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Film Engagement and Analysis Project

Explore favorite films, audience engagement, and film openings. Analyze genres, characters, and film elements. Plan, shoot, and edit a film sequence for evaluation.

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Film Engagement and Analysis Project

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  1. Unit B324

  2. Initial Focus Group • What are you favourite films? • What films do you watch and why? • What is it about the start of a movie that will make you watch it? • What kind of movies do you avoid and why ? • Why is it important to entice/engage an audience from a start sequence of a movie ?

  3. The Real Media Text Before I wrote my film opening, I researched into the codes and conventions of the genre by deconstructing the openings of similar films. List your 2 films here

  4. Film 1 • Title: • Date: • Production company and distribution: • Actors: • Director: • Synopsis:

  5. Film 1 – ( Insert Name Here ) • Sound • Mise en Scene • Camera

  6. Film 2 • Title: • Date: • Production company and distribution • Actors: • Director: • Synopsis:

  7. Film 2 – ( Insert Name Here ) • Sound • Mise en Scene • Camera

  8. Initial Ideas • For each idea talk about: • What is the genre of the film • What is the film going to be about • What would you like the opening sequence to be ?

  9. Chosen Idea My target audience will be …… this is because …… the primary audience will be …. The secondary audience will be ……. The gender that my film is targeted for is …….. The people that will enjoy my movie will be ……

  10. Synopsis

  11. Characters and Costumes

  12. Script

  13. Location and Props

  14. Week One Research – Other opening sequances

  15. Week Two Research - Audience

  16. Week Three Research – Audience Results Analysis

  17. Week Four Planning: Organising our ideas, creating a shot list and storyboard

  18. Week Five Planning: Shooting schedule and health & safety

  19. Week Six Production: Shooting our video

  20. Week Seven-Eight Post-production: Editing

  21. Week Nine Post-production: Getting audience feedback

  22. Week Ten Post-production: Making our Final Cut

  23. Week Eleven Post-production: Getting final cut feedback, Evaluating the strengths and weaknesses, comparing our video to a real video

  24. Week Twelve Evaluation: Planning my evaluation

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