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Flow Shop Production Optimization Strategies

Learn about flow shop production, assembly line balancing, and optimizing cycle time and efficiency for manufacturing processes with fixed and variable time restrictions. Understand the principles and techniques for improving production lines.

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Flow Shop Production Optimization Strategies

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  1. Flow Shop Production http://business.mrwood.com.au/unit3/opstrat/opstrat1.asp

  2. Flow shop layout cf. Heizer, J., Render, B., Operations Management, Prentice Hall, 2006, Chapter 9 cf. Francis, R., McGinnis, L., White, J., Facility Layout and Location: An Analytical Approach, Prentice Hall, 1992

  3. Flow shop production • Object-oriented • Assignment is derived from the item´s work plans. • Uniform material flow: • Linear assignment (in most cases) • Useful if (and only if) only one kind of product or a limited amount of different kinds of products is manufactured (i.e. low variety – high volume)

  4. Flow shop production According to time-dependencies we distinguish between • Flow shop production without fixed time restriction for each workstation („Reihenfertigung“) • Flow shop production with fixed time restriction for each workstation (Assembly line balancing, „Fließbandabgleich“)

  5. Flow shop production • No fixed time restriction for the workload of each workstation: • Intermediate inventories are needed • Material flow should be similiar for all products • Some workstations may be skipped, but going back to a previous department is not possible • Processing times may differ between products

  6. Flow shop production • Fixed time restricition (for each workstation): • Balancing problems • Cycle time („Taktzeit“): upper bound for the workload of each workstation. • Idle time: if the workload of a station is smaller than the cycle time. • Production lines, assembly lines • automated system (simultaneous shifting)

  7. Assembly line balancing • Production rate = Reciprocal of cycle time • The line proceeds continuously. • Workers proceed within their station parallel with their workpiece until it reaches the end of the station; afterwards they return to the beginning of the station. • Further possibilites: • Line stops during processing time • Intermittent transport: workpieces are transported between the stations.

  8. Assembly line balancing • „Fließbandabstimmung“, „Fließbandaustaktung“, „Leistungsabstimmung“, „Bandabgleich“ • The mulit-level production process is decomomposed into n operations/tasks for each product. • Processing time tjfor each operation j • Restrictions due to production sequence of precedences may occur and are displayed using a precedence graph: • Directed graph witout cyles G = (V, E, t) • No parallel arcs or loops • Relation i< j is true for all (i, j)

  9. Example Precedence graph

  10. Flow shop production • Machines (workstations) are assigned in a row, each station contains 1 or more operations/tasks. • Each operation is assigned to exactly 1 station • i before j , (i, j) E: • i and j in same station or • i in an earlier station than j • Assignment of operations to stations: • Time- or cost oriented objective function • Precedence conditions • Optimize cycle time • Simultaneous determination of number of stations and cycle time

  11. Single product problems • Simple assembly line balancing problem • Basic model with alternative objectives

  12. Single product problems Assumptions: • 1 homogenuous product is produced by performing n operations • given processing times ti for operations j = 1,...,n • Precedence graph • Same cycle time for all stations • fixed starting rate („Anstoßrate“) • all stations are equally equipped (workers and utilities) • no parallel stations • closed stations • workpieces are attached to the line

  13. Alternative1 Minimization of number of stationsm (cycle time is given): Cycle time c: • lower bound for number of stations • upper bound for number of stations

  14. Alternative 1 Derivation of upper bound: t(Sk) … workload of station kSk, k = 1, ..., m Integer property Sum of inequalities and integer property of m  tmax + t(Sk) > c i.e. t(Sk) c + 1 - tmaxk =1,...,m-1   upper bound

  15. Alternative 2 Minimization of cycle time (i.e. maximization of prodcution rate) lower bound for cycle time c: • tmax =max {tj  j = 1, ... , n} … processing time of longest operation  ctmax • Maximum production amount qmaxin time horizon T is given  • Given number of stations m

  16. Alternative 2 • lower bound for cycle time: • upper bound for cycle time

  17. Alternative 3 Maximization of efficiency („Bandwirkungsgrad“) • Determination of: • Cycle time c • Number of stations m  Efficiency („BG“) • BG = 1  100% efficiency (no idle time)

