. Resulting from painstaking or exact attention.

  19. Unit 9.4 Related Words • Omniscience (n): Infinite awareness, understanding, and insight.

  20. Related Words • Prescient (adj): Having or showing advance knowledge of what is going to happen.

  21. Unit 9.4 Related Words Unconscionable (adj): 1. Not guided by any moral sense; unscrupulous;2. shockingly excessive, unreasonable; unfair.

  22. Unit 9.4 Notes This root appears in the word science, which refers to factual knowledge, and in conscience, which refers to moral knowledge.

  23. Unit 9.5 JUNCT From the Latin verb jungere, this root means “to join.”

  24. Unit 9.5 Related Words • Adjunct (n): Something joined or added to another thing of which it is not a part. Ex. A car wash may be run adjunct to a gas station

  25. Unit 9.5 Related Words Disjunction (n): A break, separation or sharp difference between 2 things. Ex. There is frequently a disjunction between what people expect from computers and what they actually know about them

  26. Unit 9.5 Related Words • Injunction (n): 1. A warning, direction, or prohibition 2. A court order commanding or forbidding the doing of some act. • Ex. An English teacher may uphold an injunction against beginning a sentence with “and.”

  27. Unit 9.5 Related Words • Junta (n): A committee that controls a government, especially after a revolution.

  28. Unit 9.5 Notes A junction is a place where things come together. A conjunction is a word that joins two other words or groups of words: “this and that,” “to be or not to be.”

  29. Unit 9.6 PART From the Latin word pars, this root means “part.”

  30. Unit 9.6 Related Words • Impart (v): 1. To give from one’s store of abundance. 2. To make known; disclose. • Ex. A teacher's goal is to impart knowledge on their students • Impartial (adj): Fair and not biased; treating or affecting all equally. • Ex. Juries are supposed to be impartial

  31. Unit 9.5 Related Words • Participle (n): A word that is formed from a verb but used like an adjective. • Examples: • Past participle- moved, spoken • Present participle- moving, speaking • Past & present participes act like adj. since they can modify nouns (“the spoken word”, “a moving experience”)

  32. Unit 9.6 Related Words • Partisan (n): 1. A person who is strongly devoted to a particular group or cause. 2. A guerrilla fighter.

  33. Unit 9.6 Notes In English, this root most obviously comes into use in the word “part,” but also in words like apartment, compartment, and particle, all of which are parts of a larger whole.

  34. Unit 9.7 MIT/MIS From the Latin verb mittere, this root means “to send.”

  35. Unit 9.7 Related Words • Emissary (n): Someone sent out to represent another; an agent. • Manumission (n): The act of freeing from slavery.

  36. Unit 9.7 Related Words • Missive (n): A letter or written communication. • Remittance (n): 1. Money sent in payment. 2. The sending of money, esp. to a distant place.

  37. Unit 9.7 Notes This root appears in words like missionary, missile, and emit. A missionary is someone sent out to convert others to a new faith; a missile is sent to explode on some far spot; and to emit is to send something out.

  38. Unit 9.8 PEL / PULS From the Latin verb pellere, this root means “to move or drive.”

  39. Unit 9.8 Related Words • Compel (v): To drive or urge with force. • Expel (v): 1. To drive or force out. 2. To force to leave, usually by official action.

  40. Unit 9.7 Related Words • Impel (v): To urge or drive forward by strong moral force.

  41. Unit 9.8 Related Words • Repulsion (n): 1. The act of driving away or rejecting. 2. A feeling of great dislike; disgust.

  42. Unit 9.8 Notes A propeller moves an airplane forward. When soldiers repel an enemy charge, they drive it back. And to dispel something is to push it away.

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