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Rules Every Achiever Knows 翻译技巧 词义的选择及引申. Rules Every Achiever Knows. Rules Every Achiever Knows. 一、译者的语篇意识. Rules Every Achiever Knows. 首先,要仔细阅读原文,把握其主题,分析其文体类型及风格。 文体 :叙述描写、说明论说及应用文体三大类 风格 :指作者在语言表现风格上的特点,如藻丽与平实,繁丰与简洁等
Rules Every Achiever Knows 翻译技巧 词义的选择及引申 Rules Every Achiever Knows
Rules Every Achiever Knows 一、译者的语篇意识 Rules Every Achiever Knows
首先,要仔细阅读原文,把握其主题,分析其文体类型及风格。首先,要仔细阅读原文,把握其主题,分析其文体类型及风格。 文体:叙述描写、说明论说及应用文体三大类 风格:指作者在语言表现风格上的特点,如藻丽与平实,繁丰与简洁等 考虑以下问题:1 、 这篇文章偏重于叙述描写呢,还是偏 重于说明议论呢? 2 、 这篇文章的中心思想是什么? 3 、 文章各段之间的关系是什么? Rules Every Achiever Knows
其次,在把握住原文全篇特点的同时,译者还要对每一节、每一段给予足够的关注,认真理清文章发展的脉络,层次及句与句之间的衔接、连贯关系。其次,在把握住原文全篇特点的同时,译者还要对每一节、每一段给予足够的关注,认真理清文章发展的脉络,层次及句与句之间的衔接、连贯关系。 Peter Newmark: “…operatively, most translation is done at the level of the smaller units (word or clause), leaving the larger units to ‘work’ automatically, until a difficulty occurs and until revision starts.” 两个层次:字、词组和句子;语篇 Rules Every Achiever Knows
Rules Every Achiever Knows • Discipline means choices. Every time you say yes to a goal or objective, you say no to many more. Every prize has its price. The prize is the yes; the price is the no. (P6) • 译文1:纪律就是说它有选择性,每当你肯定一个目标或对象的时候,你同时也否定了更多的目标。每种奖励都有它的代价,肯定的是奖励,否定的是代价。 • 译文2:自律就意味着有取有舍。每当你选定了一个目标,也就同时放弃了其他许多目标。每项成绩的获得都有它的代价。成绩来自你的所取,代价就是你的所舍。 Rules Every Achiever Knows
Rules Every Achiever Knows 二、词义的选择 Rules Every Achiever Knows
词义的选择包含二个方面: 1)Identify and determine the meaning of SL words. (选义→选择原文字词之义) 2)Find an appropriate word in the target language to express the determined meaning of the SL word. (择词→选择译文字词恰当地表达原词之意) Rules Every Achiever Knows
为什么要进行词义的选择? 一词多义的现象 light music light loss light car light heart light step light manners light outfit light work light voice (intended chiefly to entertain) 轻音乐 (not heavy) 轻微的损失 (having little weight) 轻便的汽车 (relaxed) 轻松的心情 (gentle) 轻快的脚步 (frivolous) 轻浮的举止 (handy) 轻巧的装备 (requiring little effort) 轻松的工 (soft) 轻柔的声音 Rules Every Achiever Knows
根据上下文确定词义 所谓上下文,英语叫做context。语言学者把这上下文关系扩而充之,指出除上下文关系外,还有时间关系,地点生态关系,文化背景(time context, place context, cultural background)等 Rules Every Achiever Knows
Importance of Context No word is an island entire to itself. Peter Newmark 上下文不只是语言问题,说话是一种社会行为,上下文实际上是提供了一个社会场合或情境,正是它决定了词义 Each word , when used in a new context , is a new word. J.R. Firth 王佐良 Rules Every Achiever Knows
Types of Context 1) Linguistic/verbal context Phrase, sentence, paragraph, text, etc. a good Christian a good parent a good child a good wife a good husband Rules Every Achiever Knows
2)Situational context Participants, surroundings, time/space, topic, etc. Peter passed. ? Rules Every Achiever Knows
3)Cultural context History, geography, religion, literature, customs, etc. It was Friday and soon they’d go out and get drunk. 星期五发工资那天, 这帮人很快就去喝酒了。 不为五斗米折腰. Don’t bow low for a paltry sum of money. Rules Every Achiever Knows
? discipline until Rules Every Achiever Knows
Rules Every Achiever Knows 三、词义的引申 Rules Every Achiever Knows
1. 将词义作抽象化的引申 Every life has its roses and thorns. 每个人的生活都有苦有甜。 There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of imperialism. 帝国主义者的性格既残暴又狡猾。 注:将表示具体形象的词翻译成该形象所代表的属性的词 I was practically on my knees, but he still refused 我几乎是苦苦哀求,但他依然拒绝 Please don’t wake a sleeping dog 请不要惹是生非 Rules Every Achiever Knows
2.将词义作具体化的引申 • Very anxious to return home • 归心似箭 • Speed up • 快马加鞭 • He is the admiration of the whole school • 他是全校所敬佩的人 Rules Every Achiever Knows
Rules Every Achiever Knows 译文解析 Rules Every Achiever Knows
1、No big deal 2 、第一段中有两个 "until“ 3 、 第一段最后一句是个省略句 4、朗费罗何许人也 ? 5 、 discipline 6 、 Discipline-which extracts a high price. 7 、 Following 8、 ( be/ get ) off the hook 9、Each of us has the makings of success in some endeavor 10、Develop a way of thinking have the makings of 意为 “ 有成为 …… 所需的性质 ” He has in him the makings of a great man. ( 他有成为大人物的特质。 ) discipline 切莫译为 " 纪律 " 。其义应根据上下文确定,可参考带英语解释的字典,如 Longman 对此字的释义为: training of the mind and body to produce obedience and self-control 。 第二、六段中可遵守字典上的释义为“the ability to control your behavior or the way you live, work “自制力,自律”, 第三段中的“the training of the mind and body to produce obedience and self-control”, “训练,练习”。 ( be/ get ) off the hook 是个成语,意为 “ 脱离困境 ” ,根据上下文译为 “ 为自己开脱 ” 。 “If you would hit the mark, you must aim a little above it; every arrow that flies feels the attraction of earth.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Poet 「如果你想要击中目标,你必需瞄准高一点;每一支在飞的箭都会感到地球的引力。」 –亨利‧沃兹沃思‧朗费罗 (诗人) Rules Every Achiever Knows
翻译提示 • 第五段到第七段的第一句话分别为段落的主题句,所以其翻译必须综合考虑本段的内容。 • 遇有引用中文原著英译文的情况,最好查出出处,转抄原句。如有困难,则应注明是据英语转译,或不用引号。 Rules Every Achiever Knows
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