  18. Alternative 3 • Lower bound for cycle time: see Alternative 2 • Upper bound for cycle time cmax is given • Lower bound for number of stations • Upper bound for number of stations

  19. ExampIe • T = 7,5 hours • Minimum production amount qmin = 600 units • seconds/unit

  20. ExampIe tj = 55  No maximum production amount  Minimum cycle timecmin = tmax = 10 seconds/unit

  21. ExampIe Combinations of m and c leading to feasible solutions.

  22. ExampIe • maximum BG = 1(is reached only with invalid values m = 1 and c = 55) • Optimal BG = 0,982(feasible values for m and c: 10 c45 und m 2) m = 2 stations c = 28 seconds/unit

  23. Example Possible cycle times c for varying number of stations m Increasing cycle time  Reduction of BG (increasing idle time) until 1 station can be omitted. BG has a local maximum for each number of stations m with the minimum cycle time c where a feasible solution for m exists.

  24. Further objectives Maximization of BG is equivalent to • Minimization of total processing time („Durchlaufzeit“): D = m  c • Minimization of sum of idle times: • Minimization of ratio of idle time: LA = = 1 – BG • Minimization of total waiting time:

  25. LP formulation We distinguish between: • LP-Formulation for given cycle time • LP-Formulation for given number of stations • Mathematical formulation for maximization of efficiency

  26. LP formulation for given cycle time • Binary variables: • = number of station, where operation j is assigned to • Assumption: Graph G has only 1 sink, which is node n  j = 1, ..., n k = 1, ..., mmax

  27. LP formulation for given cycle time Objective function: Constraints: j = 1, ... , n ... j on exactly 1 station • k = 1, ... , mmax ... Cycle time … Precedence cond. ... Binary variables  j and k

  28. Notes Possible extensions: • Assignment restrictions (for utilities or positions) • elimination of variables or fix them to 0 • Restrictions according to operations • Operations h and j with (h, j)  are not allowed to be assigned to the same station.

  29. LP formulation for given number of stations • Replace mmax by the given number of stations m • c becomes an additional variable

  30. LP formulation for given number of stations Objective function: Minimize Z(x, c) = c … cycle time Constraints:  j = 1, ... , n ...j on exactly 1 station  k = 1, ... , m ... cycle time  ... precedence cond.  j und k ... binary variables c  0 and integer

  31. LP formulation for maximization of BG • If neither cycle time c nor number of stations m is given  take the formulation for given cycle time. Objective function (nonlinear): Additional constraints:c  cmax c  cmin

  32. LP formulation for maximization of BG • Derive a LP again  Weight cycle time and number of stations with factors w1 and w2 Objective function (linear): Minimize Z(x,c) = w1(kxnk) + w2c  Large Lp-models!  Many binary variables!

  33. Heuristic methods in case of given cycle time • Many heuristic methods(mostly priorityrule methods) • Shortened exact methods • Enumerative methods

  34. Priorityrule methods • Determine a priortity value PVj for each operation j • Prioritiy list • A non-assigned operation j can be assigned to station k if • all his precedessors are already assigned to a station 1,..k and • the remaining idle time in station k is equal or larger than the processing time of operation j

  35. Priorityrule methods • Requirements: • Cycle time c • Operations j=1,...,n with processing times tj c • Precedence graph, defined by a set of precedessors • Variables • k number of current station • idle time of current station • Lp set of already assigned operations • Ls sorted list of n operations in respect to priority value

  36. Priorityrule methods • Operation j  Lp can be assigned, if tjand h  Lp is true for all h  V(j) • Start with station 1 and fill one station after the other • From the list of operations ready to be assigned to the current station the highest prioritized is taken • Open a new station if the current station is filled to the maximum

  37. Priorityrule methods Start: determine list Ls by applying a prioritiy rule; k := 0; LP := <]; ... No operations assigned so far Iteration: repeat k := k+1; := c; while there is an operation in list Ls that can be assigned to station k do begin select and delete the first operation j (that can be assigned to) from list Ls; Lp:= < Lp,j]; :=- tj end; untilLs= <]; Result:Lp contains a valid sorted list of operations with m = k stations. Single-pass- vs. multi-pass-heuristics(procedure is performed once or several times)

