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Advanced Systems Group Architecture and Services of Network Applications Prof. Dimitri Konstantas http://asg.unige.ch http://asna.ewi.utwente.nl/ -dimitri.konstantas@unige.ch. ASNA. History : Mobile Health. Wireless Health Broker & Service Provider. Analysis & Content Management.

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  1. Advanced Systems GroupArchitecture and Services of Network ApplicationsProf. Dimitri Konstantashttp://asg.unige.chhttp://asna.ewi.utwente.nl/-dimitri.konstantas@unige.ch ASNA

  2. History : Mobile Health Wireless Health Broker & Service Provider Analysis & Content Management Mobile Networks Vital Signs User data Doctor Hospital Patient Feedback Loop in Real-Time

  3. for commercial use highly profit oriented pre-configured Certification New features coming from research medical research non-profit oriented open system, dynamically adaptable No certification New, customized features can be commercialized after validation Research System Commercial System M-health Results

  4. What is next ?? From the research point of view: • Add context awareness for mobile patients • Provide means for fine grain wireless networks’ QoS information • Automatic analysis of incoming vital signal measurements From the commercial point of view • Transfer research results to commercial product

  5. Research Subjects at ASG • Quality of Service • How the application/user/service anticipate the available QoS of a wireless network? • Trust of spatial information • Can we trust the spatial information coming from a mobile device? • Hovering Information • Can server free spatial information exist? Research Subjects at ASG • Mobile Health • Context aware services and applications

  6. Internet E2E QoS forecastservice Development of E2E QoS-forecast service Towards QoS-and context-aware mobile applications Goal: to know and adapt to the forecasted E2E QoS 2.5G / 3G / WLAN /… 2.5G / 3G / WLAN /… applicationserver Mobile OperatorNetwork Enterprise Network log / request E2E QoS info mobile game user Problem: no guarantees + no knowledge on E2E QoS

  7. Development of E2E QoS-forecast service Towards QoS- and context-aware mobile applications working daylunch-time weekend daylunch-time • E2E QoS depends on: • user location, time and mobility level • mobile operator, wireless technology • …other user-context … ! Forecasted E2E QoS

  8. Trust and Security in Spatial Messaging • Problem Spatial messaging has little success because the lack of a trust mechanism prevents lots of serious applications. • Our target GeoVTag, a framework that adds trust information on each message, so that a user can define how trustworthy a given message is (according to his trust relationships and his current context). • Pilot application : • FoxyTag : (http://foxytag.com) a free, legal and collaborative system to signal radars on mobile phones anywhere on the planet!

  9. Hovering information Hovering information (blue) will be capable of moving from one location to another (from pa0to pa4)jumping across the intermediate physical devices (pink) (pa1,t1) (pa0,t0) (pa2,t2) (pa3,t3) (pa4,t4) Hovering information (blue) will be linked to a location and optionally time stamped (pa0,ta). Physically, this information will reside in neighbouring devices (pink) (pa0,t0) (pb0,t0) In the absence of fixed infrastructure, hovering information will use all devices in its neighbourhood such as phones, RFIDS, sensors, PDAs, laptops, PCs, etc Hovering information Mobile device / user

  10. Hovering Information Hovering Information features: • Linked to a geographical location - Hovering autonomously from one mobile device to another • Moving from a geographical location to another • Existence of its own once created • Existence in a dynamic distributed heterogonous environment with no centralized servers

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