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Harnessing Nuclear Techniques for Food & Agriculture Prosperity

This program focuses on using nuclear techniques to enhance crop improvement, manage soil-water-crop nutrition, and control insect pests in agriculture. It aims to achieve sustainable food security, safety, and agricultural development.

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Harnessing Nuclear Techniques for Food & Agriculture Prosperity

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  1. Application of Nuclear Techniquesin Food and Agriculture Joint FAO/IAEA Programme of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture

  2. Atomic energy forpeace, health and prosperity to contribute to sustainable food security and safety by use of nuclear techniques and biotechnology Sustainable agricultural development, improved nutrition and food security Corporate Mission

  3. Our Goals: • Food Security • Food Safety • Sustainable Agriculture

  4. Nuclear Techniques Application in Food and Agriculture Insect Pest Control by Sterile Insect Techniques Animal Production & Health by RIA, ELISA, PCR, etc. Plant Breeding & Genetics by Mutation Techniques Food & Environmental Protection by Food Irradiation and Radio- analytical Techniques Soil & Water Management & Crop Nutrition by Isotopic and Nuclear Techniques

  5. 1. Crop improvement by mutation techniques • Variation is the source of evolution • Spontaneous mutation rate is 1×10-8 ~ 1×10-5 • Radiation can cause genetic changes in living organisms and increase mutation rate up to 1×10-5 ~ 1×10-2 • Induced mutation is useful for crop improvement • Induced mutants are not GMOs, as there is no introduction of foreign hereditary material into induced mutants Technical basis

  6. Crop improvement by mutation techniques negative mutation Mutant cultivars • Higher yielding • Disease-resistance • Well-adapted • Better nutrition no mutation

  7. Mutation techniques - Improving crop cultivars - Enhancing biodiversity - Increasing farmer’s income

  8. Others 611 Legumes 203 Oil crops 198 Cereals 1206 Flowers 454 Crop improvement by mutation techniques MUTANT VARIETIES (2006) Total Number : 2672 Plant Species : 170 Sources: FAO/IAEA Mutant Varieties Database

  9. Zhefu 802 (rice) 10.6 million ha China Schleswig- Holstein TAG24 (groundnut) 3 million ha India Diamant (barley) 2.86 million ha Europe Brandenburg Thuringia VND95-20 (rice) 280,000 ha Vietnam Baden- Wurttemberg & Bavaria Saarland The impact of mutation induction in crop improvement is measured in millions of ha and billions of $

  10. VND95-20 High quality Tolerance to salinity Key rice variety for export “National Prize of Science and Technology of Viet Nam 2005” for its “significant socio-economic contribution” VND99-3 High quality for export Short duration (100 days) 3 rice harvests per year in the Mekong Delta 8 new high quality rice mutant varieties have been developed and adopted by farmers in Vietnam, where rice export is one of their main revenues.

  11. Water Soil Crop Nutrition 2. Soil-Water-Crop Nutrition Management Isotopic and nuclear techniques

  12. 2. Soil-Water-Crop Nutrition Management Technical basis • Both stable and radioactive isotopes can be used as tracers in soil and water management & crop nutrition. • Isotopes are atoms with: • the same chemical properties, but different atomic weight (mass number). • the same number of protons but different neutrons. • different mass number (atomic weight). • Isotopes can be either stable or radioactive • stable isotopes: different masses (18O and 16O). • radioactive isotopes: radioactive decay (32P).

  13. 2. Soil-Water-Crop Nutrition Management 14N 32P 31P 13CO2 31P 12CO2 14N 15N 32P 31P 16O 13CO2 18O 12CO2 18O 16O 13C 12C

  14. 2. Soil-Water-Crop Nutrition Management • Enhance the efficient and sustainable use of soil-water-nutrient resources. • Quantify Biological Nitrogen Fixation. • Minimize effects of soil erosion and degradation. • Enhance water use efficiency by crops. • Select drought and salt-tolerant crops. • Evaluate effects of crop residue incorporation on soil stabilization and fertility enhancement. • Track and quantify off-site water (nutrients) losses beyond the plant rooting zone.

  15. C3 plants: d13C = -26 2. Soil-Water-Crop Nutrition Management Plants can be grouped according to 13C discrimination C4 plants: d13C = -12 12CO2 (99%) 13CO2 (1%) (maize, sorghum, sugarcane, some tropical herbs) (rice, wheat, forest, vegetation)

  16. 2. Soil-Water-Crop Nutrition Management FRN with precipitation (P) Resulting soil level Erosion site 137Cs < P Deposition site 137Cs >P Original soil level

  17. 2. Soil-Water-Crop Nutrition Management Using isotopic and nuclear techniques, Agency supported studies show that: • Soil conservation measures improved land productivity and reduced soil erosion rates by 55-90% in Chile, China, Morocco, Romania and Vietnam. • Improved yield and revenue by 25-50% while reduced water use by the same extent in Chile, Jordan, Syria and Uzbekistan. • 10-15 % increase in P utilization efficiency in Mexico and Burkina Faso. • 30% increase in BNF through improved soil and crop management practices and genotype selection in Asia and Africa.

