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CITI RCR Developer Group

CITI RCR Developer Group. Seattle WA October 24, 2009. Survey conducted 11/2004. Presented 3-11-05. CITI Developer Meeting, Key West, FL. CITI RCR Program. Initiated in 2005 $50,000 from ORI 9-1-05 to 6-01-06. Public access RCR program.

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CITI RCR Developer Group

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  1. CITI RCR Developer Group Seattle WA October 24, 2009

  2. Survey conducted 11/2004. Presented 3-11-05. CITI Developer Meeting, Key West, FL

  3. CITI RCR Program • Initiated in 2005 • $50,000 from ORI 9-1-05 to 6-01-06. • Public access RCR program. • Continue for as long as ORI funds the RCR help desk. • $50,000 12-08.

  4. CITI RCR Course Content • The RCR in the: • Biomedical sciences. • Social and behavioral sciences. • Physical sciences. • Humanities. • Textual material similar from course to course. • Embedded Case studies are discipline specific.

  5. CITI RCR Course ContentDiscipline specific coursesTextual materials and case studies are discipline specific. • RCR for science administrators • Steve Erickson Ph.D. and Karen Muskavich Ph.D. Boston College • RCR for engineers and engineering students. • Jason Borenstein Ph.D. - G.I.T. • The RCR in the humanities. • Sharon Shriver Ph.D. – Penn State University • 1-1-10 • The RCR in the social and behavioral sciences • Dan Vasgird Ph.D. Spring 2010

  6. New additions to the RCR Program

  7. Lab animal welfare

  8. Human subjects protections

  9. RC Scholarly Activities in the Humanities

  10. Modifications to the SBR RCR modules

  11. New additions to the ProgramIntroductory video cases • Introductory video cases - 7 • 3 new “introductory” video case studies for SBR RCR course. • Misconduct • Data Acquisition • Conflicts of Interest

  12. Content Editing • Content edits from Key west meeting have been implemented. • Hired a science and technology editor to resolve outstanding issues in the CITI Biomedical RCR modules. • Typos, misspellings, poor usage in the modules. • Grammatical errors. • Poor quiz question. • Deliver by November 14. • Reviewed and reconciled by December 1, 2009. • Implemented by 1-1-10.

  13. RCR Course for Scholars in the Humanities Sharon Shriver, PhD. Pennsylvania State University

  14. Humanities RCR course revision • Goals: • Retain the overall structure and some of the content of the existing CITI humanities course. • Omit science-specific content and add new content that is relevant for scholars in the humanities. • Use examples and case studies that illustrate the application of RCR principles in humanities settings • Include recent events (e.g. prominent cases of plagiarism in history, fraud in art) as examples of scholarly misconduct.

  15. Humanities revision– timeline • November 15, 2009 • All Modules complete • All case studies and quiz questions revised • Peer Review • December 15, 2009 • Modifications implemented • Final proofreading completed, post for review • January 1, 2010 • Revised Humanities course available to users

  16. Other new projects • Bio-safety and Bio-security • 15 modules • Plagiarism Module • Gary Comstock Ph.D. and PB • RCR in the physical sciences and mathematics.

  17. Analysis of Web-based learning Released May, 2009 Meeting CD Informational Items and Resources

  18. D. of Ed. Report • Analysis of 99 studies between 1996 and 2008 comparing online vs. classroom learning. • Some grade or high school setting, but, most done in colleges, universities, med schools and the military. • Students doing some or all on line ranked in 59th performance %tile. • Students doing just classroom ranked in 50th performance %tile. • “Most of the variations in the way online learning was used did not significantly affect student learning outcomes.” • “The effectiveness of online learning approaches appears quite broad across different content and learner types.”

