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Basics Of Nutrition Free E Book Found My Physique

Nutrients can be divided into two categories: macronutrients, and micronutrients. Macronutrients are those nutrients that the body needs in large amounts. These provide the body with energy (calories).<br>

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Basics Of Nutrition Free E Book Found My Physique

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  2. Congratulations! Thanks for downloading the basics of nutrition e-book. I hope you find this essential informationtobeusefulonyourjourneytomasteringyournutritionandfindingyour physique!Thetopicshavebeensimplifiedforeaseof read... enjoy! FoodComposition Lets quickly discusssomebasicdefinitions,asmuchoftheinformationthatfollows will refer to these terms. The foods we eat are made up 3 main building blocks. These are called“macro-nutrients”andtheyareknownasProtein,CarbohydratesandFat. Protein-Proteinprovidesthe essential building blocks foryourbodytosustain lean body massand Carbohydrates-Carbsprovidethebodywitheasytoaccessenergyformovement, cellularreactionsandcognition Fat-Fatsare essential forsupportingourhormonesandalsobuildingthewallsofeach andevery cellinourbodies. Fibre-Fibreistheindigestiblepartofplantfoodsandisalsoamacro-nutrient.Itisnot usually counted as a macro because it does not offer calories, however, it provides fuel forthebacteria living inourgutand slowsdowntheabsorptionoffood. Calorie -Calories are a basic measurement of how much “energy” can be produced by afood.Foreachgramcarbs,fatsandproteinthereisanamountofenergyitprovidesto the body. Both protein and carbs provide the body with 4 calories per gram and fat provides the body with 9 calories per gram; thus fat is more energy dense than protein andcarbohydrates. Therefore we can see that fats, gram for gram, contain more energy than proteins and carbohydrates.Thismakesdeepfriedfoods,manyprocessedfoods,oils, dressings and saucesallbadforcontrollingyourcalorieintake Metabolism-Everypersonhasarequiredamountofenergythattheirbodyburns automatically. It needs this energy to function properly and build new cells. This "metabolicrate" can bemeasuredincalories(or kilojoulz). Thebasicformulaisthis: Metabolism+Exercise+OtherActivities(suchaswork) =yourEenergyRequirements. BASICSOFNUTRITIONE-BOOK-NOTFORRESALE-MUSTNOTBECOPPIED-PROPERTYOFFOUNDMYPHYSIQUE THESCIENCEOFMASTERINGYOURHEALTHANDPHYSIQUE WWW.FOUNDMYPHYSIQUE.COM.AU

  3. Protein Protein provides the essential building blocks for your body to sustain lean body mass. Protein intake will also help preserve muscles mass if you are attempting to lose weight. Without regular consumption of protein, your body will need to harvest protein from “storages”inlean bodytissue makingithardtogain musclemassorstrength. You need to consume enough protein to sustain your lean body mass, or else lose muscle or lean body tissue (organs, skin, etc) – this can result in decreases in metabolism. Why? Because your metabolism is linked to the amount of lean body mass that you have (more lean mass = more energy requirements). This is the primary reason why males requiremoreenergythanfemales,astheyhavemore leanbodymass. Protein also has the highest satiety effect, making you feel full for longer. This means choosing foods that have some protein can help with dieting and weight loss as you feel fullanddonotconsumeexcesscalories. Ever noticed you can consume a can of soft drink (around 30 grams of carbs) and feel more hungry, yet when you consume a protein shake (around 30 grams of protein) and feelfull? ProteinPowder WheyProteinConcentrate (WPC)(orotherproteinpowders)are perfectbetween-meal snacksoradditionstoyourlowproteinmeals.It’sfast,simpleandeasy. ChoosingProteinSources When choosing a protein sources, always choose lean options with minimal fat or processing. Try to choose protein sources such as certain types of low fat Greek yogurt, 95% lean beef mince, turkey, skinless chicken breasts, tofu, tuna in water, egg whites, non-friedfish, seafood, cottagecheeseorproteinpowder. SectionSummary Proteinis essential forsustaining lean bodymass,supportingthe immune system and many other processes in the body. Aim for leansourcesandtrytogetproteinwith each meal. Regularproteinintake willassistinmusclegain andkeepyou feelingfullerthroughouttheday. BASICSOFNUTRITIONE-BOOK-NOTFORRESALE-MUSTNOTBECOPPIED-PROPERTYOFFOUNDMYPHYSIQUE THESCIENCEOFMASTERINGYOURHEALTHANDPHYSIQUE WWW.FOUNDMYPHYSIQUE.COM.AU

