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Charmonium production at LHC. Kai Zhou (Tsinghua University). In collaboration with: Baoyi Chen (Tsinghua University) Yunpeng Liu (Frankfurt University) Nu Xu (CCNU) Pengfei Zhuang (Tsinghua University). Motivation A detailed transport approach Numerical results Summary.
Charmonium production at LHC Kai Zhou (Tsinghua University) In collaboration with: Baoyi Chen (Tsinghua University) Yunpeng Liu (Frankfurt University) Nu Xu (CCNU) Pengfei Zhuang (Tsinghua University)
Motivation • A detailed transport approach • Numerical results • Summary
Motivation Matsui and Satz: PLB178, 416(1986): J/Psi suppression as a probe of QGP in HIC ●quarkonia can survive above Tc,a sensitive signature of QGP formation ●heavy quarks are produced via hard processes,rather solid theoretical ground
Motivation • SPS : only Initial production • RHIC : both Regeneration and Initial production (~50%:50%@central coll.) • LHC : ? clear signiture of Regeneration?? ? Shadowing effects important??
A Detailed Transport Approach ●the quarkoniumdistribution function in phase space gluon dissociation cross section by OPE (Peskin,1999) regeneration by detailed balance ! from Potential Model we takethe strong-binding limit V=U
A Detailed Transport Approach ●initial distribution for transport Eq. including CNM Superposition from pp collisions (Glauber model) Suppose , neglected nuclear absorption Considered : Cronin effect and Shadowing effect gluons' multi-scattering with nucleons before they fuse into a ccbar pair Cronin (pt broadening) empirical formula modeled by : Init.J.Mod.Phys.E.12,211(2003)Phys.Rev. C 73, 014904(2006) @ LHC Pb-Pb 2.76TeV
A Detailed Transport Approach ●initial distribution for transport Eq. including CNM Superposition from pp collisions (Glauber model) Suppose , neglected nuclear absorption Considered : Cronin effect and Shadowing effect nPDFs being different from the superposition of those(PDF)in cons- tituents nucleon Shadowing (for Jpsi & charm)
A Detailed Transport Approach ● 2+1D hydrodynamics( ) Longitudinal Bjorken Expansion ●Equation Of State: Ideal Gas with quarks and gluons for QGP & HRG ● Initial conditions : (consistent with Hirano's Hydro) CMS (|y|<2.4) ALICE (2.5<y<4)
Numerical Results ALICE : 2.5<|y|<4.0 Inclusive Jpsi the band due to considering or not considering Shadowing B-decay contribute~10% totaly Reg. vs Init.@,most central co- llisions is larger than50% : 50% almost no centrality depende- nce above Np~100 FONLL
Numerical Results ALICE : 0 <|y|<0.9 Inclusive Jpsi the band due to considering or not considering Shadowing B-decay contribute~10% totaly Reg. vs Init.@,most central co- llisions is larger than70% :30% almost no centrality depende- nce above Np~100 FONLL
Numerical Results prediction Raa(Np) for different pt bins: ALICE : 2.5<|y|<4.0 Inclusive Jpsi
Numerical Results ALICE : 2.5<|y|<4.0 Inclusive Jpsi data : ALICE 0-90% low pt region is dominated by regeneration Suppression increases with increasing pt, a valley struc- ture Regeneration signature
Numerical Results CMS : 0<|y|<2.4 Prompt Jpsi no Regeneration contribute at high pt the kink here indicates the threshold dissociation Temperature Td
Summary • Based on our transport model together with the Shadowing's consideration, we predicted the charmonium production at LHC, and the recent data well coincidence our prediction. • Both Cold nuclear effects(Shadowing) and Hot nuclear effects should be included. • Regeneration can dominate the system at central rapidity and low pt. LHC can give clear signature for it.
pp information • BackUp ALICE : 0<|y|<2.4 Inclusive Jpsi Ignore B's quenching for now
pp information • BackUp CMS : 0<|y|<2.4 Prompt Jpsi from extrplation