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RiSE Project: Towards a Robust Framework for Software Reuse

Explore the RiSE Project, a robust framework for software reuse aiming to improve quality, productivity, and reduce costs for companies. Learn about the repository system, goals, and future endeavors in software engineering.

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RiSE Project: Towards a Robust Framework for Software Reuse

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  1. RiSE Project: Towards a Robust Framework for Software Reuse Eduardo Santana de Almeida esa2@cin.ufpe.br Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil

  2. Agenda • Motivation • A Brief survey on Software reuse • RiSE Project: Towards a Robust Framework for Software reuse • Context • The Repository system • RiSE’s goals • The Future • The Present • Concluding remarks and Future works Reuse in Software Engineering Group

  3. Motivation • Software reuse is a critical aspect for companies interested in the improvements • Quality • Productivity • Costs reduction But, How to aid companies to perform it? • Literature • Domain Engineering • Component-Based Development • Software Product Lines Reuse in Software Engineering Group

  4. Motivation (cont.) • Experiences • Previous experiences • Success and Failure models • Myths and Inhibitors Howto apply it outside its original context? Reuse in Software Engineering Group

  5. Motivation (cont.) • Research approach: • RiSE Project: A robust framework for reuse based on: • Partneship with Industry • Software reuse surveys{academia + industry} • Reuse, Processes, Repository • www.cin.ufpe.br/~rise • Goal:To Guide organizations in the adoption of a reuse program Reuse in Software Engineering Group

  6. A Brief Survey on Reuse • The beginning: • NATO Software Engineering Conference(1968) • Doug Mcllroy said: • “the software industry is weakly founded and one aspect of this weakness is the absence of a software component sub-industry” • After Mcllroy: research/evolution {DE, CBD, SPL} • Doug Mcllroy also again: • “To develop a useful inventory, money and talent will be need. Thus, the whole project is an improbable one for university research” Reuse in Software Engineering Group

  7. Sucess Factors • Informal research • Frakes & Isoda(1995) • Management, Measurement, Legal issues, Economics, Design for reuse, Libraries • Glass(1998) • Lack of components • Empirical research • Rine(1998) • SPL, DE, CBD, Tools ... • Morisio et. al(2002) • Reuse processes, Modify non-reuse processes, Human factors Reuse in Software Engineering Group

  8. Sucess Factors (cont.) • Empirical research • Rothenberger et. al(2003) • Planning • Formalized processes • Management support • Project similarity • Common architecture Reuse in Software Engineering Group

  9. RiSE Project: Towards a Robust Framework for Software Reuse • RiSE Group • 2 PhDs • 12 students(4 PhD, 5 MSc, 3 BSc) • Budget: $600.000(2 years, start: Jan 2005) • Customer:Brazilian Government • Partnership • Brazilian Software Factory • www.cin.ufpe.br/ ~rise Reuse in Software Engineering Group

  10. RiSE Project • Fundamental step to introduce reuse in companies • Technical and non-technical aspects Reuse in Software Engineering Group

  11. RiSE Project: The Repository System • Core of the project • Hard task to research and development • Main features • Storage • Search • Management • Distribution • Load balance …. Reuse in Software Engineering Group

  12. But, What are theRiSE’s goals? Reuse in Software Engineering Group

  13. This story starts in 2025 Reuse in Software Engineering Group

  14. …and Currently 2005 Reuse in Software Engineering Group

  15. RiSE{Initial}Solution • Open source • Java Projects • Plug-in Eclipse Reuse in Software Engineering Group

  16. Concluding Remarks and Future works • Robust framework for software reuse • Technical and non-technical aspects • Based on: • Studies related to state-of-the-art • Real problems • Academia + Industry • Future works • Reuse process {metrics, cost models, reengineering..} • Component certification process • Repository system • Tools Reuse in Software Engineering Group

  17. Financial Support Reuse in Software Engineering Group

  18. RiSE Project • More informations: • www.cin.ufpe.br/~rise • rise@cin.ufpe.br Reuse in Software Engineering Group

  19. Thanks and Good Luck!! Reuse in Software Engineering Group

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