  18. 3. Insect Pest Control by SIT Technical basis • Radiation is used to induce lethal mutations in chromosomes of insect pests to causesterility. • Sterile males are released into the wild where they compete with wild males for matings with wild females. • SIT relies on: • mass production of the target pest • sterilization and shipment • inundative releases mostly by air • matings result in no offspring • SIT integrated with other pest control methods is applied for suppression, containment, or even eradication.

  19. Wild 3. Insect Pest Control by SIT Sterile Gamma Radiation Sterile No Offspring (BIRTH CONTROL)

  20. deployment of insecticide- treated targets or traps treatment of cattle with trypanocides treatment of cattle with insecticides aerial release of sterile flies Insect Pest Population Density ERADICATION months Integrated Pest Management With SIT Component

  21. Major Achievements • In Chile, fruit and vegetable exports have climbed to US $1.6 billion in 2005 as a result of fruit fly-free status. • Medfly-free status in Mexico translates to annual savings of US $2 billion in reduced crop losses and pesticide costs, and access to export markets. • In Zanzibar, eradication of tsetse and trypanosomiasis resulted in very significant increases of meat and milk production, as well as crop productivity SIT developed and transferred to over 30 Member States with substantial socio-economic impact:

  22. Fruit fly free areas (FFFA) FFFA in progress Exports of bell peppers and tomatoes from Central America to the USA (2004-2006) Overcoming phytosanitary trade barriers to facilitate access of high-value crops to lucrative export markets

  23. TSETSE ERADICATION PROJECT ETHIOPIA (2000 – 2006) Block-1 60% reduction in disease prevalence

  24. 4. Animal Production & Health Technical basis • RIA is used to measure the presence of the reproductive hormone progesterone through immunological definition • Isotope I-125 is used as a label to enable the immunological reaction to be assayed • Disease diagnosis using molecular tools (PCR-ELISA) • DNA assisted selection for productivity and disease resistance • Production of safe standard reagents by irradiation • Evaluation of locally available feeds to overcome nutritional deficiencies

  25. 80 cm DNA-Assisted Selection 4. Animal Production & Health Sample DNA (blood, hair, milk) Identify superior genes Measure productivity Develop nuclear-related test for selection and breeding

  26. Efficient Utilization of Locally Grown Feeds 4. Animal Production & Health Local plant materials Feed to livestock Tissue sampling to assay isotope distribution Label with isotope e.g. 15N,13C18 Nutrients dispersed throughout body

  27. Use of isotope related techniques in disease management Is this cow vaccinated? Take blood Run ELISA Vaccinate Protected Analyze the result

  28. Combat Bird Flu Combat Bird Flu Reducing Health Risks through the early, rapid and sensitive serological and molecular detection (such as ELISA and PCR)

  29. 4. Animal Production & Health MajorAchievements • Diagnostic technologies developed and transferred to more then 70 Member States • Rinderpest, Brucellosis, FMD, CBPP, Newcastle Disease, Trypanosomiasis • Network for DNA analysis established in Asia • Diagnostic Standards available for FMD, with other diseases in pipeline • Specific feeding regimes developed in more than 30 Member States

  30. 4. Animal Production & Health Pan African Rinderpest Campaign • IAEA was involved in the development and validation of ELISA tests, the training of veterinarians and equipping Member State laboratories • Established diagnostic capacity • Introduced epidemiology • Sero-monitoring to verify vaccination coverage • Surveillance to monitor outbreaks • Epidemiological surveys to declare freedom of disease • Rinderpest is today nearly eradicated worldwide!

  31. 5. Food and Environmental Protection Technical basis • Food irradiation is the treatment of food by ionizing radiation • Radiation at appropriate doses can kill harmful pests, bacteria, or parasites, and extend shelf-life of foods. • Isotopic techniques are employed to monitor foods for contamination with agrochemicals • optimizing sample preparation by radioisotopes • detectingcontaminant by electron capture detector

  32. Several energy sources can be used to irradiate food • Gamma Rays • Electron Beams • X-rays


  34. More than60 countries permit the application of irradiation in over 50 different foods An estimated 500,000 tons of food are irradiated annually About 180 Cobalt-60 irradiation facilities and a dozen electron beam (EB) machines are used to treat foods worldwide More and more countries accept the use of irradiation as a phytosanitary measure Application of Food Irradiation

  35. Atoms for Food and Agriculture: Meeting the Challenge

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