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Blood-borne Pathogens. OSHA Standard (29 CFR 1910.1030) Facilities Management By : Chaizong Lor, Safety Coordinator. Bloodborne Pathogens. Training Objectives: What are Blood-borne Pathogens Types of Blood-borne Pathogens Compliance Control Methods Summary. Bloodborne Pathogens.
Blood-borne Pathogens OSHA Standard (29 CFR 1910.1030) Facilities Management By: Chaizong Lor, Safety Coordinator
Bloodborne Pathogens • Training Objectives: • What are Blood-borne Pathogens • Types of Blood-borne Pathogens • Compliance Control Methods • Summary
Bloodborne Pathogens • What are bloodborne pathogens? • Micro-Organism: • Hepatitis B (HBV) • Hepatitis C (HCV) • Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) • Substances that are carried by the blood or other body fluids and cause illness or injury to the body • Virus and bacteria are pathogens and many are “Bloodborne”
Types of Bloodborne Pathogens Include: Hepatitis: A, B, C, D, E Execution Viruses or bacteria that are carried in blood and cause disease in People. Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV) Malaria Brucellosis Syphilis
Types of Hepatitis Hepatitis C Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Hepatitis D Hepatitis E Bloodborne Pathogens • Hepatitis • An inflammation of the liver usually caused by drugs, toxins, autoimmune disease, or infectious agents. • Potentially life threatening blood borne pathogen. • Potential • for carriers • to pass disease to others. • Effects can be both acute and chronic.
Bloodborne Pathogens • The most commonly concerned of Hepatitis are: HIV May develop AIDS HCV HBV HBV is more easily transmitted and affects the liver HCV is the leading cause of liver transplants It is usually a fatal illness
Bloodborne Pathogens • Hepatitis A (HAV) • Transmitted via contaminated food or water which contains fecal matter containing the virus. There is a vaccine to prevent HAV. • Two Types of HAV: • Infectious (transmitted person to person by the fecal-oral route) or • Serum (transmitted by transfusion of blood products).
Bloodborne Pathogens • Hepatitis B (HBV) • Transmitted by injections transporting a virus-bearing serum, most often during blood transfusions and by contaminated needles and syringes. • Transmitted primarily through “Blood to Blood” contact. • Very durable, and it can survive in dried blood for up to seven days. • This virus is the primary concern for housekeepers, custodians, laundry personnel and other employees who may come in contact with blood or potentially infectious materials in a non first-aid or medical care situation.
Bloodborne Pathogens • Hepatitis B (HBV) Cont. • Symptoms of HBV • Mild flu-like symptoms • Fatigue • Yellow Eyes and Skin • Possible stomach pain • Loss of appetite • Fever and Vomiting • Nausea • Jaundice • Darkened Urine
Bloodborne Pathogens • Hepatitis C (HCV) • Transmitted in blood or body fluids. No vaccination exists for HCV. • Chronic liver disease develops in about 70% of persons who become infected with HCV and nearly all (85%-100%) persons with acute HCV infection become persistently infected.
Bloodborne Pathogens • Hepatitis D (HDV) • One of the newer types and it is transmitted primarily through injected drug use and sexual contact. • Prevention: • Education to reduce risk behaviors for those with chronic HBV infection.
Bloodborne Pathogens • Hepatitis E (HEV) • Transmitted in contaminated drinking water. • Currently no treatment for HEV. • Symptoms of acute hepatitis E are similar to those of other types of viral hepatitis and include abdominal pain, anorexia, dark urine, fever, jaundice, malaise, nausea, and vomiting.
Bloodborne Pathogens • Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) • HIV is the virus associate with AIDS • There is no specific treatment for it • There is no cure • There is no preventative vaccine • HIV attacks the body immune’s system, weakening it so that it cannot fight other deadly disease. • HIV is very fragile and will not survive very long outside of the human body.
Bloodborne Pathogens • HIV Cont. • Symptoms of HIV infection can vary, but often include: • Weakness • Fever • Sore throat • Nausea • Headaches • Diarrhea • White coating on the tongue • Weight loss • Swollen lymph glands
Bloodborne Pathogens • Brucellosis • An infectious disease caused by the bacteria of the genus Brucella. • These bacteria are primarily passed among animals, and they cause disease in many different vertebrates. • Commonly transmitted to susceptible animals by direct contact with infected animals or with an environment that has been contaminated with discharges from infected animals.
Bloodborne Pathogens • Syphilis • A Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) caused by a bacteria • It can also pass through broken skin on other parts of the body • Signs of Syphilis include: • Chancres" ("shan-ker"), or sores. • Skin rash. • Mild fever. • Feeling very tired. • Headache. • Sore throat. • Hair loss.
Bloodborne Pathogens • Malaria • Mosquito bites an infected person, it ingests microscopic malaria parasites found in the person’s blood. • Malaria parasite must grow in the mosquito for a week or more before infection can be passed to another person • Symptoms of malaria include: • Fever and flu-like illness, including shaking chills, headache, muscle aches, and tiredness. • Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may also occur.
Potential Transmission • Bloodborne Pathogens may also transmitted by: • Contact between broken or damaged skin and infected body fluids. • Contact between Mucous Membranes and infected body fluids. • Example: Eyes, Nose, and Mouth • Anytime there is blood to blood contact with infected blood or body fluids, there is a slight potential for transmission. • Accidental puncture from contaminated needles, broken glass, or other sharps is potentially how transmission could occur for custodial employees.
Compliance Control Methods Personal Protective Equipment Universal Precaution Personal Hygiene Work Practice Controls
Precaution Compliance Control Methods Universal Precaution • All human blood and certain human bodily fluids are treated as known to be infectious for HIV, HBV, and other BBPs. • Treat all blood and bodily as if they are contaminated. • All body fluids must be considered as potentially infectious materials. • Proper cleanup and decontamination • Always wear appropriate PPE • Replace PPE that is torn or punctured • Remove PPE before leaving the work area
Compliance Control Methods • PPE Controls • PPE must be used to prevent potentially infectious materials from coming in contact with work clothes, street clothes, undergarments, skin or mucous membranes. • Employees must wear gloves when there is potential contact with blood, potentially infectious materials, mucous membranes or broken skin. • Remove gloves promptly after use, and before touching non-contaminated items and environmental surfaces.
Compliance Control Methods • Safe Work Practice Controls • Remove contaminated PPE or clothing as soon as possible • Clean and disinfect contaminated equipment and work surfaces • Thoroughly wash up immediately after exposure • Properly dispose of contaminated items, including contaminated PPE
Compliance Control Methods • Personal Hygiene • Do not touch anything that is contaminated, such as sharps or body fluids. • Take care to minimize splashing of all infectious materials. • Eating, drinking, smoking, applying cosmetics or lip balm, and handling contact lenses are prohibited in areas where there is a potential for occupational exposure.
Compliance Control Methods • Personal Hygiene Cont. • Use CDC guidelines for hand hygiene: • If hands are not visibly soiled, use alcohol gel. • When hands are visibly soiled, wash hands with soap and water. • Always wash your hands before eating and after using the restroom.
Bloodborne Pathogens • Summary • Always know what you are working with. • Always wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when handling any type of bodily fluid. • Always wash your hands after handling any type of bodily fluid, even when wearing gloves. • Do not handle sharps or broken glass with your hands and without protection. • Properly dispose of pathogen waste, including PPE. • Always report all suspected exposures.
Any Questions ?? Please visit FM Website (http://www.uwec.edu/facmgt/safety/traininglist.htm) for additional information. Revision Dated: October15th, 2012