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Papyrus for RealTime - an open-source UML-RT tool

Papyrus for RealTime - an open-source UML-RT tool. Charles Rivet Senior Product Manager Zeligsoft charles@zeligsoft.com. Complex Systems Projects. successful. Long history of model use. My personal experience…. CAE ROSE tm (1992). My personal experience….

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Papyrus for RealTime - an open-source UML-RT tool

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  1. Papyrus for RealTime- an open-source UML-RT tool Charles Rivet Senior Product Manager Zeligsoft charles@zeligsoft.com

  2. Complex Systems Projects successful Long history of model use ECNA 2015 : Papyrus for Real Time - an open-source UML-RT tool

  3. My personal experience… CAE ROSEtm (1992) ECNA 2015 : Papyrus for Real Time - an open-source UML-RT tool

  4. My personal experience… ObjecTime Developer Rational Rose Rational Rose Real Time IBM RSA-RTE ECNA 2015 : Papyrus for Real Time - an open-source UML-RT tool

  5. All Proprietary! All Rather Old… Some seeing their new license revenue decreasing… ECNA 2015 : Papyrus for Real Time - an open-source UML-RT tool

  6. Open Source • Open source adoption is growing worldwide(5-22% YtY from 2004 to 2014) 1 • Number of Open Source projects doubles every 14 months (as of January 2014) 2 • 140% increase in interest from 2010 to 2014 (4 years) 3 • Open source thrives when there is an associated stable commercial offering 1 Forester Research, varies by geo and year 2 SAP Research 3 NCX Group ECNA 2015 : Papyrus for Real Time - an open-source UML-RT tool

  7. The time is now! To Modernize To Open ECNA 2015 : Papyrus for Real Time - an open-source UML-RT tool

  8. Proposed! ECNA 2015 : Papyrus for Real Time - an open-source UML-RT tool

  9. Papyrus for Real Time Provides a DSML tailored to complex, real-time embedded system development. Provide a common, unifying metamodel for many approaches: UML-RT, xtUML, RT-UML, … In Progress 1st ECNA 2015 : Papyrus for Real Time - an open-source UML-RT tool

  10. Papyrus for Real Time – DSML (UML-RT) ECNA 2015 : Papyrus for Real Time - an open-source UML-RT tool

  11. A good DSML is not enough…We also need: Code generation Xtend (to C++) OPEN In a CDT project ECNA 2015 : Papyrus for Real Time - an open-source UML-RT tool

  12. A good DSML is not enough…And we also need: Runtime services Code generation Xtend (to C++) OPEN OPEN Portable C++ In a CDT project ECNA 2015 : Papyrus for Real Time - an open-source UML-RT tool

  13. But enough talk! ECNA 2015 : Papyrus for Real Time - an open-source UML-RT tool

  14. Let’s Look at it! (A.k.a., Demo Time…) ECNA 2015 : Papyrus for Real Time - an open-source UML-RT tool

  15. Check out the project https://projects.eclipse.org/proposals/papyrus-real-time-papyrus-rt or http://bit.ly/Papyrus-RTProject And in case you missed it: Charles Rivet Senior Product Manager Zeligsoft charles@zeligsoft.com ECNA 2015 : Papyrus for Real Time - an open-source UML-RT tool

  16. Thank you! And don’t forget… ECNA 2015 : Papyrus for Real Time - an open-source UML-RT tool

  17. Evaluate the sessions Sign in: www.eclipsecon.org +1 0 -1

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