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MRS. KOPACZ's SCIENCE SPOT 2014-2015 Room 21 akopacz@husd.us http://mrsksciencespot.weebly.com. Class Participation. Am I working on the warm up when I walk into class? Am I following the agenda on the board? Am I working cooperatively with my lab or group?
MRS. KOPACZ's SCIENCE SPOT 2014-2015 Room 21 akopacz@husd.us http://mrsksciencespot.weebly.com Class Participation • Am I working on thewarm up when I walk into class? • Am I following the agenda on the board? • Am I working cooperatively with my lab or group? • Am I doing mybest workor rushing to complete it? • Am I staying on topicduring • class discussions and group work or am I talking socially? • Do I have a positive attitude? • Do I lend a helping handwhen needed? Glue this side down into your science notebook Classroom Rules 1) Work as a TEAM 2) Be RESPONSIBLE 3) LISTEN to others 4) Be RESPECTFULto everyone 5) Be KIND and HELPFUL 6) Do your BEST Class Materials Bring to class everyday 1.Interactive Science Notebook 2.Pencil with eraser 3.Colored pencils 4.Glue or tape 5.Scissors Mrs. Kopacz 7th Grade Science Kept at home 1.Textbook.
Classroom Rules MRS. KOPACZ's SCIENCE SPOT 2014-2015 Room 21 akopacz@husd.us http://mrsksciencespot.weebly.com Class Participation • Am I working on the warm up when I walk into class? • Am I following the agenda on the board? • Am I working cooperatively with my lab or group? • Am I doing my best work or rushing to complete it? • Am I staying on topic during • class discussions and group work or am I talking socially? • Do I have a positive attitude? • Do I lend a helping hand when needed? Glue this side down into your science notebook Classroom Rules 1) Work as a _________________ 2) Be _______________________ 3) ___________________ to others 4) Be _______________________ to everyone 5) Be ____________________ and ____________________________ 6) Do your ___________________ Class Materials Bring to class everyday 1.Interactive Science Notebook 2.Pencil with eraser 3.Colored pencils 4.Glue or tape 5.Scissors Mrs. Kopacz 7th Grade Science Kept at home 1.Textbook.
Classroom Rules Grading Breakdown Interactive Science Notebook Frequently Asked Questions 1. What if I am absent from class? It is your responsibility to make-up any assignments or tests in a timely manner when you return from an Absence. During the last 5 minutes of class copy the missing activities and Bellwork from the teachers notebook or a classmate. If you need to make-up a test you must make arrangements with the teacher during the last 5 minutes of class. Tests can only be made up before school or during lunch. If you have access to the Internet at home you may e-mail me at:akopacz@husd.us and ask for missing work. 2. What if I am late to class? You are late to class if you are not inside the classroom when the bell rings. You must: (1) Walk in quietly making as little noise as possible. (2) Sign-in at the Tardy Sheet. If you have a pass leave it in the folder. (3) Take your assigned seat. (4) Join the activity in progress. 3. Can I use my cell phone? If I hear it or see it I will take it. Your parents may collect it from the office after school. 4. Can I bring food and drink to class? When given permission by the teacher. Water is allowed as long as it remains in a bottle. 5. What if I need to use the bathroom? You will be given three passes, when you need to use the bathroom you will give up one of those passes. 7. What if I finish my assignment early? If you finish an assignment early, you can: a) read independently b) work on an assignment for another class c) write d) draw e) work on extra credit. DO NOT TALK OR DISTURB OTHERS. The Interactive Notebook is a professional collection of all work completed by the student within 7th grade science. Within a unit studied in life science, there will be a collection of activities, labs, reflections, projects, and information. A specific format for setting up the notebook will be modeled and reinforced in class. I will keep a copy of the updated notebook as a reference. The ISN is a very important part of each of the student’s grades. The ISN will be checked approximately every four weeks. Always have your ISN with you in class or you will fall behind. Class Behavior It is expected that all students will conduct themselves in a safe, responsible and respectful manner. They will obey all class and school rules. Everyone must allow the teacher to teach and the students to learn. REWARDS I will recognize students who choose responsible behavior by offering them to select a reward from the Rewards poster if they have no marks next to their name for two consecutive weeks. CONSEQUENCES: 1st: Warning 2nd: Detention (10 min.) & written assignment 3rd: Detention (30 min.) & written assignment 4th: Call parents (and/or send note home) 5th: Referral Severe: Steps 4 &5 Teacher Contact Mrs. A. Kopacz Room 21 akopacz@husd.us (510) 784-2600 Signatures Student:____________________ Parent:_____________________