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Indo American Montessori Pre School Franchise in India

This Proposal has been designed for our precious investors who are planning to become a part of the Indo-American Montessori Pre School.<br>In order to enhance their faith in the business, we have tried to come out with the best qualities including abilities.<br>

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Indo American Montessori Pre School Franchise in India

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  1. INDO-AMERICAN Montessori PreSchool BusinessProposal An initiative to awaketheGenius in everychild Contact Us: 7827719099 | www.franchisebatao.com

  2. IAMPS: INDO-AMERICAN Montessori PreSchool Contact Us: 7827719099

  3. Preface This Proposal has been designed for our valuable investors who are planning to become a part of the Indo-American Montessori PreSchool. In order to enhance their faith on the organisation, we have tried to come out with the best qualitiesand potentialities. In this manual we have tried our best to provide allthe micro & macro information to enable the investor to take an informeddecision. Imagine a business inwhich 1000s of Smiles BlossomEveryday! Contact Us: 7827719099

  4. All Investment Proposals arenot BusinessProposals All Businesses are not Truly Investment Proposals So why you mustchoose us? Contact Us: 7827719099

  5. All Investment Proposals arenot BusinessProposals IAMPS is proposing an Investment in Right Direction with Futuristic Vision, Service to Nation and World and the most important Achievement, Re-discovering Yourself. Contact Us: 7827719099

  6. Why Education isthe Right InvestmentDecision? • You think about any giant corporate business house - theyhaveinvested ineducation • You think about any visionary- they all have talked aboutinvestmentineducation • You think about any parent- they all are concerned & preparedtoinvest in right education for theirchild. Contact Us: 7827719099

  7. Why Education isthe Right InvestmentDecision? • You think about any building which is respected the most -it isalways aschool • You think about one common thing globally which isrespectedcredible - investment ineducation • You think about one investment which is self rewarding & energies you - investment with kids. They don’t say “Thanks” they smile & each & every smile is more than any amount of money. Imagine 1000’s of smiles blossoming everyday in yourbuilding Contact Us: 7827719099

  8. Why IAMPS is an Excellent Exciting Investment Opportunity? Distinctive Environment: IAMPS provides unique environment of Learn - Share – Earn. You learnfrom our intensive training, share your thoughts & plans and start Earning. IAMPS values & respect yourideas. Distinctive Magic Stick:Ourseasoned Teams are always with you for all yourneeds. Distinctive MarketingPlan:AMPS believes in “niche & individuality” so IAMPS makes exclusive marketing plan for individual investment. “One Size Doesn’t FitAll”. Distinctive SupportSystem: Professional & experienced team of IAMPS willhand- hold you and provide all types of strategic support to make your ventureprofitable &successful. Contact Us: 7827719099

  9. What makes IAMPSincomparable? OurUSP India is the world capital for Intellect& Wisdom. America is theworld capital for bringing dreams toreality. At IAMPS we bring the amalgamation oftwoand give our students a unique combination of Indian Value Based Education System & ModernEnvironment for GlobalAdaptation. Contact Us: 7827719099

  10. Mid BrainDevelopment Accelerate the power of your child’sbrain Brain Stimulating Exercise for the children of 2 to 5years ofage Seeing Hearing Language SensoryPerception Mobility ManualDexterity 7 Stages ofBrain Development that can be measuredin 6 Distinct Areas Contact Us: 7827719099

  11. Curriculum BasicBeliefs • Constructive, purposeful play is a vehicle formeaningful • learning. • The development of social competence is a key focus ofthepreschoolyears. • Curriculum and assessment must belinked. • Families are partners in children’slearning. • The teacher’s role is vital in connecting content, teachingandlearning. Contact Us: 7827719099

  12. Curriculum BasicBeliefs • All children, including those with special needs, can thrive inan • appropriate preschoolclassroom. • An educational program that implements principles of developmentally appropriate practices that are based on current knowledge about child development andlearning. • And more….it’s what you teach, how you teach it, and howyou • know that kids arelearning. Contact Us: 7827719099

