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Chapter 9 Functions. 9.1 What are Functions?. Functions - group of related statements that perform a specific task or job Terminology: Function header: Start of the function Function call: Act of invoking the function Parameters: Variables that provide information to a function
9.1 What are Functions? • Functions - group of related statements that perform a specific task or job • Terminology: • Function header: Start of the function • Function call: Act of invoking the function • Parameters: Variables that provide information to a function • Return: A value returned from a function
Magic Happens Here Inputs Output 9.1 What are Functions? • Functions can be treated as a “black box” • Black box - implies we can regard this function as a standalone unit • With predefined functions, don’t need to understand its implementation - just its purpose
9.1.1 Advantages & Disadvantages • Advantages of functions • Modularization aids in the process of step-wise refinement • By breaking code into individual components it becomes easier to maintain and understand by others • Focusing energies in a specific area results in a shorter time to find and correct errors
9.1.1 Advantages and Disadvantages • Advantages of functions (continued) • Once written, that code can be used again simply by calling • Provides the ability of many programmers all writing key functions and integrating these functions into a working and cohesive project
9.1.1 Advantages and Disadvantages • Other function characteristics: • Calling a function has a little cost in relation to performance • When called, flow of the program is transferred to that function • When completed, control returns to where the function was called
9.1.1 Advantages and Disadvantages • How does the computer know where to go back to and how does it maintain the state of all of the variables when the function was called? • This information is saved prior to the flow being transferred to the function and restored when control is returned to the calling function
9.1.1 Advantages and Disadvantages • Because of overhead costs, don’t write functions that are one or two lines long unless it is going to be reused repeatedly • If short and not going to be called again, the overhead would be detrimental to the program’s performance • Expense of using functions is minor in comparison to the benefits they provide (saving developer time in debugging, maintaining, and extending the code)
9.1.2 What About main? • Takes on the role of the director • Controls flow of the program - and little else • Always the entry point
9.1.2 What About main? • May have a conditional, a loop, and function calls, but that is about it • Includes a minimum of processing • Physically place main as the first function within your source code
9.2 Function Components • Three components to every function (including predefined functions): • Declaration • Definition (body) • Call
9.2 Function Components • Two of the predefined function components, the declaration and definition, are hidden • Declaration exists in the header files • Definition is in the C++ library • Third component - function call - provided by the programmer to invoke the function
9.2.1 Function Declaration • Function declaration - provides compiler with information so it can verify the existence of the function name and the required parameters • Function prototype and function declarationoften used interchangeably in C++
9.2.1 Function Declaration • Should be placed above main making them global • Provides each function the ability to call any other function • Syntax: <return-type> <function-name> ( <parameter-list> );
9.2.1 Function Declaration • <return-type> specifies data type of value returned from the function • If no value returned, the function must be specified as void • void - in C and C++ literally means nothing
9.2.1 Function Declaration • <function-name> represents a valid identifier name • Must adhere to all naming rules as defined for variable names • Function name should begin with a strong verb signifying what task the function will perform (read, write, calculate, etc.)
9.2.1 Function Declaration • <parameter-list> represents a comma delimited list of the variables passed to the function • If no parameters are passed to the function, place the void keyword in the parentheses OR to leave the parentheses empty
9.2.1 Function Declaration // Returns nothing, is passed nothing void DisplayMenu(); // Returns nothing, is passed nothing void PrintInstructions( void); // Returns an integer and is passed nothing intReadData(); // Returns an integer and is passed two integers int FindMaximum( int value1, int value2 ); // Returns nothing, passed a float, a double and a bool void DisplayResults( float,double,bool );
9.2.2 Function Definition • Function definition - defines what the function does Two components1. Function header 2. Function body • Function header - start of the function definition • Exactly like the function declaration, minus semicolon • Function body - statements that will be executed when the function is invoked
9.2.2 Function Definition • When a function body has finished program flow is returned to the place where the function was invoked // Returns nothing, is passed nothing void PrintInstructions()// Function header-notice no ‘;’ {// Beginning of function body cout <<"Staple your loan application.\n"; cout <<"In addition, sign your form!\n\n"; cout <<"\t\t\t ***** Have a great day ****"; }// End of function body
9.2.2 Function Definition • Must be placed outside of any other function • Syntactically incorrect to define a function within another function
9.2.3 Function Call • Function call - transfers control of the program to a specific function • If a function returns a value, immediately assign it to a variable or use it in an expression -- if not, it will be lost
9.2.3 Function Call // Function returns no value PrintInstructions(); // Function returns an integer cout << "Maximum number is: " << FindMaximum( val_1, val_2 ); // Function returns an integer intmax_value = FindMaximum( val_1, val_2 ); // Returns an integer but value is never used FindMaximum( val_1, val_2 );
9.3 return • All predefined math functions gave a value back after doing the calculations ( i.e., function returned a value) • In both the function header and declaration a return type other than void specifies the function will return a value