  38. Priorityrule methods • Rule 1: Random choice of operations • Rule 2: Choose operations due to monotonuously decreasing (or increasing) processing time: PVj: = tj • Rule 3: Choose operations due to monotonuously decreasing (or increasing) number of direct followers: PVj : = (j) • Rule 4: Choose operations due to monotonuously increasing depths of operations in G:PVj : = number of arcs in the longest way from a source of the graph to j

  39. Priorityrule methods • Rule 5 Choose operations due to monotonuously decreasing positional weight („Positionswert“): • Rule 6: Choose operations due to monotonuously increasing upper bound for the minimum number of stations needed for j and all it´s predecessors: • Rule 7: Choose operations due to monotonuously increasing upper bound for the latest possible station of j:

  40. Example – Rule 5 S1 = {1,3,2,4,6} S2 = {7,8,5,9,10,11} S3 = {12} 42 31 23 16 20 18 15 11 25 18 12 1 m = 3 stations Cycle time c = 28 -> BG = tj / (3*28) = 0,655

  41. Example– Regel 7, 6 und 2 • = 3 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 6 9 4 5 4 2 3 7 3 1 10 1 Apply rule 7 (latest possible station) at first If this leads to equally prioritized operatios -> apply rule 6 (minimum number of stations for j and all predecessors) If this leads to equally prioritized operatios -> apply rule 2 (decreasing processing times tj) Solution: c = 28  m = 2; BG = 0,982 S1 = {1,3,2,4,5} ; S2 = {7,9,6,8,10,11,12}

  42. More heuristic methods • Stochastic elements for rules 2 to 7: • Random selection of the next operation (out of the set of operations ready to be applied) • Selection probabilities: proportional or reciprocally proportional to the priority value • Randomly chosen priority rule • Enumerative heuristics: • Determination of the set of all feasible assignments for the first station • Choose the assignment leading to the minimum idle time • Proceed the same way with the next station, and so on (greedy)

  43. Further heuristic methods • Heuristics for cutting&packing problems • Precedence conditions have to be considered as well • E.g.: generalization of first-fit-decreasing heuristic for the bin packing problem. • Shortest-path-problem with exponential number of nodes • Exchange methods: • Exchange of operations between stations • Objective: improvement in terms of the subordinate objective of equally utilized stations

  44. Worst-Case analysis of heuristics Solution characteristics for integer c and tj (j = 1,...,n) for Alternative 2:  Total workload of 2 neigboured stations has to exceed the cycle time Worst-Case bounds for the deviation of a solution with m Stations from a solution with m* stations: m/m*  2 - 2/m* for even m and m/m*  2 - 1/m* for odd m m < cm*/(c - tmax + 1) + 1

  45. Determination of cyle time c • Given number of stations • Cycle time unknown • Minimize cycle time (alternative 1) or • Optimize cycle time together with the number of stations trying to maximize the system´s efficiency (alternative 3).

  46. Iterative approach for determination of minimal cycle time • Calculate the theoretical minimal cycle time:(or cmin = tmax if this is larger) and c = cmin • Find an optimal solution for c with minimum m(c) by applying methods presented for alternative 1 • If m(c) is larger than the given number of stations: increase c by  (integer value) and repeat step 2.

  47. Iterative approach for determination of minimal cycle time • Repeat until feasible solution with cycle time c and number of stations m is found • If  > 1, an interval reduction can be applied: if for c a solution with number of stations m has been found and for c- not, one can try to find a solution for c-/2 and so on…

  48. Example – rule 5 m = 5 stations Find: maximum production rate, i.e. minimum cycle time cmin = tj/m = 55/5 = 11 (11 > tmax = 10)

  49. Example – rule 5 Solution c = 11: {1,3}, {2,6}, {4,7,9}, {8,5}, {10,11}, {12} Needed: 6 > m = 5 stations  c = 12, assign operation 12 to station 5  S5 = {10,11,12} For larger problems: usually, c leading to an assignment for the given number of stations, is much larger than cmin. Thus, stepwise increase of c by 1 would be too time consuming -> increase by > 1 is recommended.

  50. Classification of complex line balancing problems Parameters: • Number of products • Assignment restrictions • Parallel stations • Equipment of stations • Station boundaries • Starting rate • Connection between items and transportation system • Different technologies • Objectives

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