  4. Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are not the enemy. They can help provide your body with energy to function and aid in workout performance. Having the right amount of carbohydrates is criticaltoyourdietarysuccess. Carbohydrates are muscle SPARINGbecause they are used asthe ‘preferable fuel source’comparedtoprotein.Ifyouareproviding yourbodywithenough carbohydrates for fuel,it does not need to breakdown and consume your protein intaketobeusedasenergy. Spendingextendedperiodsoftimewithlow carbohydrates may result in dietary protein being used as fuel, rather than being used to repair / rebuild / sustain muscle mass. Indeed we want to keep carbohydrate intake moderate-lowduringaweightloss;buthavingittoolowisbadforresults. Quicksummary:Consistentgoodquality carbs will sparedietaryproteinandmuscles Choosingthe correct kind of carbohydrates isanimportant part of losingweight, maintaining weight, andstaying healthy,thus wemustmake educatedchoices. Complex carbohydrates from unprocessed foods are not the same as simple sugars thus it is important to make note that what you eat is as important as how much you eat. Simple sugars are found in fruit juices, honey, jellies, jam, soft drinks and table sugar. Complex carbohydrates are nothing more than multiple chains of simple sugars linkedtogethertoformacomplex/longerchainofcarbohydrates. In general,complex carbs are ‘found in nature’; brown rice,yams,potatoes, beans, corn,peas,oats,rye andbreadmadewithonlyun-milledwholewheatflour. These carbohydrates provide more fibre and nutrients than manufactured or simple carbohydratesandalsohaveDIFFERENT(morenatural)effectsonourbody. Manufactured carbs release, calorie for calorie, more insulin in a short period of time than natural carbs and promote poor health effects. Realfoods containing natural carbohydrates will promote longer satiety, sustained energy, controlled insulin spikes andareusefullinpromotingoverallhealth. SectionSummary My general rule for choosing a carbohydrate sources: Aim to make 80-90% of dietary carbohydrates high fibre and minimally refined. This included foods such as oatmeal, beans, sweet potatoes, brown rice, quinoa,plusvariousfruitsandvegetables. BASICSOFNUTRITIONE-BOOK-NOTFORRESALE-MUSTNOTBECOPPIED-PROPERTYOFFOUNDMYPHYSIQUE THESCIENCEOFMASTERINGYOURHEALTHANDPHYSIQUE WWW.FOUNDMYPHYSIQUE.COM.AU

  5. Fats Dietaryfatsareourfriends.Afewdecadesa go,fatfreeproductsfloodedthemarket. Thereisadirectcorrelationtothe increase of fat free foods and an increased rate in obesity. As you can see, this graph represents the rate of obesity (%) increasing after the fat freeguidelineswereintroduced. Whydidthishappen? Therearemanyreasons, butoneis because addedsugar became the substitute for flavour, and sugar flooded the market as it was considered to be a saferalternativecomparedtothevillainousfats! Proper consumption of fats is very important for the production of natural steroid hormones(e.g.testosterone)that drives musclegrowthandhelpsretainleanbodymass whilelosingbodyfat. The production of these hormones is LARGELY driven by the foods we eat. Try to pay attentionthefactyoushouldbegettinga small amountofhealthyfatswitheachmeal, althoughbecarefulasfathasmorethan2timesasmuch calories pergramasprotein andcarbohydrates. Trynottobea“oil drizzlier”andpour oilsoveryourcalculated meals orfryingpan.Usea teaspoonortablespoon.Iwouldrecommendusing coconutoilfor cooking for itsproven metabolicandhealthbenefits. Emphasisethefollowingfoodsinyourdiet:avocados,salmonandotherfattyfish,nuts andseeds,andhealthyoils,suchascanola,coconutandolive. SectionSummary Consumption of fats is necessary, however over consumption is bad for dieting.Thisisbecause fatscontain9 calories pergram, itiseasytoblow out your calorie intake very easily! Aim to get most your fats from nuts, seeds,avocados,coconutorextravirginolive oil. For moredetailaboutgoodfoodsourcesandhowmuchtoconsume, check outthepersonalisednutritionreportsonthewebsite. BASICSOFNUTRITIONE-BOOK-NOTFORRESALE-MUSTNOTBECOPPIED-PROPERTYOFFOUNDMYPHYSIQUE THESCIENCEOFMASTERINGYOURHEALTHANDPHYSIQUE WWW.FOUNDMYPHYSIQUE.COM.AU