9.3 return • return - immediately ends execution of the function and sends the value back to where it was called bool DisplayLogoffMsg( booldone ) { cout << "Staple all pages of your application.\n"; cout << "In addition date and sign your form!\n\n"; if ( done ) returntrue; else returnfalse; // Unreachable code! cout << "\t\t * Have a great day *\n\n"; cout <<"\t\t\t\t ** Logged off **"; }
9.3 return • If a function returns a value, all paths through the function must have a return statement boolDetermineHonorRollStatus() { doublegpa = 2.4; if( gpa > 3.50 ) { cout <<"Excellent Work" << endl; returntrue; } elseif ( gpa >= 3.0 ) { // Will produce compiler warning: Not all control paths // return a value cout << "Nice job" << endl; } else { cout << "Keep Trying" << endl;returnfalse; } }
9.3 return • Considered poor style to place a return in the body of a loop • Can be used without an actual value to return • Generally used to abnormally terminate the function • Avoid both of these usages of the return
9.3 return intSumTheValues() { intsum = 0, value = 0; for ( inti = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { cout << "Enter value " << i + 1 << ": "; cin >> value; sum += value; } return sum; }
9.3 return • Not necessary to return a value from a function • Without a return the function will end anyway • Flow transfers back to where called from when last statement in the body has executed • Signature of this type of function will have void as its return type
9.4 Passing Parameters • Passing a value or parameter - giving a value to a function • Calling function provides information to the called function • Value sent is placed within the function call’s parentheses
9.4 Passing Parameters • Example passing two values to the pow function doublebase = 3.0, power = 4.0, exponent; ... exponent = pow( base, power );// Calling pow function
9.4 Passing Parameters • Every value in the call has a corresponding value in the function header and declaration • First parameter caught in the first parameter in the header • Second parameter caught in the second parameter and so on • Data types of parameters must all match
9.4 Passing Parameters • Order of parameters determines where values go - not the name of individual parameters • Could call function foo and pass the values a, b, and c • In the function header, you could catch those values as x, y, and z
9.4 Passing parameters // Declaration/Prototype int CalculateBoxVolume( int len, int wid, inth ); int main() { intlength = 3, width = 4; ... // Call int box_vol=CalculateBoxVolume( length, width, 2 ); ... return 0; } // Definition int CalculateBoxVolume( int len, int width, int height ) { return len * width * height; }
9.4.1 Formal and Actual Parameters • Formal parameters appear in function header • Actual parameters appear in function call • Names of actual parameters do not have to match names in function prototype or the formal parameters - but the data types should match
9.4.2 Scope • Scope - refers to where within a program an identifier can be seen • Local variables - variables declared within the body of a specific function • Visibility is only within that particular function • Lifetime limited to only that function • Global variables - variable declared outside of any function
9.4.3 Passing by Value • Passing by value - a copy of the value is made and passed to the function • Function manipulates the copy, not the original • When called function is done, function's actual parameter retains original value
main Before Call age days 20 0 1000 1004 9.4.3 Passing by Value CalcDays main After Call age* days* age days 55 20075 20 20075 2000 2004 1000 1004 Addresses * Values after calculations
9.4.3 Passing by Value • Following functions have all of their parameters passed by value double CalcAverage( double first_val, double second_val ); int FindTestTotal( int test1, int test2, int test3 ); char FindLetterGrade( int overall_score );
9.4.4 Passing by Reference • Passing by reference - pass an alias that directly references the variable • Changes made to formal parameter are reflected in the actual parameter when the function is done • To pass by reference place an ampersand(&)after the formal parameter’s data type
main Before Call age days 20 0 1000 1004 9.4.4 Passing by Reference CalcDays main After Call age* days* age days 20075 55 20075 Addresses 2000 2004 1000 1004 * Values after calculations
9.4.4 Passing by Reference • Following example passes parameters both by value and by reference // Two parameters passed by reference void Swap( int & a, int& b ); // Two parameters passed by value, one by reference void FindAverage(doublea,double b, double &average ); // Two parameters passed by reference int EnterData(int &id, char&code );
9.4.4 Passing by Reference • Use only if the original value needs to be changed • Use pass by value for all other occasions • Regardless how arguments are passed into the function, the call statement remains the same
9.5 Default Arguments • Default argument - value the programmer provides that will automatically be inserted if no value is provided for that specific parameter in the function call • Two types of arguments or parameters:mandatory and default
9.5 Default Arguments • Mandatory arguments - must be specified in the function call • Mandatory arguments must come before any default arguments in the parameter list
9.5 Default Arguments • Default arguments - provided starting with the rightmost variable in parameter list • Default values can continue from right to left, but once stopped, can not start again later
9.5 Default Arguments • Put default values only in the function declaration or prototype - do NOT include them in the function header
9.5 Default Arguments // Function declarations ONLY void DisplayMenu( inttimes = 1 ); void PrintInstructions( int length, intheight = 7 ); int ReadData(int &records, double units = 45.5, intsize = 11 ); // Examples of different calling options DisplayMenu( times ); DisplayMenu(); DisplayMenu( 3 ); PrintInstructins( 5, 10 ); PrintInstructions( 7 ); ReadData( records ); ReadData( records, 50.5 ); ReadData( records, 50.2, 11 );
9.6 Putting It All Together • // Output • 2 10 • 3 9 12 • 12 10 • 17 289 • 25 10 • 25 10 • 25 10