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Agenda:. Monday, 23rd: Formal Start: 2:00 pm Introduction to ISSI - Vittorio Manno (TBC) Discussion of agenda - Malcolm D, Yulia B Review of proposal topics and aims - Malcolm D Event list: summary and highlights - Malcolm D, Yulia B Relevant Themis studies - Dave S

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Agenda: Monday, 23rd: Formal Start: 2:00 pm Introduction to ISSI - Vittorio Manno (TBC) Discussion of agenda - Malcolm D, Yulia B Review of proposal topics and aims - Malcolm D Event list: summary and highlights - Malcolm D, Yulia B Relevant Themis studies - Dave S GBO conjunctions - Harald F ULF Waves - Dragos C Tuesday, 24th: 9:30 - 5:30 AM: Presentations (cont) Flank and Geotail event(s) - Hiroshi H FTE motion and GB : 21st June, 3 May, 14 June - Qinghe Z, Malcolm D Plasma distributions - Yulia B, Andrew F EMIC waves - Martin V/Evgeny survey of 2008 events - Jue W, Zuyin Pu PM: Discussion of tasks Define particular studies and leads - All (priority events; grouping of secondary events under topics) Working: data collection, analysis, splinters for event studies

  2. Agenda: (cont.) Wednesday, 25th: 9:30 - 5:30 AM: Geometric technique - Chao S 20 Nov 2007 – Benoit L Cusp location – Jiankui S 11 July 2008 - Hiroshi H Working: data collection, analysis, splinters for event studies (cont) PM: Working: continued Modelling results (3 May) - Jean B Review: preliminary results, summaries - lead people. Thursday, 26th: 9:30 - 5:30 AM: Working: continued PM: Work: continued Lead presentations of each topic – updates on studies Discussion of further survey and additional topics + homework Summing up - Malcolm D, Yulia B. Friday, 27th: AM: Spill over activities PM: {free}

  3. Event working list: The primary events we have so far are marked with sub-intervals below (highest priority are starred*): Links: ftp://justice.ssl.berkeley.edu/events/ (THEMIS GBO) http://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/gif_walk (Themis MP list) 2007/04/23 – *0-6 UT (SW pulse event) MP 2007/04/27– *5-6 UT (simple test of dawn-dusk motion – missing Themis data SPOF) MP 2007/05/01 – *4 UT (skimming ) FTE 2007/05/03 – *11-15 UT (opposite east-west motion) FTE 2007/05/06 – 2007/05/10 – 2007/05/11 – 2007/05/13 – 2007/05/18 – 2007/05/28 – *3-10 UT (multiple crossings, ripples) MP 2007/05/30 – 2007/06/01 – 2007/06/06 – *10-13, 16-22 UT (early Themis) FTE + MP 2007/06/08 – 2007/06/13 – *16-18 UT (close conjunction) MP, FTE and auroral forms 2007/06/14 – *3-5 UT (close conjunction, fits to MP shape) MP and FTE 2007/06/21 – *12 UT (SW pulse, GB conjunction) FTE 2007/06/28 – *12-15 (long train of FTEs, dawn-dusk difference) FTE and MP MP morphology and response: 14 June (23 April, 27 April, 28 May, 21 June, 28 June) FTE occurrence and motion : 3 May (1 May, 6 June, 14 June, 21 June, 28 June) Flank boundary waves and PS: Survey focussed on Themis, could extend to Cluster/TC-1. GBO conjunctions: 13 June – auroral pulses, PMAFS, possible fast flows. 2008 : 11 July () Jue list

  4. Workshop summary: Links: ftp://justice.ssl.berkeley.edu/events/ (THEMIS GBO) http://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/gif_walk (Themis MP list) MP morphology and response + plasma BL: 14 June (23 April, 27 April, 28 May, 21 June, 28 June) Pressure pulse/ripples –Qinghe, Malcolm, Jue, Chao, Dave BL – Julia, Malcolm, Evgeny, Andrew, Chao, Hiroshi Simulation, ripples- Jean Field structure – Chao. Reconnection signatures: FTE occurrence and motion 3 May (1 May, 6 June, 14 June, 21 June, 28 June) FTE sampling and motion, X-line orientation – Qinghe, Malcolm, Jue, Harald, Chao, Zuyin, Hiroshi Detailed FT structure – Malcolm, Yulia, Jue, Qinghe,... Fast flows MR – Jue, Qinghe, Zuyin, Malcolm Simulation, motion/x-line - Jean Waves: Survey focussed on Themis, could extend to Cluster/TC-1. K-H waves: Hiroshi, Jue, Yulia, Matt, Benoit Drift mirror – Dragos, Andrew, Dave ULF waves – Martin, Evgeny Simulation, boundary waves - Jean GBO conjunctions: 13 June (4 May 2008): auroral pulses, PMAFS, possible fast flows, conjugate antarctic - Harald, Qinghe Survey 2008 and later crossings: 13,14,20 Nov 2007: Andy, Dave,... 11 July (Hiroshi, Yulia, Qinghe, Malcolm) – Three intervals: lobe reconnection, K-H waves, ionospheric signatures, simulations. Jue list of events: 25 April-MP ripples, 4 May-MR flows/global, rec., 9 May-MP motions and BL, 16 June-Flow reversal x-line signatures. (+11, 16, 21, 26 May...) Data collection....Themis , GBO requests (Harald, Dave) Selection of clear simulation events (2007: 3 May, 14 June, 28 May, 28 June, 2008: 9 May)– Jean

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