  6. Fibre What is fibre? I like to explain it as a plant carbohydrate that we cannot digest that has amazingroles in digestion and gut health. Thereare many typesof fibre and it is available in many different types of plant foods. Getting one source of fibre will not provide the same nutritional benefits ashaving a wide range of fibrous foods in your diet.FibrehasbeenlinkedtothemaintenanceandimprovementofGUTHEALTH. Fibre will reduce inflammation in the gut allowing for better digestion of nutrients; it also created a “sustained” or slower release effect on the sugar / carbohydrates that are released into the blood. That means that FIBREwill slow down the absorption of your foods; thus creating a lower GI and sustained energy release. This will create a smaller insulin spike, therefor triggering less “store energy” signals that the body receives from each mealresultinginlesspotentialtostoreenergyasfat. High-fibrefoodsincludethefollowing: Raworlightlycookedvegetables Cereals, rolls, andbreadmadefromwhole-grainflour Nuts,beans,peas, lentils, potatoes,andyams(withtheskinson) Wholegrains,suchaswholewheat,brownrice,wholeorrolledoats,buckwheat, amaranth,andbrownrice Rawfruitssuchasapples(withtheskinson)andoranges Dried fruits such as raisins, apricots, dates, and prunes (Buy organic dried fruits, since the drying process concentrates the level of fungicides and pesticides.) Watch out! Driedfruitcanbeverycaloriedense,smallerportionsmaycontainmore carbohydratesthanyouexpect. SectionSummary: AimtogetFibrewitheachmealandaimtoget30gramsperday. Fibrewitheverymealwillimproveoverallhealth,suppressyour appetiteandprovidesustainedenergyreleasefromfoods. Calories Calories are just a number that represents the amounts of energy that is contained in food. Asmentioned earlier, protein and carbs are 4 calories per gram, and fats are 9 caloriespergram. Weight gainorlossisprimarilybaseduponthe calories cominginand the calories going out of the body. This is refereed to as a calorie deficit (less than requirements) or a calorie surplus (more than required) Ishallexplaininmoredetailinthefollowingsection:EnergyBalance BASICSOFNUTRITIONE-BOOK-NOTFORRESALE-MUSTNOTBECOPPIED-PROPERTYOFFOUNDMYPHYSIQUE THESCIENCEOFMASTERINGYOURHEALTHANDPHYSIQUE WWW.FOUNDMYPHYSIQUE.COM.AU

  7. EnergyBalance Meaningfulweightlossrequiresyoutoexpendmoreenergythanyouconsume.Each personhasasetamountofcalories theyrequiretomaintaintheirbodymass. Whenyouconsumetoomore caloriesthanyourequireyouareinapositiveenergy balance NeutralEnergy Balance =MaintainWeight PositiveEnergy Balance = Weight Gain AKA-CalorieSurplus NegativeEnergy Balance = Weight Loss AKA-CalorieDeficit When you spend a long enough time periods in a negative energy balance, you will notice the weight lost. Most people do not take enough control over their eating for a long enough time period to notice a visible change in their appearance, or often they fall off theeatingplan. TheNutritionPyramid One of the most important concepts in regards to dieting is what to prioritise first. Focusing on the wrong thing will leave you spinning your wheels and getting nowhere. This is the nutrition pyramid and it explains that the basis of your focus should be on caloriesinandout.Aftermasteringyour calorie intakeandmacro-nutrients,workyour wayuptothetopofthepyramid! SUPPLEMENTS MOSTPEOPLEFAILTO GETRESULTSBECAUSE THEYHAVENOT ADDRESSEDTHELOWER LEVELS MEALTIMING MICRONUTRIENTS STARTLOWANDTRAVELUP CARB/FAT/PROTEIN CALORIESIN/OUT LIFESTYLEFACTORSSUCHASSLEEP/STRESS/EXERCISE BASICSOFNUTRITIONE-BOOK-NOTFORRESALE-MUSTNOTBECOPPIED-PROPERTYOFFOUNDMYPHYSIQUE THESCIENCEOFMASTERINGYOURHEALTHANDPHYSIQUE WWW.FOUNDMYPHYSIQUE.COM.AU

