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Sergey KONONOV Implementation Programme

11 June 2003. “Special meeting with UNFCCC national focal points on the UNFCCC rosters of experts”. Sergey KONONOV Implementation Programme. Background. UNFCCC roster of experts: expert selection for inventory reviews expert selection for in-depth reviews of Annex I communications

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Sergey KONONOV Implementation Programme

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 11 June 2003 “Special meeting with UNFCCC national focal points on the UNFCCC rosters of experts” Sergey KONONOVImplementation Programme

  2. Background • UNFCCC roster of experts: • expert selection for inventory reviews • expert selection for in-depth reviews of Annex I communications • CDM roster of experts: • use for CDM tasks • Experience / problems / possible solutions

  3. Objectives • To present the current status of the UNFCCC roster of experts; • To report on the use of nominated experts by the UNFCCC secretariat; • To facilitate expert nominations for those Parties that have not yet presented or updated their nominations; • To introduce the roster of experts for the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).

  4. Outline (1/2) • Presentation 1: Introduction and status of the UNFCCC roster of experts (O. Pilifosova) • Presentation 2: Experts for inventory reviews (C. Breidenich) • Presentation 3: Experts for in-depth reviews of national communications (S. Kononov) • Demonstration 1: On-line nomination to the UNFCCC roster (O. Pilifosova / W. Otieno)

  5. Outline (2/2) • Presentation 4: The CDM roster of experts (K. Merce) • Demonstration 2: On-line application to the CDM roster of experts (M. Vartanian / K. Merce) • Questions & answers

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