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Mistral is an OpenStack Official Project that enables defining and executing workflows without code, catering to various use cases like Cloud Cron, Cloud Environment Deployment, and Live Migration. Mistral acts as a mediator between users, virtual instances, and cloud services, offering task management, monitoring, and scheduling capabilities. It supports features such as RESTful Web service, Cron triggers, synchronous/asynchronous tasks, nested workflows, and more. Mistral is compared to Heat, TaskFlow, and SWF with roadmap plans like Dashboard enhancement and Mesos integration.
Mistral Introduction Lingxian Kong <anlin.kong@gmail.com> IRC: xylan_kong
Agenda What's Mistral Use Cases Example Concepts & Architecture Key Features Mistral v.s. Heat/TaskFlow/SWF Roadmap
What's Mistral? Mistral is an OpenStack Official Project under 'Big Tent' Provide a mechanism to define and execute workflows without writing the code
Use Cases Cloud Cron: a system administrator can schedule cloud tasks for periodical execution Cloud Environment Deployment: Specify workflows needed for deploying environments consisting of multiple VMs and applications. Live Migration: on CPU close to 100% run specific migration workflow Long-Running Business Process Big Data Analysis & Reporting ......
Cloud Cron Mistral acts as a mediator between a user, virtual instances and cloud services in a sense that it brings capabilities over them like task management (start, stop etc.), task state and execution monitoring (success, failure, in progress etc.) and task scheduling
Who are Mistral Users? • OpenStack developers: Nova, Heat, Murano, Solum etc. • Administrators: capabilities like Cloud Cron to schedule periodic helper cloud tasks (statement analysis, backups etc.) • Enterprise application developers: automate business processes consisting of multiple distributed processing steps
Concepts Workflow - consists of tasks (at least one) describing what exact steps should be made during workflow execution Task - Task is what a workflow consists of Action - a particular piece of work associated with a task CronTrigger - periodicly executed workflow Execution - indicates an individual running procedure of a workflow workflow
Key Features Restful Web service Cron trigger Synchronous/Asynchronous task Direct/Reverse workflow Nested workflows Workflow validation Built-in actions: core OpenStack service clients integration, HTTP, Email, SSH… Pluggable actions Task policies and conditions Scalability for executions Ad-hoc actions Dry-run actions coming with more...
Mistral & Heat Heat application-oriented application lifecyle management nested stack pluggable resources retry/rollback on failure ... Mistral workflow-oriented nested workflow pluggable actions execution monitoring & user-defined transition ...
Mistral & TaskFlow TaskFlow Python library that you can use inside your Python app to manage Python workflows Mistral out-of-process service that is language-agnostic cannot execute some arbitrary Python code directly as an external service it can have distributed task execution, scalability and HA
Mistral & Amazon SWF Simple Workflow Service task management infrastructure designed to be language-oriented (Java, Ruby) only can be used with its SDK Mistral a standalone service usable without SDK in any programming language
Roadmap Polishing Mistral Dashboard (all needed CRUD operations) Service managment Expiration-policies-for-executions Resource sharing among tenants Mesos integration(maybe) ......
How to contribute Launchpad home page https://launchpad.net/mistral Code repos https://github.com/openstack/mistral https://github.com/openstack/mistral-extra https://github.com/openstack/python-mistralclient Description on OpenStack Wiki wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Mistral Contributors: Huawei, Mirantis, StackStorm, Alcatel-Lucent...
Thanks for Attending! Project: launchpad.net/mistral IRC: #openstack-mistral Me: Lingxian Kong Email: anlin.kong@gmail.com Q & A