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Explore the key role of maternity nurses in ensuring the success of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) post-MDG era. Discover strategies, policies, and principles for implementing SDGs in healthcare. Email: ultyhanafi@yahoo.co.id.
Ulty Desmarnitas, SKp., MKes., Sp.Mat Presented at: Inauguration and Seminar of IPEMI Prov East Java Surabaya August 26, 2017 The role of female in ensuring the success sdgs ultyhanafi@yahoo.co.id Surabaya, 26 Agustus 2017
Role of Maternity Nurses in Ensuring the Success of SDGs UltyDesmarnitas, SKp., MKes., Sp.Mat Presented at: Inauguration and Seminar of IPEMI Prov East Java Surabaya August 26, 2017 ultyhanafi@yahoo.co.id Surabaya, 26 Agustus 2017
Preliminary * MMR is still high: IDHS 2007 228 per 1000 KH MDGs 2015 102 per 1000 KH * I/NMR: IDHS 2007 34 per 1000 KH MDGs 2015 23 per 1000KH. * Continuous policy * The program runs with various efforts * Strategy ??? ultyhanafi@yahoo.co.id Surabaya, 26 Agustus 2017
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) ends in 2015. • August 2nd, 2015 Hours 18.26: 193 UN member states acclaim "Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) / UN 2030 Agenda. • SDGs Enacted in PPB session End of September 2015 • It consists of 17 objectives, 169 targets, and 241 planned indicators that can be achieved for 15 years to 2030 ultyhanafi@yahoo.co.id Surabaya, 26 Agustus 2017
Policy INDONESIA HEALTHY Pillars of Social Development with 6 Goals and Goals 3 Healthy and prosperous Providing and bringing in quality health services affordable to the community including referral for all and special population groups, in order to: ultyhanafi@yahoo.co.id Surabaya, 26 Agustus 2017
Ensures a healthy life and promotes prosperity for all people of all ages, namely in 2030: • Reduce MMR to below 70 per 100,000 KH • Ending preventable infant and toddler deaths by decreasing Neonatal Death Rate up to 12 per 1,000 KH and Underfive Mortality Rate 25 per 1,000 KH; ultyhanafi@yahoo.co.id Surabaya, 26 Agustus 2017
Ending the AIDS epidemic, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases, as well as fighting hepatitis, water-borne diseases and other infectious diseases; • Reduce 1/3 premature deaths from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment, and promote mental health and well-being; • Strengthen the prevention and treatment of substance abuse, including the abuse of narcotics and harmful alcohol; ultyhanafi@yahoo.co.id Surabaya, 26 Agustus 2017
Reduce half the global number of deaths and injuries from traffic accidents; • Ensures universal access to sexual and reproductive health services; • Achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality basic health services and access to safe, effective and quality basic medicines and vaccines for all; ultyhanafi@yahoo.co.id Surabaya, 26 Agustus 2017
Substantially reduces death and morbidity from harmful compounds and contamination and air, water and soil pollution. ultyhanafi@yahoo.co.id Surabaya, 26 Agustus 2017
PRINCIPLES OF IMPLEMENTATION SDGs • Universality - SDGs implemented by both developed and developing countries • Integration - SDGs are implemented in an integrated and interrelated manner in all social, economic and environmental dimensions • No One Left Behind must benefit all especially for the vulnerable, and the implementation involving all stakeholders ultyhanafi@yahoo.co.id Surabaya, 26 Agustus 2017
THE ROLE OF MATERNITY Advocate: Client rights Identification Educator Care Provider Researcher Change agent Political activities
Policy • Pregnant women get quality health services • Every mother gave birth to get optimal service • Every baby gets exclusive breastfeeding • RH services for women • Disease services are not contagious • HIV-AID Services • Integrated service • Excellent service • Assisted by competent staff ultyhanafi@yahoo.co.id Surabaya, 26 Agustus 2017
Millenium Development goals (MDGS) • Pengentasan kemiskinan dan kelaparan yang ekstrim • Pemerataan pendidikan dasar • Mendukung adanya persamaan gender dan pemberdayaan perempuan • Mengurangi tingkat kematian anak • Meningkatkan kesehatan ibu • Perlawanan terhadap HIV/AIDS, malaria dan penyakit lainnya • Menjamin daya dukung lingkungan hidup • Mengembangkan kemitraanglobal untuk pembangunan. ultyhanafi@yahoo.co.id Surabaya, 26 Agustus 2017
CONCLUSION • Women understand what to do for her • The purpose of reducing maternal and infant mortality • Services focused on mother and baby by providing services for pregnant women, childbirth, childbirth and newborn including family ultyhanafi@yahoo.co.id Surabaya, 26 Agustus 2017
USE OF Kia BOOKS ultyhanafi@yahoo.co.id Surabaya, 26 Agustus 2017
THANK YOU Wassalam ultyhanafi@yahoo.co.id Surabaya, 26 Agustus 2017
CONTACT PERSON • Ns Ulty Desmarnita, SKp., MKes., Sp.Mat • Teratai Griya Asri Blok D2 No 10 Legok - Tangerang - Banten • HP 081314103015 • Email: ultyhanafi @yahoo.co.id ultyhanafi@yahoo.co.id Surabaya, 26 Agustus 2017
PREVENT COUNTRY AND NATION WE INDONESIA Ulty D. Seminar Pelantikan IPEMI Sumsel, Palembang 12 Desember 2015