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SCOUTING. Scouting , also known as the Scout Movement , is a worldwide youth movement with the stated aim of supporting young people in their physical, mental and spiritual development, so that they may play constructive roles in society.
Scouting, also known as theScout Movement, is a worldwideyouth movementwith the stated aim of supporting young people in their physical, mental and spiritual development, so that they may play constructive roles in society.
Scouting began in 1907 whenRobert Baden-Powell,Lieutenant Generalin theBritish Army, held thefirst Scouting encampmentatBrownseaIslandinEngland. Baden-Powell wrote the principles of Scouting inScouting for Boys(London, 1908), based on his earlier military books, with influence and support ofFrederick Russell Burnham(Chief of Scouts in British Africa),Setonof theWoodcraftIndians,Smithof theBoys' Brigade, and his publisherPearson.
During the first half of the 20th century, the movement grew to encompass three major age groups each for boys (Cub Scout,Boy Scout,Rover Scout) and, in 1910, a new organization, Girl Guides, was created for girls.
The Scoutuniformis a widely recognized characteristic of Scouting. In the words of Baden-Powell at the 1937 World Jamboree, it "hides all differences of social standing in a country and makes for equality; but, more important still, it covers differences of country and race and creed, and makes all feel that they are members with one another of the one great brotherhood".
The original uniform, still widely recognized, consisted of akhakibutton-up shirt, shorts, and a broad-brimmedcampaign hat. Baden-Powell also wore shorts, because he believed that being dressed like a Scout helped to reduce the age-imposed distance between adult and youth. Uniform shirts are now frequently blue, orange, red or green and shorts are frequently replaced by long trousers all year or only in winter.
THE FOUNDATION OF TURKISH SCOUT Scouting, being founded in England, after a short while, it was founded and named Keşşaflık in Turkey. There are different ideas about the founders of Scouting in our country.
1.According to the Scouting guide as of (dated) 1914 that belong to Gymnastics Teacher of Darüşşafaka and B. Sami Karayel the first founders of the Scouting were Nafi Atif KANSU and Ethem NEJAT.
The first departments of Scouting were founded at Darüşşafaka, Galatasaray and Istanbul High Schools. The regulations of Turkish Scouting were prepared extensively and implemented by the Ministry of Educatin in 1968.
Rıza BEDİZ, the director of Scouting Board of Istanbul City published his book named ‘ Scouting and Camps of Scouting’ in 1955. It was stated that according to his book Turkish Scouting was started in Galatasaray and Kabataş High School in Istanbul by Ahmet and Abdurrahman Robenson Brothers who were the Gymastics Teachers in 1909.
Even though the first Scouting movements seemed to be embraced by people, Balkan War got rid of this interest. After the war, in order to make Scouting popular Herold Parfit from Belgian Scouting Organisation was brought in Turkey in 1912. Parfit founded Scouting team. This foundation of Scouting in Turkey considered as of 1912
The first practising of Turkish Scouting was started on the Kağıthane ridge (Oymakbaşı Kursu). 16 Trainees were gratuated from this School. There were a lot of Scouting courses were founded in Istanbul.
The Scouting Schools were founded At the first year of Turkish Republic. The government delegated Ministery of Education to implement the Scouting. The book ‘Boy Scouting’ published by Baden POWELL was translated into Turkish Language in 1923.
The foundation of Scouting was put into practice by the Ministery of Education in 1926. Turkish Scouting gathered and attended the ceremony of Turkish Republic Day in Ankara in 1927.
On 12 May 1928 the constitution with regard to Turkish Scout no:(1246)was implemented. With this law, The schools and courses about Scouting were started to control by the government.
In 1949 “Boy Scouting” regulations were granted and implemented by the Turkish Grand National Assembly. The following years, the regulations about “Yavrukurt and Girl Scout” was prepared and implemented. In 1950 the integration of Turkish Scouting to World Scouting Organisation were accepted by WSO.
In 1955, The Scouting Association in Ankara and in 1957 The Scouting Association in Izmir were founded. The regulations of the The Turkish Scouting were prepared and implemented comprehensively by The Ministry of Education in 1968.The Scouting activities were handed over to The Ministry of Youth and Sport in 1970
The Turkish Girl Scouting become an alternate member of World Girl Scouting Organisation in 1972. After 1972 The Scouting continued to its existense between both Ministries and their Directorates until recently. In 1991 The Federation of Scouting was founded and the activities of its has been executed by the Federation.
Scout Oath • On my honor I will do my bestTo do my duty to God and my countryand to obey the Scout Law;To help other people at all times;To keep myself physically strong,mentally awake, and morally straight.