  13. Infrastructure Contact Us: 7827719099

  14. Infrastructure Contact Us: 7827719099

  15. Infrastructure • Puppet PlayCorner • Puppet Play corner is also available for puppet show which is a perfect mode to impart basic etiquettes and manners to thechildren. • Kindergym • We care for child’s Well-being. The exclusively designed Kindergym have equipment like treadmill, Double twister,power rider, scooty, stepper and fitnesscycle. • Mini’sCafe • It is the dining area where, the children will not only have food but they will be trained with the table etiquettes and good eatinghabits and sharing habits. • BallTub • The best thing for the children is to play with balls. It is loved by children of all age group. With a view to make it more exciting for thetinytots,therearegianttubsfilledwith balls ofallsize.Thatis the Ball Tub. Contact Us: 7827719099

  16. Contact Us: 7827719099

  17. Classrooms IAMPS has designed the classes for the children depending on their age group. The core curriculum includes a right selection of activities to help kids achieve the goalsof learning. The unique concept for a Play School syllabus includes various aspects of nurturing early childhood education andcare. ElVivero As the El Vivero children willbethe youngest in the group, theschoolwill be providing everyfacilitynecessary for their development. Theagegroup for children shall be 2 years to3 years. Contact Us: 7827719099

  18. ElChico Promoting the children from El Vivero to El Chico, the bar will be raised a little. Keeping in mindthe age group of 3 years to 4 years, the duration and syllabus will be upgraded accordingly. ElKinder It is the senior most section ofthe pre-school. The age group of childrenwill be varying from 4 years to 5 years ofage. Contact Us: 7827719099

  19. Layers OfSupport 2 RecruitmentSupport 3 Teachers,Counsellors, Centre head & otherstaff InteriorSupport Site survey, Site visit, Interior support, InteriorManuals,etc. 1 MarketingSupport Pre-launch,Launch & postlaunch Contact Us: 7827719099

  20. Layers OfSupport TrainingSupport For teachers, Counsellors as well as forpartners 4 5 Inaugural Support Invitations, Press release, hosting inauguralceremony Regular Assistance &support Daily feedback, departmental specific aids, progress reports, resolvingissues, training updates and muchmore.. 6 Contact Us: 7827719099

  21. MarketingGuidance • Guidance in marketing and promoting yourIAMPS with campaigns for launch and ongoing admissions /enrollment-building programes • Access to professionally developed advertising, promotion, marketing and communicationmaterial including artworks and publicitymaterial • Advice on planning, implementation and reviewing • the marketingplan • Unique parental involvement initiatives and event plans resulting in healthy community relationsand brandawareness • Designing & executing events to promoteIAMPS Contact Us: 7827719099

  22. Knowledge Transfer Recruitment &TrainingIAMPS OrientationProgramme is designed to educateyouon our philosophy,approach,curriculum, operationalpractices,staff hiring, IT system,finance, qualityassurance,marketing,trainingand customerservice Constant support inidentifying and recruiting qualifiedstaff Comprehensiveteacher training program on curriculum, setting up the environment and documentation conducedat regularintervals Contact Us: 7827719099

  23. Requirements • Area • Minimum area required to open up our franchiseis 2500 sqftonwards. Investment• 12-20+ lac depending on the city, town, etc.Thisis inclusive of Brand fee, schoolrenovationcost, furniture fixture, marketingandpromotion, inauguration as well as taxes as applicable. Contact Us: 7827719099

  24. Requirements • Royalty • 15% of the gross collection (plus taxes asapplicable) Agreement• The agreement is for five yearsbetweenthe franchise and the organization (Afterthe 5-year term gets over, the agreementmaybe renewed on mutualunderstanding) Contact Us: 7827719099

  25. Gave his best wishes tothe tiny tots and staffofINDO-AMERICANMontessori PreSchool Contact Us: 7827719099

  26. Media Coverage Contact Us: 7827719099

  27. Disclaimer: ***All the facilities mentioned above aren’t specifically accessible to all the schools. The facility may vary from area to area depending on their preferences, situational reasons andrequirements. INDO-AMERICAN Montessori PreSchool A Division of Future U India Pvt.Ltd. An ISO 9001:2008 CertifiedOrganisation (INDIA) Contact Us: 7827719099 E-mail: franchisebatao@gmail.com Web:franchisebatao.com

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