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Reinforcement Learning with Multiple, Qualitatively Different State Representations

Explore the benefits of using qualitatively different state representations in reinforcement learning to maximize cumulative discounted rewards across agents in the same environment.

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Reinforcement Learning with Multiple, Qualitatively Different State Representations

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  1. Reinforcement Learning with Multiple, Qualitatively Different State Representations - TNO / UvA - UvA - TNO / UvA Harm van Seijen Bram Bakker Leon Kester NIPS 2007 workshop

  2. The Reinforcement Learning Problem action a Environment Agent state s, reward r Goal: maximize cumulative discounted reward Question: What is the best way to represent the environment? NIPS 2007 workshop

  3. NIPS 2007 workshop

  4. NIPS 2007 workshop

  5. Explanation of our Approach. NIPS 2007 workshop

  6.  Suppose 3 agents work in the same environment and have the same action-space, but different state space: agent 1 : state space S1 = {s11, s12, s13, … s1N1} state space size = N1 agent 2 : state space S2 = {s21, s22, s23, … s2N2} state space size = N2 agent 3 : state space S3 = {s31, s32, s33, … s3N3} state space size = N3 (mutual) action space A = {a1, a2} action space size = 2 NIPS 2007 workshop

  7. Extension action space Switch actions: a_s1 : ‘switch to representation 1’ a_s2 : ‘switch to representation 2’ a_s3 : ‘switch to representation 3’ External Actions a_e1 : old a1 a_e2 : old a2 New Action space: a1 : a_e1 + a_s1 a2 : a_e1 + a_s2 a3 : a_e1 + a_s3 a4 : a_e2 + a_s1 a5 : a_e2 + a_s2 a6 : a_e2 + a_s3 NIPS 2007 workshop

  8. Extension state space agent 1 : state space S1 = {s11, s12, s13, … s1N1} state space size = N1 agent 2 : state space S2 = {s21, s22, s23, … s2N2} state space size = N2 agent 3 : state space S3 = {s31, s32, s33, … s3N3} state space size = N3 switch agent: state space S = {s11, s12, …, s1N1, s21, s22, …, s2N2,s31, s32, …, s3N3} state space size = N1+N2+N3 NIPS 2007 workshop

  9. Requirements and Advantages. NIPS 2007 workshop

  10. Requirements for Convergence Theoretical Requirement If the individual representations obey the Markov property than convergence to the optimal solution is guaranteed. Empirical Requirement Each representation should contain information that is useful for deciding on which external action to take and information that is useful for deciding when to switch. NIPS 2007 workshop

  11. State-Action Space Sizes Example NIPS 2007 workshop

  12. Switching is advantageous if: • The state-space is very large AND • The state-space is heterogeneous. NIPS 2007 workshop

  13. Results. NIPS 2007 workshop

  14. Traffic Scenario Situation: crossroad of 2 one-way roads Task: traffic agent has to decide at each time step whether the vertical lane or the horizontal lane should get green light. Changing lights involves an orange time of 5 time steps. Reward: total cars waiting in front of the traffic light * -1 NIPS 2007 workshop

  15. Representation 1 NIPS 2007 workshop

  16. Representation 2 NIPS 2007 workshop

  17. Representations Compared NIPS 2007 workshop

  18. On-line performance for Traffic Scenario NIPS 2007 workshop

  19. Demo. NIPS 2007 workshop

  20. Conclusions and Future Work. NIPS 2007 workshop

  21. Conclusions • We introduced an extension to the standard RL problem by allowing the decision agent to dynamically switch between a number of qualitatively different representations. • This approach offers advantages in RL problems with large, heterogeneous state spaces. • Experiments with a (simulated) traffic control problem showed good results: the agent allowed to switch had a higher end-performance, while the convergence rate was similar compared to a representation with similar state-action space size. NIPS 2007 workshop

  22. Future Work • Use larger state spaces (~ few hundred states per representation) and more than 2 different representations. • Explore the application domain of sensor management (for example switch between radar settings) • Combine the switching approach with function approximation. • Examine in more detail the convergence properties of the switch representation. • Use representations that describe realistic sensor output. • Explore new methods for switching. NIPS 2007 workshop

  23. Thank you. NIPS 2007 workshop

  24. Switching Algorithm versus POMDP • POMDP: • update estimate of a hidden variable and base decisions on a probability distribution over all possible values of this hidden variable. • not possible to choose between different representations • Switch Algorithm: • hidden information is present, but not taken into account. The price for this is a more stochastic action outcome. • when hidden information is very important for the decision making process the agent can decide to switch to a different representation that does take the information into account. NIPS 2007 workshop

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