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Stadin Aikapankki: Timebanking for Community Wellbeing

Stadin Aikapankki operates as per Timebanking principles, facilitating service exchanges online. With over 450 members, it promotes equity and social cohesion through time-based trades. Achieve sustainable wellbeing for all through Timebanking.

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Stadin Aikapankki: Timebanking for Community Wellbeing

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  1. Stadin Aikapankkiand Coproduction Ruby van der Wekken 2010 STAP logo and drawings Sanna Pellicioni

  2. What is Stadin Aikapankki • Services are exchanged online against time. 1 tovi for 1 hour of work. • Operates according to the principles of Timebanking • International exchange system www.ces.org.za • 450 members around Helsinki • > 600 offerings, 98 members have exchanged, 221 exchanges since October 2009, 540 tovia. • Jyväskylä, Kouvula, Lahti, Mäntsälä, Oulu, Pori, Tampere, Turku, • Core group . Different backgrounds and talents, 100% volunteer efforts.

  3. STAP Timeline • 3.9.2009 in Kumpula ..... Finding out more from Oulu, LETS ? 22.9 www.ces.org.za Community Exchange Systems. International! 29.9 met with Helsingin vaihtopiiri, >manual - but : timebank! • ...Local currency? No : Timebanking! For us it was important that: Everyone’s time, work and needs are of equal value; Everyone can take part, give and receive; Everyone is needed. >local democracy > economic options. Alternative to money, Alternative Bank, Alternative means of exchange. • ..... 3.10.2009 Kumpulan Vaihtopiiri, 10 Kumpenni/t CES

  4. STAP Aikajana • Mobilisation and participatory democracy in the exchange circle : Info evenings Membership newsletters (7) Media IS 3.4. + HS 10.4.2010 Member evenings 7.4.2010 Kumpulassa (20p), 23.8.2010 Kumpulassa >Core group 100 members 18.3.2010; 200 members9.5.2010; 300 members14.8.2010 • Wanted to reinforce identity as Timebank+ Helsinki wide growth: • .... 5.5.2010 Stadin Aikapankki, 1 tovi = 1 tunti Fleyer, www.stadinaikapankki.wordpress.com

  5. How to start a Timebank in the CES system? • Form a core group • Do take contact, Stadin Aikapankki is glad to assist and has ready material to offer! • Register your Timebank with CES http://www.ces.org.za/misc/joinexchange.asp • Stadin Aikapankki can provide you with own logo and flyer • Info evenings can be organised together

  6. STAP in the Media • Vaihtopiiri pyörii , Tuuli H., 2009,Käpyla-lehteen • IS 3.4.2010 Naapuriapua nettirahalla • HS 10.4.2010 Kumpulan vaihtopiirissä voi palvelun ostaa palvelulla • Maailman sosiaalifoorumi ja Aikapankin synty Suomen Sosiaalifoorumi 2010 -lehteen, Ruby vdW. • Yle Uutiset 12.06.2010 Aikapankissa valuuttana toimii tovi

  7. STAP in the Media • Netissa vaihdetaan myös palveluksia Yhteishyvä Digipaper 8.10 • Aikapankissa vaihdetaan palveluita aika vastaan Roihuvuoren kylälehti 2/2010, Hanna K. • 10.8 Yle Aikaisemmin • Aikapankki on vaihtoehto pankkitoiminalle 13.8 YleX Mielipidevankki • Aikapankki ei lamakaan kaada 15.8.2010 Elias Krohn Kansan Uutiset

  8. STAP in the Media • Aika vaihta pankkiin Sonja Hyppänen, Voima 7/2010 • Stadin aikapankissa palvelu vaihtuu palveluun Anneli Tuominen-Halomo, Helsingin Uutiset 16.09.2010 • Aikapankit rantautuvat Suomeen MTV3 seitsemän uutiset, 16.10.2010.

  9. Timebank cyclewww.timebanking.org / Sanna Pellicioni

  10. Origins of Timebanking • Edgar Cahn 60’s How to strengthen the core economy?: Family, neighbourhood, community The base of democracy, social justice, values as trust and reciprocity The base of private and public sector Capital does not value the core economy. Money > time. What if time would be medium of exchange? • 1980 Time Dollar LSE www.timebanks.org

  11. Timebank: exchange tool with values • Reciprocity >Respect and trust • Equity Enlarging the definition of work • People are assets • Social networks

  12. Timebank achievements New Economics Foundation NEF Strengthens Core economy : • ability to care and share for eachother; • capacity for mutual and non materialistic exchanges • Civic activity. Gives people increasingly the opportunity to determine their own needs, how to fulfill them and how to develop their community Increases a communties resilience. Ahead of social problems

  13. Co-production 1970s Elinor Ostrom .... 1995 Edgar Cahn • Coproduction: people and society fare better when relations are based on reciprocity and equality. • Timebanking is a tool with values which makes Coproduction possible. • Coproduction of social services Japani, UK, US • person to person • person to agency • agency to agency

  14. Person to Person

  15. Agency to Agency

  16. Coproduction via Timebanking objectives : sustainable wellbeing for all. • empowerment for people to determine own and communities needs, development, and how to realise this. • Ahead of social problems • Sustainable use of resources.

  17. Timebanking:Paradigm change • to employ the existing skills and talents of citizens, to be caring, neighbour and citizen, so as to build a democratically inclusive society. • State and local decision makers have an important role to play in the ralisation of the potential of Timebanking • The possibilities of Timebanking are unlimited. • Timebanking to be seen as a transformative exchange tool with values, which is one way to enable the opening up of alternative economic space, spaces of a solidarity economy, with its practices based on cooperation, equality, diversity and self determination.

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