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Superficial muscles of the back . Kaan Yücel M.D., Ph.D. 05.March.2014 Wednesday. MUSCLES OF THE BACK Extrinsic back muscles Superficial group Movements of the upper limb Intermediate group Attached to the ribs May serve as a respiratory function.
Superficial muscles of the back Kaan Yücel M.D., Ph.D 05.March.2014 Wednesday
MUSCLES OF THE BACK • Extrinsic back muscles • Superficial group • Movementsof the upperlimb • Intermediate group • Attached to the ribs • May serve as a respiratory function. • Intrinsic (deep) back muscles • Act on the vertebralcolumn • Itsmovements • Maintainposture
SUPERFICIAL GROUP OF BACK MUSCLES Immediatelydeep to the skin and superficial fascia. Connectedwith the shoulder girdle. Attachthe superior part of the appendicular skeleton (clavicle, scapula, and humerus) to the axial skeleton (skull, ribs, and vertebral column).
SUPERFICIAL GROUP OF BACK MUSCLES Produceand control limb movements. Trapezius Latissimusdorsi Rhomboid major Rhomboid minor Levator scapulae
TRAPEZIUS Coversposterioraspect of neck & superiorhalf of trunk trapezium (G. irregularfour-sidedfigure)
TRAPEZIUS muscle'sorigin: base of triangle situated along vertebral column muscle'sinsertion: apexpointingtoward tip of shoulder Occipital bone Scapula Vertebralcolumn
TRAPEZIUS attachesthepectoralgirdle tocranium & vertebralcolumn assistsin suspendingtheupperlimb.
TRAPEZIUS • Descending (superior) fibers elevate the scapula • (e.g., when squaring the shoulders). • Middle fibers • retract the scapula • (i.e., pull it posteriorly). • Ascending (inferior) fibers depress the scapula and • lower the shoulder.
TRAPEZIUS • Superiorfibers of trapezius • fromtheskullandupperportion of thevertebralcolumn • descendtoattachto • lateral 1/3 clavicle & acromion of scapula.
TRAPEZIUS Lateral 1/3 C7 to T12 Spine of scapula
TRAPEZIUS • Superior nuchal line • External occipital protuberance Ligamentumnuchae Spinousprocesses of C7 to T12 Lateral 1/3 of clavicle Acromion Spine of scapula
TRAPEZIUS • Superiorandinferiorfibersworktogether • torotatethelateralaspect of thescapulaupward, whichneedstooccurwhenraisingtheupperlimbabovethehead.
TRAPEZIUS Thetrapeziusalsobracestheshouldersbypullingthescapulaeposteriorlyandsuperiorly, fixingthem in position on thethoracicwallwithtoniccontraction; consequently, weakness of thismusclecausesdrooping of theshoulders.
TRAPEZIUS • Motor innervation of trapeziusaccessorynerve [XI] • descendsfromtheneckontothedeepsurface of themuscle. • Proprioceptivefibersfromtrapeziuspass in thebranches of thecervicalplexusandenterthespinalcord at spinalcordlevels C3 &C4.
LATTISIUMUS DORSI L. widest of back Beginsin thelowerportion of theback Tapers as it ascendsto a narrowtendonthatattachestothehumerusanteriorly.
LATTISIUMUS DORSI Posterioraxillaryfold
LATTISIUMUS DORSI • Spinous processes of T7 to L5 • Sacrum • Iliac crest • Ribs 10 to 12 • Floor of intertubercular sulcus of humerus
LATTISIUMUS DORSI • Passesfromthetrunktothehumerus. • Actsdirectly on theglenohumeraljoint. • Actsindirectlyon thepectoralgirdle.
LATTISIUMUS DORSI Extend Adducthumerus (arm,upperlimb) Mediallyrotate Apley scratch test. can alsodepresstheshoulder, preventingitsupwardmovement
LATTISIUMUS DORSI • Incombinationwithpectoralismajor • powerfuladductor of thehumerus • playsa major role in • downwardrotation of thescapula in associationwiththismovement.
LATTISIUMUS DORSI • alsouseful in restoringtheupperlimbfromabductionsuperiortotheshoulder; importantin climbing.
LATTISIUMUS DORSI In conjunction withpectoralis major, raises the trunk to the arm, performing chin-ups or climbing a tree
LATTISIUMUS DORSI Innervation: thoracodorsalnerve
Levatorscapulae Superior 1/3 deeptosternocleidomastoid Inferior 1/3 deeptotrapezius
Levatorscapulae Upper portion medial border of scapulasuperiortoroot of spine of scapula
Levatorscapulae actswiththedescendingpart of thetrapeziustoelevatethescapula, orfixit! resistsforcesthatwoulddepress it, as whencarrying a load.
Levatorscapulae • Withrhomboids & pectoralisminor, • rotatesthescapula, • depressingtheglenoidcavity • rotatingthelateralaspect of scapulainferiorly
Levatorscapulae • Actingbilaterally(alsowiththetrapezius), thelevatorsextendtheneck. • Actingunilaterally, maycontributetolateralflexion of theneck • towardtheside of theactivemuscle.
rhomboID MAJOR • RHOMBOID MINOR Deeptotrapezius, inferiortolevatorscapulae Broadparallelbands Passinferolaterallyfromvertebraetomedialborder of scapulae
RHOMBOID MINOR • Lower portion of ligamentumnuchae • Spinous processes of C7 and T1 • Medial border of scapula at the spine of scapula
RHOMBOID major • Spinous processes of T3 to T5 • Medial border of scapula between spine &inferior angle
RHOMBOID major et mInor Retract (adduct) and elevate scapula • Assistserratusanteriorin holding thescapulaagainstthethoracicwallandfixingthescapuladuringmovements of theupperlimb.
Innervation:dorsal scapular nervebranch of brachial plexus C4 & C5
SerratusposterIor SUPERIOR SERRATUS POSTERIOR INFERIOR Deeptothemuscles in thesuperficialgroup Relatedtothemovements of thethoraciccage Superficialrespiratorymuscles Morelikelyproprioceptiveratherthan motor in function .
Serratusposteriorsuperiorliesdeeptotherhomboids Serratusposteriorinferiorliesdeeptothelatissimusdorsi .
SerratusposterIor SUPERIOR SERRATUS POSTERIOR INFERIOR • attachedtothevertebralcolumnandassociatedstructuresmedially • Eitherdescend (fibers of serratusposteriorsuperior) orAscend (fibers of serratusposteriorinferior) • toattachtotheribs. • Thesetwomusclesthereforeelevateanddepresstheribs .
SerratusposterIor SUPERIOR SERRATUS POSTERIOR INFERIOR . • Lower portion of ligamentumnuchae • Spinous processes of C7 to T3 • Supraspinousligaments • Upper border of ribs 2 to 5 • just lateral to their angles • Spinous processes of T11 to L3 • Supraspinous ligaments Lower border of ribs 9 to 12 just lateral to their angles
SerratusposterIor SUPERIOR SERRATUS POSTERIOR INFERIOR • firstfourintercostalspinelnerves . • lastfourintercostalspinelnerves