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Delve into the heartfelt lyrics of this hymn, expressing a yearning to draw closer to the Savior's heart for solace and cleansing. The words convey a desire for forgiveness and to find rest and safety in the haven of the divine presence. Explore the profound emotion and faith encapsulated in the verses that aspire to be nearer to the Savior. This timeless piece reflects the longing for eternal closeness and security in the loving embrace of the Savior, resonating with believers seeking spiritual connection and peace.
Nearer still nearer, close to Thy heart Draw me my Savior, so precious Thou art Hold me, oh hold me, close to Thy breast
Shelter me safe in that haven of rest Shelter me safe in that haven of rest
Nearer still nearer, nothing I bring Naught as an offering to Jesus my King Only my sinful, now contrite heart
Grant me the cleansing Thy Blood doth impart Grant me the cleansing Thy Blood doth impart
Nearer still nearer, while life shall last Till safe in glory my anchor is cast Through endless ages, ever to be
Nearer my Savior, still nearer to Thee Nearer my Savior, still nearer to Thee