  19. Course site usage. • Program Growth • 119 - New institutions since 1-1-09; total of 1324. • 70 New institutions since, June 1, 2009 • Estimated FY2010 ~ 130 • 86 New RCR set-ups since 1/2009

  20. Course site usage 9-2009* 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

  21. RCR Course Completion Reports (C.R.) awarded * 1-1-09 to 10-1-09, public access and institutional RCR set-ups * 86 new institutional RCR set-ups, 2009 10-1-09

  22. RCR Course Completion Reports (C.R.) Awarded via The Public Access Portal. * 1-1-09 to 10-1-09

  23. Top 10 institutional RCR users 2008 – 136 ; 2009, 222 sites; = 45% increase

  24. Research on the RCR Mentoring Participation in HSR

  25. Experiences of Mentors and MenteesSurvey Paul Braunschweiger, Ph.D. Ken Goodman, Ph.D. Sergio Litewka, MD CITI Program University of Miami Ethics Program

  26. Working Hypotheses Although mentoring is crucial to the social and professional development of students and young investigators, mentoring programs are not wide spread in academia. The role of Mentor and Research advisor is often confused. Many people who mentors may be ill prepared for the job.

  27. Conclusions • Data management is the most common research ethics topic discussed by mentors and mentees • >25% of Students say that discussing research ethics with mentor is a rare event. • Only 5% of mentors say that discussing research ethics with student is a rare event. • Rather low % of people mentoring students (~30%) say they have specific training for mentoring.

  28. Conclusions • For ~60% of students, the mentor and res. advisor are the same person. • Only about 20% of responders indicated that their institution has a mentoring program. • Majority of survey subjects didn't know if their institutions had a mentoring program. • most pronounced in student groups

  29. CITI RCR Satisfaction Surveys RCR Course Satisfaction Survey 9-1-08 to 10-1-09

  30. Which RCR course did you complete? n=10784

  31. I completed the CITI RCR Course because:

  32. Have you completed RCR instruction previously

  33. The RCR modules present a short video case study as an introduction to the module. Please provide us with some feedback regarding these "Introduction" videos. Choose as many as is appropriate to convey your opinions.

  34. Which of the RCR modules was most informative or most helpful to you?

  35. Case studies are thought to be an effective approach for adult learners. Most of the modules contained short case studies imbedded in the text (folder icons). Did you review any of these case studies.

  36. The case studies were very useful to put the ethical concepts described in the foundation text into a practical "real life" context. Strongly disagree strongly agree

  37. After completing the CITI RCR Course, I have a better understanding of the ethical issues central to the research enterprise so that I can conduct my work with the highest level of integrity. Strongly disagree strongly agree

  38. Now that I have completed the CITI RCR Course, I am more confident in my ability to advise a student or a colleague on an issue involving the Responsible Conduct of Research. Strongly disagree strongly agree

  39. Having completed the CITI Course in the Responsible Conduct of Research and gained a better understanding of how damaging research misconduct can be to students, to the institutions and to other investigators, I am now more likely to report a clear act of research misconduct to an appropriate person at my organization. Strongly disagree strongly agree

  40. Rate the course. RCR L.A.W. Poor Outstanding Poor Outstanding H.S.P Poor Outstanding

  41. The Future of Responsible Conduct of Research Education John Galland Ph.D. Director, Division of Education & Integrity Office of Research Integrity / DHHS

  42. 15 minute Breakresume at 10:50

  43. Mentoring in Engineering & Non-Medical Sciences Suzanne Brainard, Ph.D. Professor, Human-Centered Design & Engineering Executive Director of the Center for Workforce Development University of Washington

  44. The Responsible Conduct of Social and Behavioral Research Dan Vasgird Ph.D.

  45. CITI International RCR Initiatives Sergio Litewka MD

  46. The Engineering and Science Issues Test (ESIT): A Discipline –Specific Approach to Assessing Moral Judgment Jason Borenstein Ph.D.

  47. Lunch Resume at 1:30pm

  48. Rate the course. RCR L.A.W. H.S.P

  49. Reviewing and editing of RCR course materials The case studies

  50. Meeting CD

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