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Nursing Leadership: Literature Review. Summer 2008 Helen Hough, BA, BS, M.L.S. Hough@uta.edu. Nursing administrators. Integrate nursing science, business principles, organizational behavior, and resource management to participate as full partners
Nursing Leadership:Literature Review Summer 2008 Helen Hough, BA, BS, M.L.S. Hough@uta.edu
Nursing administrators Integrate • nursing science, • business principles, • organizational behavior, and • resource management to participate as full partners in managing and leading health care organizations. (adapted from UCSF School of Nursing)
Needs Foundation in • Nursing, • Health Care, • Business & • Personnel Psychology for communication with all parties to understand and appreciate issues
Transitions InformationAcquisition & Dissemination Awareness with commonly respected literature but address in-depth issues with specialized materials. Use resources appropriate to audience
Audiences Community (including media), fellow leaders, medical, nurses, supervisees. Information levels: Lay - general & specialized magazines, newspapers. Authoritative - Scholarly, peer reviewed.
Where is information Aggregated - in Libraries Systematically accessed - by information databases CINAHL, Medline/PubMed,Business Source PremierAnd others, depending on type of question. Consult information professional for recommendations.
Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership Case Manager Health Care Manager Home Healthcare Management & Practice JONA's Healthcare Law, Ethics & Regulation Journal of Excellence in Nursing Leadership Journal of Nursing Administration Journal of Nursing Management Journal of Public Health Management & Practice Nursing Administration Quarterly Nursing Economic$ Nursing Leadership Forum Nursing Management OR Manager Policy, Politics & Nursing Practice Reflections on Nursing Leadership Strategies for Nursing Leadership Journals – Nurse Leader/Admin. (http://www.cinahl.com/library/library.htm)
Access - Databases The questiondictates the appropriate database. Common leadership/administration CINAHL Medline/PubMed Business Source
Half of all good work is the thought put into it before action Helen Hough
Question-basedliterature review strategy What is the problem? “We are generally working toward magnet hospital status but there are areas of real resistance” What is the question? “What are current theories & methods of change management?” What are the question’s concepts? 1: change 2: personnel management
Question-baseddatabase selection Q: Change management in health care Areas: Health, business, organizational behavior Databases: Nursing, Medical, Business, Psychology
Database location Of course Google is ok BUTTTTTTT your library already pays for stuff. If we don’t have it, we can get it (Interlibrary Loan) Go to the library (http://www.uta.edu/library) Select Subject Guides > Nursing (or other)
Be prepared Preparatory exploration of database (content area, layout, limits, protocols) Concept synonyms Adjust strategy(new information, subjects vs keywords) False drops (irrelevant retrievals) You can’t break the DB, consider attempts as trials
General Rule Start big Narrow down Is the reason for 0 retrievals becausethere nothing in the stupid databaseorwere the wrong words used?
Example: CINAHL change theory Limits Publication Types: • Peer-review Meta-analysis • Reviews Research • Book Review Special Interest: Nursing Administration Cited Reference Searching Explore records/thesaurus for concepts DO NOT limit to full text
Example: Medline withMESH, PsycINFO Change theory Medline limits Journal & Citation SubsetHealth Administration, Nursing PsycINFO Limits Peer Reviewed, Classification Codes
Getting the materials UsingMyEBSCO (alerts) and/or RefWorks 1st: At UT Arlington: Check E-journal list & Library Catalog 2nd: Not at UT Arlington: Interlibrary Loan TexShare, “Find In A Library” or WorldCat