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Satori Alternatives to Managing Aggression: Assisting Process. S.A.M.A. a Japanese word meaning a flash of enlightenment. Satori. the TBSI and AISD approved course for verbal and physical de-escalation. . S.A.M.A. is.
Satori Alternatives to Managing Aggression: Assisting Process S.A.M.A.
the TBSI and AISD approved course for verbal and physical de-escalation. S.A.M.A.is
least restrictive, safe ways to help manage a student in crisis until the student can regain control. S.A.M.A. teaches
The Two Wolves One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.He said, "My son, the battle is between two "wolves" inside us all.One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?"His grandfather answered "The one you feed the most."
Children are like wet cement… Whatever falls on them leaves an impression.
Critical Beliefs • We all have the right to physical and personal safety • We all have value simply because we exist • Cooperation, not competition is needed for mutual benefit in times of crisis • We all deserve to be treated with respect • We all deserve to get our needs met but not at the expense of other people • We all deserve to be taken seriously • No one has the right to judge the worth of another person • Learning is most beneficial is a safe, supporting environment
Basic Principals of SAMA • Take the Person Seriously • Join and Follow to Lead • Take Action to get a Beneficial Reaction • Proceed Step by Step • Act Without Hesitation
How can taking a person seriously reduce anger and hostility? Take the Person Seriously
How can you join a person who is angry to lead the interaction positively? Join and Follow to Lead
What are some actions we can take with a person that might lead to a beneficial reaction? Take Action to Get a Beneficial Reaction
What is important about doing things step by step? Proceed Step by Step
How does acting without hesitation help in a crisis? Act Without Hesitation
Personal Effects of Anger • State of Body: • State of Mind:
As helpers we must be Calm Aware Respectful
Calm… What is the value of being calm? How does being calm affect the other person?
Aware What is the value of being aware? How does being aware affect the other person? Of what may we want to be aware?
Respectful? What is the value of being respectful? How does being respectful affect the other person?
Some things to think about… • What does it mean to respect a person even if you do not approve of his actions? • What do you do if you can’t quit judging the behavior enough to respect the person?
Nature of Trust What do you have to be willing to do, to be able to find out whether you can trust someone? For example, with your car?
What does it mean to be Risk-worthy? Take a Risk…
Exercise: Risk-worthy • Generate a list of all the qualities you would want a person to have if you were angry and wanted to talk • What qualities would they need to have?
The Assisting Process • Crisis Intervention, least restrictive . • Gives you a plan when you don’t know what else to do. • Only works when YOU can be calm, aware, and respectful • Intervene at the pre-cursors • Prevention is always better than management
What underlies ANGER? Fear Lack of Power
To make people back off, scare them off… What is the function of anger?
Help the person regain a sense of power and assume responsibility for how to use it. So what is our goal when intervening?
Observing • Let’s Play… • Describe what you see us doing • “I see you…” • Now practice • (remember no words, no touching, no throwing!)
Let’s add this to the first part of the Assisting Process 1. Observe 2. Ask 3. Acknowledge
Part OneJoin and Follow to Lead * I see you ____________ (behavior). * Are you ____________ (feeling)? • (What are you feeling?-if we guess wrong) * I can see you’re ___________ (feeling)
Part TwoIdentify the Problem * What are you ________ (feeling) about? Don’t ask “Why ….?” * So, you’re _________ (feeling) about _________, (cause) is that right?
Part ThreeIdentify Solutions * What do you want? * What have you tried? * How well did that work? * What are you willing to do to get what you want? • (Is there anything else you might try?)
Make a Plan • Out of those solutions which one are you willing to try? • (If they identified more than one) • Who/What/When/Where/How? * Will you let me know how that goes?
SAMA Assisting • I see you _______. (behavior) • Are you _______? (emotion) • I can tell you’re ________. • What are you ______ about? • So you’re ______ about _____ is that right? • What do you want? • What have you tried? • How well did that work? • What are you willing to do? (Who/What/When/Where/How?) • Will you let me know how that goes?
Questions? What if.. …what they want is impossible? …what they want is dangerous? …what they want just won’t work?
A family in my neighborhood once brought in two cocoons that were about to hatch. They watched as the first one began to open and the butterfly inside squeezed very slowly and painfully through a tiny hole that it had chewed in one end of the cocoon. After lying exhausted for about ten minutes following its agonizing emergence, the butterfly finally flew out the open window on its beautiful wings. The family decided to help the second butterfly so that it would not have to go through such an excruciating ordeal. So, as it began to emerge, they carefully sliced open the cocoon with a razor blade, doing the equivalent of a Caesarian section. The second butterfly never did sprout wings, and in about ten minutes, instead of flying away, it quietly died. The family asked a biologist friend to explain what had happened. The scientist said that the difficult struggle to emerge from the small hole actually pushes liquids from deep inside the butterfly’s body cavity into the tiny capillaries in the wings, where they harden to complete the healthy and beautiful adult butterfly. The Butterfly
The Chinese Symbol for Crisis • The first symbol means danger • The second means opportunity
Take the Opportunity… • To teach the social skills the student needs • To build a trusting relationship • To avert potential aggression • To increase someone’s self esteem
Teach emotions • Teach students what they can do when they are upset • Assisting Process using pictures • First/Then
So who needs SAMA? • Review of TBSI: • All staff that work with students enrolled in special education are required to have completed TBSI training. • http://www.txbsi.org/training/html/index.html
TBSI Module 5 • Module 5 defines restraint in Texas • Gives limitations and discusses who can legally use restraint • States that any person who works with a special education student who has a Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP) or any student that is likely to need physical restraint MUST be trained in the district approved restraint course, which is SAMA • This can include administrators, special education, regular education teachers, paraprofessionals, special area teachers, bus drivers and other school personnel
Any student with a WHAT? • Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) • Requires a Functional Behavior Assessment • Required for every student who has the educational diagnosis of • Autism • Emotionally Disturbed • OHI for AD/HD (Type I, II or combined) If you work with these students you must be SAMA trained
What if I am not trained? • Take the Initial Class (1 day) • Class is good for one year, then 1/2 day refresher • Can refresh ONCE before returning to the initial class • Advanced Protection is also offered if needed
You have 30 days to get trained after you have put your hands on a special education child to keep them safe in an emergency What if I have to help and I am not trained?
Neely Kulhanek SAMA Trainer neely.kulhanek@austinisd.org (512)414-0170