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Burnside Primary School. Quality Teaching and Learning, Cooperation and Respect. ACQUAINTANCE. Night. 2014. BPS – Leadership Team. Sharon Broadbent – School Principal Dianne Burrell – Deputy Principal Carol Press – Assistant Principal. Australian Curriculum. 2013
Burnside Primary School Quality Teaching and Learning, Cooperation and Respect ACQUAINTANCE Night 2014
BPS – Leadership Team Sharon Broadbent – School Principal Dianne Burrell – Deputy Principal Carol Press – Assistant Principal
Australian Curriculum 2013 Implementation of Australian Curriculum continues. Teachers will plan, teach and assess against a set of achievement standards in English and History. 2014 Implementation of Australian Curriculum in Geography. Teachers will teach 300 minutes per week English (Literacy) and Mathematics. 120 minutes per week Science for Primary and 90 minutes for Junior Primary 1 unit of Inquiry; transdisciplinary (e.g. Science, History, Geography)
ICT / Learning Technologies All teachers have access to a range of technological tools in classrooms, wireless internet across school, tablets, laptops and a computer suite. 2014 focus on teacher professional development to support innovation Quality Teaching and Learning Units of Inquiry aligned with the Australian Curriculum. Focus in Writing, moderation of student work and learner feedback Teaching for Effective Learning (TfEL) framework supports Inquiry teaching and learning. Focus on Higher Order Thinking skills R-7 Innovative Practices Environment as the third teacher School Learning Priorities
Teaching for Effective Learning (TfEL) Fortnightly focus, shared through newsletters and front office display.
Early Years Focus Focus on Reading Reading Support teacher role continues in 2014 Working alongside staff to implement agreed reading strategies Developing assessment for reading continuum. Learning Intervention Fine Motor and Gross Motor Program – ‘Fun and Games’ Reading intervention support Reception – Year 2 Rainbow Reading support – Year 3-5 Identification of students with learning difficulties Pre-referral process for staff available Student Review Team LAP (Learning Assistance Program)
Assessmentand Reporting - Timelines Acquaintance Nights Rec- 7 - Week 2, Term 1. Establishment of student learning goals Rec-7 Online ACER testing Years 2-7 In Maths and Reading Comprehension Three way student/parent/teacher interviews - Week 10, Term 1. (Week beginning: 30th March being after hours) NAPLAN May Student midyear reports sent home - End of Term 2. Optional student/parent/teacher interviews in Term 3 Final reports and class placement sent home for 2014 - End of Term 4
Communication We encourage and support open lines of communication between parents/caregivers and the school as we work in partnership. Newsletter – electronically sent home fortnightly (odd Weeks) Please ensure we have your email BPS Calendar – promotion all school events each term– available within a fortnight School Website – General Information and upcoming events www.burnsideps.sa.edu.au Attendance – Please ring the school/ text messaging service Front Office – Phone 8331 7512 (messages are forwarded daily) Email sharon.broadbent781@schools.sa.edu.au dianne.burrell356@schools.sa.edu.au
Bullying and Harassment Focus in schools on Child Protection, Anti-Bullying, Harassment and Violence is a Federal Government initiative. Mandated Child Protection Curriculum The right to be safe Relationships Recognising and reporting abuse Protective strategies Development of Essential Agreements in all classes – Expectations Every child receives an Anti-harassment policy that includes their personal network. We need to know to be able to resolve and support children. Parent grievance process is accessible through our school website. DECD parent complaint brochure available online.
Burnside Primary School Quality Teaching and Learning, Cooperation and Respect ACQUAINTANCE Night 2014
Specialist Teams Offered as Specialist subjects: French Music P.E. Science Supporting Teaching and Learning English as an additional language or dialect (EALD) Special Education Resource Centre
General Expectations Students are expected to move to and from specialist lessons in a safe and calm manner. ‘Early dismissal’ slips (accessible from the front office) are required if children are being collected from specialist lessons before 3.20pm. Classroom teachers and Specialist teachers will communicate via a communication book which will accompany each class. In line with Federal and School Assessment and Reporting policy, French, Music, P.E. and Science will report on student achievement at the completion of term 2 and term 4. Please carefully consider balancing your child’s involvement in the range of extra curricula activities so that commitments can be maintained
Communication Parents may communicate with any of the specialist teachers via; School E-Mail Phone messages via the front office Student Diaries Specialist teachers are unavailable during lesson time however appointments can be made at mutually convenient times.
