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Learn about transactions, relational algebra operators, isolation levels in SQL, and join types in this informative guide. Understand concepts like ACID properties and SQL implementation details to enhance your database knowledge.
Transactions, Relational Algebra, XML February 11th, 2004
Transactions • Transaction = group of statements that must be executed atomically • Transaction properties: ACID • ATOMICITY = all or nothing • CONSISTENCY = leave database in consistent state • ISOLATION = as if it were the only transaction in the system • DURABILITY = store on disk !
Transactions in SQL • In “ad-hoc” SQL: • Default: each statement = one transaction • In “embedded” SQL: BEGIN TRANSACTION [SQL statements] COMMIT or ROLLBACK (=ABORT)
Transactions: Serializability Serializability = the technical term for isolation • An execution is serial if it is completely before or completely after any other function’s execution • An execution is serializable if it equivalent to one that is serial • DBMS can offer serializability guarantees
Serializability • Enforced with locks, like in Operating Systems ! • But this is not enough: User 1 User 2 LOCK A [write A=1] UNLOCK A . . .. . .. . .. . . LOCK B [write B=2] UNLOCK B LOCK A [write A=3] UNLOCK A LOCK B [write B=4] UNLOCK B time What is wrong ?
Serializability • Solution: two-phase locking • Lock everything at the beginning • Unlock everything at the end • Read locks: many simultaneous read locks allowed • Write locks: only one write lock allowed • Insert locks: one per table
Relational Algebra • Formalism for creating new relations from existing ones • Its place in the big picture: Declartivequerylanguage Algebra Implementation Relational algebraRelational bag algebra SQL,relational calculus
Relational Algebra • Five operators: • Union: • Difference: - • Selection: s • Projection: P • Cartesian Product: • Derived or auxiliary operators: • Intersection, complement • Joins (natural,equi-join, theta join, semi-join) • Renaming: r
1. Union and 2. Difference • R1 R2 • Example: • ActiveEmployees RetiredEmployees • R1 – R2 • Example: • AllEmployees -- RetiredEmployees
What about Intersection ? • It is a derived operator • R1 R2 = R1 – (R1 – R2) • Also expressed as a join (will see later) • Example • UnionizedEmployees RetiredEmployees
3. Selection • Returns all tuples which satisfy a condition • Notation: sc(R) • Examples • sSalary > 40000(Employee) • sname = “Smithh”(Employee) • The condition c can be =, <, , >,, <>
Find all employees with salary more than $40,000. s Salary > 40000(Employee)
4. Projection • Eliminates columns, then removes duplicates • Notation: P A1,…,An(R) • Example: project social-security number and names: • PSSN, Name (Employee) • Output schema: Answer(SSN, Name)
5. Cartesian Product • Each tuple in R1 with each tuple in R2 • Notation: R1 R2 • Example: • Employee Dependents • Very rare in practice; mainly used to express joins
Relational Algebra • Five operators: • Union: • Difference: - • Selection: s • Projection: P • Cartesian Product: • Derived or auxiliary operators: • Intersection, complement • Joins (natural,equi-join, theta join, semi-join) • Renaming: r
Renaming • Changes the schema, not the instance • Notation: rB1,…,Bn (R) • Example: • rLastName, SocSocNo (Employee) • Output schema: Answer(LastName, SocSocNo)
Renaming Example Employee Name SSN John 999999999 Tony 777777777 • LastName, SocSocNo (Employee) LastName SocSocNo John 999999999 Tony 777777777
Natural Join • Notation: R1 ⋈ R2 • Meaning: R1 ⋈ R2 = PA(sC(R1 R2)) • Where: • The selection sC checks equality of all common attributes • The projection eliminates the duplicate common attributes
Employee Dependents = PName, SSN, Dname(sSSN=SSN2(Employee x rSSN2, Dname(Dependents)) Natural Join Example Employee Name SSN John 999999999 Tony 777777777 Dependents SSN Dname 999999999 Emily 777777777 Joe Name SSN Dname John 999999999 Emily Tony 777777777 Joe
Natural Join • R= S= • R ⋈ S=
Natural Join • Given the schemas R(A, B, C, D), S(A, C, E), what is the schema of R ⋈ S ? • Given R(A, B, C), S(D, E), what is R ⋈ S ? • Given R(A, B), S(A, B), what is R ⋈ S ?
Theta Join • A join that involves a predicate • R1 ⋈q R2 = sq (R1 R2) • Here q can be any condition
Eq-join • A theta join where q is an equality • R1 ⋈A=B R2 = s A=B (R1 R2) • Example: • Employee ⋈SSN=SSN Dependents • Most useful join in practice
Semijoin • R ⋉ S = PA1,…,An (R ⋈ S) • Where A1, …, An are the attributes in R • Example: • Employee ⋉ Dependents
Semijoins in Distributed Databases • Semijoins are used in distributed databases Dependents Employee network Employee ⋈ssn=ssn (s age>71 (Dependents)) T = PSSNs age>71 (Dependents) R = Employee ⋉ T Answer = R ⋈ Dependents
seller-ssn=ssn pid=pid buyer-ssn=ssn Complex RA Expressions Pname Person Purchase Person Product Pssn Ppid sname=fred sname=gizmo
Operations on Bags A bag = a set with repeated elements All operations need to be defined carefully on bags • {a,b,b,c}{a,b,b,b,e,f,f}={a,a,b,b,b,b,b,c,e,f,f} • {a,b,b,b,c,c} – {b,b,c,c,c,d} = {a,b} • sC(R): preserve the number of occurrences • PA(R): no duplicate elimination • Cartesian product, join: no duplicate elimination Important ! Relational Engines work on bags, not sets ! Reading assignment: 5.3 – 5.4
Finally: RA has Limitations ! • Cannot compute “transitive closure” • Find all direct and indirect relatives of Fred • Cannot express in RA !!! Need to write C program
XML • eXtensible Markup Language • XML 1.0 – a recommendation from W3C, 1998 • Roots: SGML (a very nasty language). • After the roots: a format for sharing data
Why XML is of Interest to Us • XML is just syntax for data • Note: we have no syntax for relational data • But XML is not relational: semistructured • This is exciting because: • Can translate any data to XML • Can ship XML over the Web (HTTP) • Can input XML into any application • Thus: data sharing and exchange on the Web
XML Data Sharing and Exchange application application object-relational Integrate XML Data WEB (HTTP) Transform Warehouse application relational data legacy data Specific data management tasks
From HTML to XML HTML describes the presentation
HTML <h1> Bibliography </h1> <p> <i> Foundations of Databases </i> Abiteboul, Hull, Vianu <br> Addison Wesley, 1995 <p> <i> Data on the Web </i> Abiteoul, Buneman, Suciu <br> Morgan Kaufmann, 1999
XML <bibliography> <book> <title> Foundations… </title> <author> Abiteboul </author> <author> Hull </author> <author> Vianu </author> <publisher> Addison Wesley </publisher> <year> 1995 </year> </book> … </bibliography> XML describes the content