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Rediscovering Grace: Lessons from Colossians 1:1-14

Delve into Colossians 1:1-14 and uncover Paul's teachings on salvation, prayer, and living a life worthy of the Lord. Learn how God's grace saves, empowers, and transforms us.

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Rediscovering Grace: Lessons from Colossians 1:1-14

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Remembering what we have in Christ Jesus! Colossians 1:1-14

  2. Background Information! • Colossians was written around 60 a.d. • Epaphras & Philemon started this church. • Paul was in prison in Rome. • Theme: Colossians 1:18 • Problems Paul is addressing: Gnosticism & Jewish Legalism.

  3. Paul the Encourager!(vs.1-8) • Paul knew that God had sought him out and saved him and then called him. • The Ripple Affect • God gives us salvation! • God gave us His Word! • We are saved by God’s Grace! • The church must encourage one another & we must always be sharing the Gospel!

  4. We must pray unceasingly!(v.9) • Prayer changes things! • Paul prays for knowledge of His will. • Paul also prays for spiritual wisdom & understanding. • Gnosticism & Jewish legalism was a problem for the church in Colossae. • What issues are you struggling with? • Pray about them unceasingly!

  5. Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord!(vs.10-12) • “to please Him” • “bearing fruit in every good work” • “increasing in the knowledge of God” • “strengthened with all power” • Steadfastness • Patience • Joyously giving thanks D.L. Moody said, “Every Bible should be bound in shoe leather.”

  6. God has delivered us!(vs.13-14) • Never forget that as Believers, it is God who rescued us. • He not only rescued us, but He also transferred our names to the Lambs Book of Life. • God redeemed us and forgave our sin completely through Jesus Christ.

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