French Madame Marianne Aardenburg & Madame Lydia Herman All students from R-7 study French once a week for 60 minutes. Reception students have fun learning basic language skills and culture through listening, oral repetition and activities. From Years 1-7 students use AIM (Accelerative Integrated Method) with pared-down language, gestures, songs and plays. Emphasis is placed on French speaking and listening to create to create an immersion–style classroom. Students are also introduced to French culture and traditions, often linked to the French calendar. A French Assembly will take place at the end of Term 2 showcasing children’s French work.
MusicMark Ashby and Marg Jackson To foster an understanding and positive attitude towards Performing Arts by building knowledge and confidence Lessons are designed to be fun and engaging for students, specifically focusing on both Music and Drama skills through singing, playing, performing and critical appraisal. Instrumental Music programme: DECS (IMS) – Brass, Woodwind, Strings Private Providers – Piano, Guitar, Flute, Recorder
Music Performances Teaching Framework is based around several major performances aimed at specific year levels (reinforcing skills through experience) Rec - Yr.1 – Assemblies, J.P Choir and End Of Year Concert (with Tanya Henry) Yr.2 - Assemblies, End Of Year Concert and School Musical (selected - early exposure) Yr.3 - Assemblies, Burnside’s Got Talent Yr.4 - Assemblies, Burnside’s Got Talent Yr.5 – Rock Crew, Band and Burnside’s Got Talent Yr.6 – Rock Crew, Band and School Musical Yr.7 – Rock Crew, Band, Festival of Music (choir), School Musical
PE Derek Ince (Monday – Friday) and Geoff James (Thursday) The Physical Education program is a skills based curriculum, incorporating play-based, team-based and specific sport skill development. Key components of the program include; teaching of gross-motor skills; body and spatial awareness; team-work and co-operation and safety. Students are expected to wear appropriate footwear (enclosed shoes or sneakers) for all PE activities and a hat for outside lessons . An explanatory note or diary message should be sent to the P.E. teacher if a child is to be excused from a PE lesson.
SAPSASADerek Ince – SAPSASA Co-ordinator SAPSASA is school based (competing against other schools) district based (competing against other districts) or state based (competing against other states. Carnivals - Swimming, Athletics, Cross Country, Basketball and Baseball Knockout – Hockey, Tennis, Netball, Soccer (boys and girls) Softball Cricket and Australian Rules Football. All of these events are school based whereby students can go on to represent SAPSASA at district and state level for the same sports. Coaches for all Knockout teams come from within the school staff or parent group. Derek manages SAPSASA and P.E while Brad Shutz is the coordinator of all ‘After School Sport’. These teams play matches against other schools on the evening/weekend.
ScienceJames Kelly (1-7 Monday-Friday) Emma Chalmers (Rec and 1/2 class Thursday) Units of Inquiry reflect the Australian Science Curriculum. Students will have opportunities to work independently, with a partner and in small groups throughout the program. Assessment for student learning will incorporate oral, written, video and electronic formats, catering for a variety of learning styles. Planning and programming is undertaken collaboratively with Yr 1-7 learning teams.
Resource CentreMelanie Hicks and SSO Maria Tamlin Inquiry based learning and a ‘love of’ Literacy are incorporated through Premiers Reading Challenge and Resource Based Learning (RBL) which models appropriate library etiquette. The Resource Centre accommodates 21st century learning through a vast range of multimodal tools and resources, alongside our wealth of printed books and materials. 2014 will see a focus on digital learning platforms being utilised by students and teacherse.g. Bug Club (online readers R-3) ABC Reading Eggs, Encyclopeadia Britannia and many digital nonfiction collections. All Junior Primary children are encouraged to use a library bag to help protect their library resources. Children in Reception - 3 books/Years 1-7 - 6 books. Please ensure all books are returned within 3 weeks to avoid payment for missing items. Scholastic Top School of 2013 – continue to promote Book Club and a Scholastic Fair in Term 2.
Special Education STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Audra Pocius (0.3) Students who have been identified through the DECD’s process and require a Negotiated Education Plan (NEP) are supported. Assessment processes are conducted by either DECD’s Speech Pathologist, Educational Psychologists and/or private psychologists. At BPS NEP's are reviewed twice a year with parent, teacher and /or District Support Personnel .
EALDENGLISH as an additional language or dialect (EALD) Audra Pocius (0.3) Students who are less proficient in written and oral English are supported. Students come from another country, have parents from another country and speak a language other than English at home. When necessary support is provided in the classroom - whole class team teaching - small literacy groups - 1:1 withdrawal - 1:1 - small literacy groups Students are assessed according to the Language and Literacy levels across the Australian Curriculum: EALD Students.