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First international meeting on Language learning in tandem : past , present and future. Daniela Nogueira de Moraes Garcia- UNESP ( FAPESP 2013- 24800-6) Márcia Fernanda Amaral Fontes- VCU Maria do Rosário Gomes Lima da Silva- UNESP.
Firstinternational meeting onLanguagelearning in tandem: past, presentand future Daniela Nogueira de Moraes Garcia- UNESP (FAPESP 2013- 24800-6) Márcia Fernanda Amaral Fontes- VCU Maria do Rosário Gomes Lima da Silva- UNESP Institutional Implementation of Teletandem: challenges and procedures towards languages teaching and learning
TTB Partners University of Washington
TELETANDEM “It is a new distance and computer assisted mode of learning foreign languages in-tandem that makes extemporaneous use of oral and written production, reading and listening comprehension and webcam images of the participants.” (TELLES, 2006, 2009; TELLES e VASSALLO, 2006, 2009; VASSALLO e TELLES, 2006, 2009)
Implementation then and now Then... Personal
Applicants would apply by filling a form and then receive a message from the Coordinator of the Project when paired up with a foreign student with the same profile; • No attendance of an instructor; • Autonomy to decide when, how and how long;
Now... Institutional • Partneruniversitiescontact UNESP Teletandem Center professors so that the Brazilian center can create interaction groups; • Main issues to be considered: number of students, dates and time changes • Orientations sessions can be provided • Instructors accompany their groups to their home lab facilities for Teletandem sessions
Foreign students have their sessions during their regular Portuguese class, which means, same time and same group the entire semester, whereas for Brazilian students time changes accordingly and as it is not their regular foreign language class, they apply for a certain group as a volunteer study according to their time availability. • Time changes - Brazilian instructors and students have to fit foreign universities demand or requests. • School calendar is something else to adjust for both parts. • Teletandem practice cannot be part of UNESP Letras course curriculum for the reasons above. What some professors do is to encourage students to practice the foreign language by considering the session hours as part of foreign language lab activities, still voluntarily.
TELETANDEM as part of Portuguese language Curriculum • Standards for Foreign Language Learning
LinguaFolio Background • Online portfolio assessment tool • Initial Development • Inspired by European Language Portfolio • Developed & piloted by NCSSFL • Based on ACTFL Guidelines • CASLS’ Involvement • Online version funded by NFLC • Delivered to STARTALK students • 5-year grant (2009-2014)
Autonomy Autonomous learners… • Understand the purpose of their learning • Responsible for their learning • Set learning goals • Plan and execute learning activities • Regularly review their learning - David Little, 2011
Resources • Sanako Lab System 1200 • Sanako Record • Web 2.0 Resources • Youtube • Google translator • Facebook
Reference • ACTFL, AATF, AATG, AATI, AATSP, ACL, ACTR, CLASS AND NCJLT-ATJ. (n.d.). National standards for foreign language education. Retrieved from https://www.actfl.org/advocacy/discover-languages/advocacy/discover-languages/advocacy/discover-languages/resources-1?pageid=3392 • Belz, A. J. (2003). Linguistic Perspectives on the Development of Intercultural Competence in Telecollaboration.Language Learning & Technology, 7(2), 68-117. • BERNIE , T., & CHARLES , F. (2009). What 21st century skills are. Retrieved from http://www.21stcenturyskillsmn.org/What_They_Are.html • CANNON, R & NEWBLE, D 2000, A Handbook for Teachers in University and Colleges, 4th edn, Kogan Page, London, pp. 16-17 • CASLS, C. F. A. S. L. S. (n.d.). Linguafolio online. Retrieved from http://casls.uoregon.edu/pages/tools/linguafolio.php • Cziko, G. A. (2004). Electronic Tandem Language Learning (eTandem): A Third Approach to Second Language Learning for the 21st Century. Calico Journal, 22,1, 25-39.
Garcia, D. N. M. (2013). O Que os Pares de Teletandem (Não) Negociam. São Paulo: UNESP. Retrieved from http://www.editoraunesp.com.br/catalogo/9788539304165,que-os-pares-deteletandem--nao--negociam-o • Garcia, D. N. M. (2010). Teletandem: Acordos E Negociações Entre Os Pares. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Unesp) Retrieved from http://www.teletandembrasil.org/site/docs/garcia.pdf • Karpova, E., Correia, A.-P., & Baran, E. (2009). Learn to Use and Use to Learn: Technology in Virtual Collaboration Experience. Internet and Higher Education, 12,1, 45-52. • Little, D. (1999). Evaluating tandem language learning by e-mail: Report on a bilateral project. Dublin: Trinity College. • SHEPARD, LORRIE A, 2000.The Role of Assessment in a leaning Culture. Educational Researcher 29 no 7: 4014 • Schwienhorst, K. (1998a). Matching pedagogy and technology- Tandem learning and learner autonomy in online virtual language environments. R. Soetaert, E. De Man, G. Van Belle. Language Teaching On-Line. , 115-127. • Telles, J. A. (2009). Teletandem: Um Contexto Virtual, Autônomo E Colaborativo Para Aprendizagem De Línguas Estrangeiras No Século XXI. Campinas: Pontes.
Telles, J. A., & Vassallo, M. L. (2006). Foreign language learning in- tandem: Teletandem as an alternative proposal in CALLT. (27 ed., Vol. 2, pp. 189-212). CALLT: The ESPecialist. • Thorne, S. L., Leu, D., Coiro, J., Lankshear, C., & Knobel, M. (2008). Mediating Technologies and Second Language Learning.Handbook of Research on New Literacies, 417-449. • Corrêa, E. G. (2010). Reseña de "Educação sem distância: As tecnologias interativas na redução de distâncias em ensino e aprendizagem" de Romero Tori. Eccos Scientific Journal, 12(1), 241. • Ware, P. D., & Kramsch, C. (2005). Toward an Intercultural Stance: Teaching German and English through Telecollaboration. . The Modern Language Journal, 89(ii), 190-205.
THANK YOU Contact: Daniela Nogueira de Moraes Garcia : dany7garcia@gmail.com Marcia Fernanda Amaral Fontes: mftsyc@gmail.com Maria do Rosário Gomes Lima da Silva: mrosario@assis.unesp.br