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NCSX ENVIRONMENT, SAFETY & HEALTH (ES&H). NCSX Conceptual Design Review (CDR) May 21, 2002. Are ES&H aspects being properly addressed given the project's current stage of development?. NEPA Discussions held among PPPL, DOE/PAO, DOE/SC & DOE/EH on appropriate level of NEPA review.
NCSX ENVIRONMENT, SAFETY & HEALTH (ES&H) NCSX Conceptual Design Review (CDR) May 21, 2002 J. Levine 5/21/02
Are ES&H aspects being properly addressed given the project's current stage of development? J. Levine 5/21/02
NEPA • Discussions held among PPPL, DOE/PAO, DOE/SC & DOE/EH on appropriate level of NEPA review. • Consensus to prepare brief EA (comparable to 10-page NSTX EA). • EA proposal sent to DOE/CH NEPA Compliance Officer on 4/25/02. • Expect formal approval from CH to prepare EA (DOE/EA-1437) very soon. J. Levine 5/21/02
EA Schedule (Proposed) • Draft EA to Project & PPPL ERC for review: 7/15/02. • Draft EA, FONSI & State transmittal letter to DOE for review: 9/16/02. • DOE comments on Draft EA & FONSI received: 11/1/02. • DOE comments resolved; DOE authorizes sending EA to State for review: 12/1/02. • DOE-CH signs FONSI & approves EA: 2/3/03. NCSX CD-2 6/03 J. Levine 5/21/02
NCSX ES&H Considerations • PHA prepared based on NCSX plans & experience on comparable device (NSTX). • Experiments will use hydrogen, helium and deuterium; no tritium fuel. • Expected environmental emissions: • 0.014 Ci/yr tritium from D-D fusion (site limit: 500 Ci/yr); no 40CFR61 Subpart H (NESHAPS) issues. • 10k-30k gal/week liquid nitrogen boiloff from cryostat • No environmental permit needs anticipated. J. Levine 5/21/02
NCSX ES&H Considerations (cont’d) • Radiation exposure to public: <2 mrem/yr from tritium & direct radiation (site limit: 10 mrem/yr). • Radiation exposure to workers: <1000 mrem/yr, <600 mrem/qtr (PPPL Policy); collective dose controlled ALARA. 10CFR835 & ALARA requirements applied via ES&HD 5008 Section 10 & PPPL Health Physics Branch. J. Levine 5/21/02
NCSX ES&H Considerations (cont’d) • Material to be removed during construction (none are radioactive): • 160 tons stainless steel • 80 tons copper • 5 tons aluminum • Several tons plastics, wood & fiberglass • Metals will be recycled to the extent possible. • Except for D-Site to C-Site power cable run, all construction is indoors; disturbed area for cable run would be about 0.2 acre (non-sensitive area). J. Levine 5/21/02
NCSX ES&H Considerations (cont’d) • Wastes during construction & operation • Small amounts of hazardous wastes (machinist coolant, used vacuum pump oil, epoxy/cements, waste solvents, solvent soaked rags) • Asbestos (from modifications to NCSX Test Cell walls & floors) • <1 mCi/yr of tritiated vacuum pump oil during operations (LLW) J. Levine 5/21/02
NCSX ES&H Considerations (cont’d) • Potential accident scenario: release of liquid nitrogen from the cryostat to the NCSX Test Cell. • Will be addressed in EA and safety documentation. Any required mitigation features (e.g., low oxygen alarms, administrative controls, etc.) will be incorporated into NCSX design and operations. J. Levine 5/21/02
ISM • NCSX activities will be conducted using PPPL’s well-established policies and procedures that apply the principles and core functions of ISM. • Safety goal for construction & operation is zero (0) occupational injuries or illnesses. • Creation of new Laboratory ISM policies and procedures should not be required for NCSX. J. Levine 5/21/02
Examples of PPPL ISM elements to be applied by NCSX: • Safety reviews/oversight integrated into schedules & budgets for proposed activities. • NEPA review process (ESH-014) triggered. • Hazards identified, analyzed & categorized per procedures. • Hazards/mitigation documented in NEPA documents, Safety Assessment Documents, etc. J. Levine 5/21/02
Examples of PPPL ISM elements to be applied by NCSX: • Hazard Controls • Installation, test & operating procedures • Design reviews • Job hazard analyses (JHAs) • Worker training • Line managers & workers involvement & responsibility • Oversight by ES&H professionals J. Levine 5/21/02
Examples of PPPL ISM elements to be applied by NCSX: • Assessment & feedback • Contract performance metrics including worker injury/illness data • Line manager & facility manager safety walkthroughs • Laboratory Management Safety Walkthroughs • Internal audits • PAO surveillances • PPPL/PAO Unified Safety Reviews (USRs) • Plan-of-the-day meetings • Project team meetings • Toolbox safety meetings J. Levine 5/21/02
NCSX Safety Assessment Document (SAD) will be prepared prior to 1st plasma: • Overview of NCSX, including mission, goals, and objectives; • Descriptions of NCSX structures, systems and components, with emphasis on environment, safety and health (ES&H) features; • Identification of NCSX hazards and methods employed for their mitigation; and • A description of how operations will be conducted, with emphasis on ES&H features. J. Levine 5/21/02
Anticipate formation of independent joint PPPL/PAO team (“Activity Certification Committee”, ACC) to: • Conduct ES&H reviews of planned NCSX operations. • Make recommendations to PPPL management on whether to approve the startup of NCSX. • Review and make recommendations on future NCSX modifications that may significantly affect ES&H. • ACC is typically composed of senior engineers, physicists and ES&H professionals J. Levine 5/21/02
The NCSX Project is incorporating ES&H into its plans and activities, and will draw on the well-established ISM culture and infrastructure at PPPL. J. Levine 5/21/02