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Outlines. Introduction: CVT formulation in VAR Which variables shall we analyzed?- Choice of the control variables- Non-linear balance equationsHow to get weather-dependent statistics?- Ensemble flow-dependent B matrix - Spatial and spectral localization of correlations - Use of
2. Outlines Introduction: CVT formulation in VAR
Which variables shall we analyzed?
- Choice of the control variables
- Non-linear balance equations
How to get weather-dependent statistics?
- Ensemble flow-dependent B matrix
- Spatial and spectral localization of correlations
- Use of heterogeneous covariances
Possible strategies for mesoscale applications
3. Outlines Introduction: CVT formulation in VAR
Which variables shall we analyzed?
- Choice of the control variables
- Non-linear balance equations
How to get weather-dependent statistics?
- Ensemble flow-dependent B matrix
- Spatial and spectral localization of correlations
- Use of heterogeneous covariances
Possible strategies for mesoscale applications
4. Introduction: The Variational Assimilation (VAR)
5. Introduction: The Variational Assimilation (VAR)
9. Introduction: Challenges at mesoscale Main challenges in modeling B to analyze clouds and precipitations:
Broad ranges of space and time scales involved
The strong non-linearities in moist physical processes imply that balance constraints, that were initially developed for DA in global models, must probably be redesigned
Error covariances of variables linked to clouds and precipitations are inhomogeneous, anisotropic and flow dependent: better spatial and spectral localization is needed
10. Outlines Introduction: CVT formulation in VAR
Which variables shall we analyzed?
- Choice of the control variables
- Non-linear balance equations
How to get weather-dependent statistics?
- Ensemble flow-dependent B matrix
- Spatial and spectral localization of correlations
- Use of heterogeneous covariances
Possible strategies for mesoscale applications
26. Outlines Introduction: CVT formulation in VAR
Which variables shall we analyzed?
- Choice of the control variables
- Non-linear balance equations
How to get weather-dependent statistics?
- Ensemble flow-dependent B matrix
- Spatial and spectral localization of correlations
- Use of heterogeneous covariances
Possible strategies for mesoscale applications
46. Outlines Introduction: CVT formulation in VAR
Which variables shall we analyzed?
- Choice of the control variables
- Non-linear mesoscale balance equations
How to get weather-dependent statistics?
- Ensemble flow-dependent B matrix
- Spatial and spectral localization of correlations
- Use of heterogeneous covariances
Possible strategies for mesoscale applications