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Explore the nationalist revolutions in Latin America, including the slave revolt in Haiti, the independence movements in Mexico and Brazil, and the unification of Italy and Germany. Discover the impact of these revolutions on society and the arts.
Chapter 8 Nationalist Revolutions
Latin American Revolutions Revolution in Haiti • It was the first Latin American territory to free itself from European control. • It was basically a slave revolt • Toussaint L’ Ouvertureled the revolt • January 1, 1804-it was declared an independent country • Jean-Jacques Dessalinestook up the fight for Toussaint L’Ouverture
Hispaniola • Hispaniola is made up of Haiti and the Dominican Republic…..
Latin American Colonial Society • Peninsulares-Men who were born in Spain, and held high political offices. In this way, Spain was able to keep the loyaltyof its colonial leaders. • Creoles-Spaniards born in Latin America, and they had limitedpolitical power, but they did have military power. • Mestizos-Persons of mixed European and Indian ancestry. • Mulattos-Persons of mixed European and African ancestry • Africans • Indians or Natives • Indians were of very little value to the Spaniards, and were severely oppressed.
Simon Bolivar “The Liberator” Venezuelan Creole Brilliant General Venezuela and Colombia Wrote Bolivia’s Constitution “I will not rest until I have broken the chains that bind us to the will of Spain”
Jose de San Martin • Latin American Revolutionary • 1816-Argentina declared its independence from Spain • San Martin and Bolivar will join forces in Latin America • San Martin is considered to be the liberator of Argentina, Chile, and Peru • San Martin dies in Europe
Mexico Ends Spanish Rule • In Mexico, Indians and Mestizos played the leading role. • Miguel Hidalgo and Jose Maria Morelos were key revolutionaries . • In 1821, Mexico declares its independence from Spain.
Independence in Brazil • After Napoleon invaded the Iberian Peninsula, the Portuguese royal family fled to Brazil. • Brazil served as the capital of the Portuguese empire for 14 years. • 1822-creoles demanded independence from Portugal. • After 8,000 Brazilians signed a petition, Dom Pedro agreed to rule, and he officially declared Brazil’s independence. • Brazil is independent…bloodless revolution!
Revolutions Disrupt Europe • Radicals, Liberals, and Conservatives contribute to a new movement-Nationalism • Language, Religion, Culture, History, Territory…. • Nationalism is the belief that one should be loyal to a nation of people who share a common history and culture. • Nation-state-a nation has its own independent government. • 1848 Revolutions-considered failures..increased nationalistic tensions.
Unification of Italy • Giuseppe Mazzini organized Young Italy-he wanted to free Italy from foreign rulers. • Count Cavour unified northern Italy • Giuseppe Garibaldi unified southern Italy • “The Red Shirts” • The area around Rome was the last to join the “unified” Italy. • Italy faced political instability and economic problems
Unification in Germany • Otto von Bismarck • Realpolitik-”the politics of reality” • Franco-Prussian War was the final stage in German unification. • 1871-German Unification is achieved. • King Wilhelm is crowned Kaiser. • Germans called this the Second Reich. • Bismarck had achieved Prussian dominance over Germany and Europe by “blood and iron”
Revolution in the Arts • Romanticism-feelings, thoughts, and emotions • Romantics rejected the rigid, orderly world • Focus on the imagination and the supernatural • Cherished Folk Traditions • Beethoven-Romantic Composer • The Brothers Grimm • Emily Bronte-Wuthering Heights • Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
Shift to Realism • Industrialization……….huge impact on everyday life in Europe-show life the way it really is… • Paintings showed images of real working people. • Charles Dickens-illustrated London’s working poor • The first practical photographs were called .......daguerreotypes • William Talbot-invented a type of light sensitive paper that could be used to produce many prints from one negative. • Photography was the art of the new industrial age.
Characteristics of Impressionism • Artists wanted to give their impression of a subject or a moment of time. • The used bright, shimmering colors to capture a moment seen at a glance. • Impressionists showed a more positive view of the new urban society in Europe. • Edouard Manet • Claude Monet • Pierre-Auguste Renoir