  8. WhyDietingIsDifficult You may have already read my e-book on why dieting can be so difficult, but I thought that some of that information is valuable so I will quickly mention it here. After consulting hundredsofclients,Ihavenoticedtherearereoccurring obstacles onthisnutritionjourney. Firstoff,letsjustmake sureourdefinitionsof"dieting"arethesame... WhenIsay"dieting"I mean - sticking to a quality nutrition structure that is enjoyable, maintainable and achieves the results of the individual. I do not mean following a fad diet, juice cleanse or any of the thousandsofdietaryprotocolabominationsoutthere. There are so many obstacles that make dieting so difficult I thought I would mention a few of them just so you are aware what 'trolls are under the bridge' on your nutrition journey. My hope is that with awareness you will not fall into the traps (that many do) and get discouraged from reaching your goal. The endgoal isyou mastering your nutrition, energy levels,bodycompositionand health... soyoumustbeable tospotthetrollsalong theway. Strict Eating Plans - We all know someone who ate nothing but chicken and rice for monthsandgotshredded.Thisisextremedietingdone bythosewhodon'tknowhowto adjusttheirintakeandvarytheirfoods.Theseeating plans havetheirtimeandplace. Supplement Companies and Pyramid Schemes - As mentioned on the previous page, supplements should only be added to the mix when you have your nutrition all honed in. Many supcompaniesandpyramidsystemsmake you believetheirproductsarethesolution toyourproblems.Itswrong. Poor Quality Nutrition Information - This floats around everywhere, you have probably heard things from your parents, friends or the news that was flat out wrong. To top it off, the agreed consensus in the nutrition industry is constantly changing. Its important you remainanutritionagnosticandback upyourfindingswithasmuchhighqualityinformation asyou can find SelfProclaimedGurus-Didyouknowyoucangeta"nutritionist"qualificationin6weeks online? That's right, these "experts" do not have a university degree. Many nutrition / wellness coaches youfindoninstagramhavenoideawhattheyaretalkingabout. Macro counting is not sustainable - The 'if it fits your macros' (IIFYM) trend is a great way to get is shape. Its simple - track all your food and make thenumbersequalyour targets. It works! But,itisnotverysustainable.Many people do this and see results and improve their dietary skills, however most donotlearnhowtotransitionfromtrackingtoformingahealthystructureto their diets without tracking. Unless you are mathematically inclined or are seekingaveryhighqualityresult,thisapproachisnotsustainable. Thisisnot theonlywaytoachieveresultsbutitdoesteachyousomeusefullskills! BASICSOFNUTRITIONE-BOOK-NOTFORRESALE-MUSTNOTBECOPPIED-PROPERTYOFFOUNDMYPHYSIQUE THESCIENCEOFMASTERINGYOURHEALTHANDPHYSIQUE WWW.FOUNDMYPHYSIQUE.COM.AU THE SCIENCE OFMASTERING YOURHEALTHANDPHYSIQUE WWW.FOUNDMYPHYSIQUE.COM.AU

  9. Calorie dense addictive foods - There is no question that sugar makes things taste better,ourpalletishavingaparty.Over 60%ofthefoodsonourshelveshaveaddedsugar. 'Dieting'mayfeeldullforthosewhoareusedtohavingthispalletpartyeverysinglemeal. Sugar is also addictive and people crave it when they stop consuming it. Large corporations have mastered the art-form of making delicious foods that create pleasurable responses and theymakealotof moneyfromit.Breakingfree from thesefakefoods and eating whole foods can be a challenge at first. However, it is very rewarding as the individuals energylevels,cravings,and usuallybodycompositionallimprove. Lack of proper structure or direction - Many people eat healthy but do not achieve results, and this is due to the fact they didn't have a structure to follow (they were just winging it). Much like the mediocre results of the average gym bro, this approach of "winging it" (also refereed to as intuitive eating) with dieting is usually only properly achievedbypeoplewhohave alreadydevelopedagoodunderstandingofnutritionand theirrequirementsare. It’s amazing how many people can get stuck on ONE or a few of these sticking points andnevergetoverit.Thesearejustafewofthe'trolls'thatareunderthebridges.Fora moredetailedbreakdown,checkouttheWhyDietingIsDifficulte-book(linkon Instagram). I know nutrition be very overwhelming at the start, I know, I have lived and breathed nutrition for the past 6 years and have learnt so many skills along the way. I started off as ahumble personal trainer, trying togetmyclientsinshape andfailingbecauseIhad never addressed their nutrition properly! I struggled getting into amazing shape myself until I followed my first strict macro dietary protocol (wasn’t sustainable but gave great results). Fear not, you are levelling up! The topics we have covered today will one day be in the back of your mind as simple facts but everyone has to learn them at some point. You are improving your nutrition education, and that is a great sign that you are heading to longtermdietarysuccess! Conclusion There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach when it comes to nutrition, this is why I offer my nutrition clientsarangeofoptionsforhowoftentheyeatandwhattypesof meals theywishtobeeating. I have found that you need to have a regular structureto your day, a varietyof choicesof foods to eat, and a good understanding of what foods and how much to eat. No long-term results with nutritionarepossiblewithoutafewbasicnutritionskills.Youmustfindwhatworksfor you! If you found this information valuable, share it with friends or give Found My Physique a positive reviewonFacebook,Instagramorgoogle. If youwantmetoassistyoualongthisjourney,sendme amessage,Iwouldbegladtohelpyouachieveyourgoalsandimproveyournutritionskills! Peace,love,andbestofluckonyournutritionjourney! -SimonJager-Nutritionist BASICSOFNUTRITIONE-BOOK-NOTFORRESALE-MUSTNOTBECOPPIED-PROPERTYOFFOUNDMYPHYSIQUE THESCIENCEOFMASTERINGYOURHEALTHANDPHYSIQUE WWW.FOUNDMYPHYSIQUE.COM.AU THE SCIENCE OFMASTERING YOURHEALTHANDPHYSIQUE WWW.FOUNDMYPHYSIQUE.COM.AU

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